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NikkoGallarado 11-25-2010 09:12 PM

They are yummy. And would you like some Angel? I hand to change it Rainy people said the two Japanese girls where scary.

Sadrain 11-25-2010 09:12 PM

Juneberry! -hugglesnuggles- How are you? C:

Juneberry 11-25-2010 09:14 PM

Sadrain: <3 -clings- I'm alright, and you? I haven't talked to you in ages ;-; Neat stuff in your signature by the by~

Sadrain 11-25-2010 09:15 PM

O: I see. Yea, I think I know only one manga/anime who has cosplay cafe involved in it, besides Lucky Star. o3o

Sadrain 11-25-2010 09:16 PM

I am so-so, but could be much worse indeed. -snuggles- It has been so long indeed. ;3; I am not on mene much anymore, like I told you.
And thanks. <3 I love my little art collection here. && Haven't been able to add much recently to it, but oh well.

Juneberry 11-25-2010 09:20 PM

I'd make something for you but I'm an absolutely horrid artist if I may say so. I'm more of a writer for a reason, ya know.

I'm sorry to hear you're only so-so, but at least you aren't at the worst end of the spectrum I suppose. Any way I can help? -hugs-

NikkoGallarado 11-25-2010 09:24 PM

-cuddles Rainy-

Angel Spirit Girl 11-25-2010 09:39 PM

I would love some bubble tea. ^^

Sadrain 11-25-2010 09:40 PM

Nah, you can't take my sickness away, or my tiredness. It's enought hat you care and wish to do so. -hugs Juneberry-
And it's okay, you could always write a fan fiction about a ghost caracal. 8D -shotshotbricked- I am totally joking. Like I said, tired. Makes me weird. XD

-snuggles Nikko-

NikkoGallarado 11-25-2010 09:43 PM

-gives Angel some bubble tea-

Angel Spirit Girl 11-25-2010 09:49 PM

*Sips bubble tea.* ^.^ Thank you.

Sadrain 11-25-2010 09:53 PM

Nikko, Nikko! We're having small gathering in Kaimid's hread in the war section - could I take some tea and snacks to warm our group up? You can join, too, of course. <3

NikkoGallarado 11-25-2010 09:54 PM

You are welcome. I wonder if I should treat this like a rp thread cafe since everyone else is doing it.

NikkoGallarado 11-25-2010 09:55 PM

Sure you can Rainy. Just tell people to come by here when the War is over. I need the business after all.

Juneberry 11-25-2010 09:55 PM

Sadrain: Sick eh? I hope you feel better soon. I'll be rooting for you~ I'd write something about a ghost caracal but...I dunno what one is...

Angel Spirit Girl 11-25-2010 09:57 PM

It is a kind of desert wild cat.

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