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Kenai 03-10-2014 06:47 PM

Immediately after the break out will probaboly be the best start. That way it'll be difficult for the story to stagger so early on with so many things happening. And we would also iron out details then.

So...are we combining the two or something? Like a break out during the apocalyptic event then joining a group to survive?

If the answer to the above question is yes then we just need to pick the apocalypse. I will leave the honor to you. -bows-

Poggio 03-10-2014 07:12 PM

Well I like the idea of combining them. It is sort of amusing to have them battle their way out of slavery only to possibly become slaves again. Working from that angle if I were to be a master type character it would be something new for my character, though also equally interesting as a slave. xD Something I have been thinking about for the past couple of days. So I can't really answer question one yet.

I like breaking out during the confusion. It lets the characters know what they are up against and the world can still be some what modern times instead of completely destroyed yet. XD and then after they survive for a bit they can have a close encounter.

Kenai 03-12-2014 09:47 PM

I apologize for taking long in this reply. The work load at work has doubled (because of season change) while staffing is cut in half. Right now all I want to do right now is eat, sleep, and drink. But I delayed too long.

It would be quite interesting indeed for a master to go through this. -nod- Did you figure it out in your head these past two days?

Him 03-13-2014 03:24 PM

If you have more time once again I'd like to do some 1x1 rping. Sorry if I'm dostracting from this group rp that you're forming. :<

Kenai 03-13-2014 06:28 PM

Not at all! I really do want more than one RP going. Just in case someone goes on hiatus or something.

What do you have in mind Xero?

Him 03-13-2014 09:52 PM

Oh uhm I don't have anything specific. Is there anything specific you'd like to rp? Like that fantasy thing you mentioned? Once I know what it is that going to rp'd I can come up with a general plot for it.

Kenai 03-14-2014 01:20 AM

Some fan based
» The World Ends With You
» Kingdom Hearts
» Most webomics (ex Drowtales, White Noise, Dream*scar, Parallel Dementia)
» Final Fantasy
» Star Wars
» Fallout
» Stargate
» Dragon Age
» Fable
» Blinx
» Wizard 101
» Pokemon
» Chrono Trigger/Cross
» Sonny 2

» novice wizard accidentally summons a demon. Albeit tame and loyal is a demon nonetheless. This results in said wizard being hunted/hated because while the demon will obey him. His survival instinct is too strong. Story of survival and....idk where else to go with it. Maybe the demon was human once. But I can only imagine that as a kind of side story.

» A well travelled man(?) comes to a fabled abbey renown for birthing a great hero king and is a pilgrimage location. A young man befriends him during his brief stay when the abbey is under attack by none other than the man's former apprentice and now necromancer. (In original the man was a dragon. The necromancer wanted an artifact in the abbey as well as to flaunt his power in front of his old teacher.)

» Humanity is growing old and settling in the stars. As the planet Earth lies dying some of the more adventurous "fantasy/magical" creatures leave behind their homes as well to seek new lands to settle. Some well away from humans, others blending in with them as they always have for thousands of years.

Him 03-14-2014 07:27 AM

OOh they all look so interesting. Maybe some wizardish, not too sure I like some of the original stuff as well. OH pokemon that sounds good too. I don't know much of the suggested fandoms either....just a handful. Either pokemon, wizard 101, the demon summoning prompt, and maybe the apprentice thing. I'd like to rp one of those. That's up to you which ever one you like best.

Jurinjo 03-14-2014 04:51 PM basically just said "maybe" to nearly everythin :p

Lets do the wizard thing. Will you be human or demon?

Poggio 03-15-2014 09:42 PM

I am sorry I haven't responded before now. XD I honestly had a hard time making up my mind and decided to go with being a Master since it would give them more to be at odds with. Well depending on how long it was before yours was bought and they broke out. Now how long after the break out is it before the Aliens arrive?

Rainbowfox Ari 03-15-2014 11:25 PM

So is this still open? Are you still looking? Because I'm looking too. XD

Kenai 03-16-2014 01:12 AM

@Arri: Yup still looking =) Do you have any plots? I seem to be dominating the idea department =(

@Poggio: I lost my whole post and yours was the longest response. Hold on -sighs- While I retype what I said one important thing I mentioned is for you to make your character. A lot of things will depend on his personality, money/status.

Kenai 03-16-2014 02:00 AM

My character. I didn't feel like making a character so his description is poorly thought out. Sergio has a rich backstory though I didn't right a whole biography.

Let's have the break out happen because of the aliens blowing shit up. Does that sound fine to you?

Rainbowfox Ari 03-16-2014 05:00 PM

I have plenty of plots!
Unfortunately, they're all long, meandering, and deal with complex issues. >>

Not to mention most of the characters in said plots are gay and male. XD

Kenai 03-16-2014 08:10 PM

Can you give me two of the main plots you wish to do? I know you read the first post but let me repeat I don't do RP that are romance focused (at least not intentionally). I'm also bi and male. I hate that word though cause of how it's used. Sometimes I just go with saying I'm gay. It's complicated, yet simplier than others.

Rainbowfox Ari 03-16-2014 08:17 PM

I understand completely. *Nod*

I have one of the main plots, which is sort of science-fiction-y. It has to do with a down-and-out android-builder and a corrupt company trying to get the secrets to his methods via shady means. Because he builds the most lifelike androids on the market, and they want to know how so they can use it to sell super-realistic weapons to the government.

However, the builder won't sell because he doesn't want his 'babies' to be used for warfare and the like, and he doesn't want his name on weaponry used to kill people. He'd need someone to help him out of a situation like that.

Other plot is a veterinarian trying to run a failing business, and seeking help in any way he can. He's got people after the area [for development purposes] and is trying to find a way to keep his place, his animals, and his job at the same time. Something to do with him. *Nod*

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