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Demonskid 06-01-2013 11:56 AM
Feebas ~ F ~ Lv:24 ~ Exp: 175o ~ Beauty: 162
Splash ::

I am reading the black & white manga x3

Rosekitten 06-01-2013 12:19 PM

i stopped trying to read any of the stories back at like yellow i think xD

i read some of the comics people make on DA where they follow the game and add twists to it (also if a pokemon faints it dies) lol

Demonskid 06-01-2013 12:31 PM
Feebas ~ F ~ Lv:24 ~ Exp: 2ooo ~ Beauty: 164
Splash ::

I'd cry if my pokemon died when it fainted ;-;

mom came home and handed me a 100 dollar bill o-o i never held a bill this big before

Rosekitten 06-01-2013 12:38 PM

Well its just for the comic/story sake i forget what its called. Im half tempted to try to write one for my harvest moon game xD (be different right haha) though then i think of all of the pages id have to draw for it and i already have enough work in the art department .w.

xD really? then again i don't count.. one year my dad gave me a 100 for my birthday or something.. i forget. the one time he helped out anyway

Demonskid 06-01-2013 01:18 PM
Feebas ~ F ~ Lv:25 ~ Exp: o ~ Beauty: 166
Splash ::

its going toward my kindle :)

Rosekitten 06-01-2013 01:20 PM

ah nice :D

Hubbie has a nexus tablet or something.. I dunno I never use it even if it is like 100 times faster then my laptop D;

Demonskid 06-01-2013 01:23 PM
Feebas ~ F ~ Lv:25 ~ Exp: 25o ~ Beauty: 168
Splash ::

I'm getting it so i can read my scandilated manga and for the apps :3

Rosekitten 06-01-2013 01:28 PM

i hardly use apps so >w<

i keep saying that i'll use the tablet for books or something (i would rather read paper..) i more or less agreed to getting it because it was something he wanted >.>; it was 'our' xmas gift from his mom. I didn't really want it and i think its a waste of money heh.

ugh plus he wants to get a new phone. Rather he asks if i want it or if i want his old on and kinda guilt trips me a bit. I know he wants the new one so i was like i don't care i don't like your old phone but what else is new i hated with a passion my old phone.. im glad it died (even if it had help from a certain baby chewing on it)

Demonskid 06-01-2013 03:04 PM
Feebas ~ F ~ Lv:25 ~ Exp: 5oo ~ Beauty: 17o
Splash ::

The apps i'm getting are zKanji, Anki, and Human Japanese. and i have a few book series I want to get.. I have no physical space for books.. my manga shelf is nearly full x.x, so virtual books i'ma go for from now on.. I wish I'd be saving a tree but it doesn't work like that =( they choose what and how much to print. I'm SOOO buying anne rice's new werewolf series for it >w< I wish the pokemon manga i like were in kindle format =(

Rosekitten 06-01-2013 05:38 PM

i don't have space for books either or money when a ebook is like 3 and a real one is like lord knows D:

i dont really have the time to read anyway D; the baby keeps me more then busy and id rather spend my free time drawing to be honest.

Demonskid 06-01-2013 05:41 PM
Feebas ~ F ~ Lv:25 ~ Exp: 75o ~ Beauty: 172
Splash ::

There are very few books that i like =( so my kindle is gonna be full of manga. x3

Rosekitten 06-01-2013 05:44 PM

I haven't looked up manga in so long.. not sure I'd know where to begin. Most of the series I started back in the day were canceled lol

Demonskid 06-01-2013 05:50 PM
Feebas ~ F ~ Lv:25 ~ Exp: 1ooo ~ Beauty: 174
Splash ::

one of the canceled manga that i've been waiting for has started back up! :3

Rosekitten 06-01-2013 06:13 PM

Demonskid 06-01-2013 06:22 PM
Feebas ~ F ~ Lv:25 ~ Exp: 125o ~ Beauty: 176
Splash ::

Desert Coral says its finished in japan so you might be able to find scandalations of it. o-o

Rosekitten 06-01-2013 07:53 PM

o_O really i thought it was canceled i could never find anything on it .. though this was quite a few years ago.. like back when there was a book store in the mall still xD (so like 2006 or 07? lol)

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