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ml1201 03-25-2015 08:45 AM

And I usually play games too much. XD

Demonskid 03-25-2015 10:11 AM

I need more games Dx

I'm waiting for Aeria games to release their next MMO -3- I haven't felt like MMO's lately though Dx I have no one to play with and when I meet people to play with they all turn out to be more than casual gamers and complain when I poof from time to time. =o=

ml1201 03-25-2015 10:34 AM

If you had Diablo II I'd ask you to play with me. XD

Demonskid 03-25-2015 11:01 AM

yea I am picky with my graphics, i like games like Eden Eternal and Aura Kingdom. the game that is coming out, i'll be WAY out of my comfort zone cause its not cute =o=

ml1201 03-25-2015 11:13 AM

So you wouldn't like Diablo II because of the blood/gore violence and demonic references? x'D Not to mention people murdered/nude in the game? And angry cows coming after you with pikes? x'D

Demonskid 03-25-2015 11:47 AM

I just like big eyes and cute pets and adorable costumes ouo

-the cat ears-

ml1201 03-25-2015 12:53 PM

lol, then Diablo is not for you because it came out almost fifteen years ago. XD

Demonskid 03-25-2015 02:18 PM

Fen wanted me to play the installment that came out 2-3 years ago.. D3 was it? o3o

every one seems to like the game. I also prefer the free to play games... That way I won't feel bad when i get bored. o3o, if I buy a game, I'd rather it be like Okami or Final Fantasy (for the consoles and not online, though I would like to try FF14) something with a proper ending.. not something that never ends and just dies out when it loses players

Ah! I started GTO =w= I tried watching Shinobi Girl but I couldn't stomach the 3 minutes I watched.. too fake.. but.. GTO (the newer show) with Akira playing Onizuka, It's awesome x3

I'm here "AH! I remember that from the anime!" or "Ah! That was from the original Drama!" x'D love it. I kinda wish we have Teachers Like him x3 make school interesting

Ah here's a link to the J-Drama CR seems to have the anime too x3 I might re-watch it. I need to get the manga. never did get to read the manga.

AHhhh The anime's opening theme song is "Drivers High" by LA'rc~En~Ciel.. I love that song but now when it starts up on my iPod, when the car revs, I just see a toilet being flushed and a cute nekkie anime guy coming out of the bathroom o3o,

I love how the japanese 'yankees' say 'Yoroshiku' they do that tongue roll thing on the 'ro' part >x< I can't do that.. ;-;

ml1201 03-25-2015 04:19 PM

Well, Diablo II is free to play and has quests that make up the plot for it. The expansion does also add new content and you can probably get the normal and expansion version cheap somewhere. This game does not require you to play with other people, nor to go online to the 'official' multiplayer things (its called Battlenet) if you don't want to. But you can join friends and stuff through a net connection and have your own game going. XD

Demonskid 03-25-2015 04:24 PM

yea but it still isn't cute, i'm girly only with my MMOs xD

ml1201 03-25-2015 05:13 PM

But its not an MMO. XD Its a traditional PC game. XD Came out about 12-13 years ago at least. XD I wish they made another game mechanics wise like it, but everything keeps going like the MMOs. :/

Demonskid 03-25-2015 06:35 PM

pass o3o

3:< Crunchyroll needs to fix their apps.

ml1201 03-25-2015 09:39 PM

You don't know what you're missing DK, you can become a druid that can shape change into a wolf/bear and one other thing but I forget what it was. x'D

Demonskid 03-25-2015 11:55 PM

o3o the one game i played I could change into a tiger. forget which one..

and there is another game where i can transform into something but i disliked that game >o>

I think I can transform in Eden Eternal too .. can't remember which class that was though xD

@-@ It's so late, i gotta be up early tomorrow.. going to get my wrist brace.. i asked the stupid doc for 1 for each arm.. she just got me one for my right. and watch its going to be a shitty one. I shoulda just gone to dr kopey =o=

My CR app for my BluRay Player sucks.. ono it will be at one of those points in the show where you are wiggling in your seat trying not to jump at the tv in suspense then.. poof.. it freezes =o=

ml1201 03-26-2015 05:25 PM

lol, glad I watch it on my dad's computer. XD I promise to at least try watching the Hero show tomorrow when I have time. ;)

Demonskid 03-26-2015 06:18 PM

I like the bigger tv screen o3o

i'm gonna have to get a hdmi cord for my pc that goes to my tv o3o

I hope you'll like Hero ^-^

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