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Vincent 04-24-2014 01:30 AM

Psh. XP
Well I don't really care for prolonged art projects myself. XP I like doing art, but if it takes more then 2 days I kinda start to consider it a chore. ._.'

Jessibuns 04-25-2014 02:35 AM

-plops in-
I may be slow, im working on a new avi, since im staying after all

Vincent 04-25-2014 02:37 AM

Hi :3
How's the day been for you so far? xD (is it day or night for you btw?)

That's fine~ :3 Just glad you're staying. XD More people for Trisphee~ I'm actually helping. XD Haha.
Can't wait to see it, though. :3

Jessibuns 04-25-2014 02:39 AM

You're helping what?
Its almost three am here.

Vincent 04-25-2014 02:41 AM

Helping try to keep the site active. XD I'm pretty new here so I've not been able to experience Trisphee lively, so I'm seeing if I can get people to come back or such. :3 To make it more lively around here. XD

Wow. x: It's 1:40 am here. xD You're up late.
I'm normally up pretty late myself. I have trouble sleeping. x.x
Are you not dieing for sleep at the moment? XD

Jessibuns 04-25-2014 02:45 AM

Well i took a nap at like 8:30.
And woke up at 11:50.
So yeah.

But i might go to bed soon.

Oh i see.
When did you join>

Vincent 04-25-2014 02:49 AM

Ah. XD So it must not be too bad. :3
I don't nap. Like, I don't think I've ever had a nap. XD I probably couldn't do it if I tried and my sleeping schedule is screwed up enough as it is, so. XP

Aw. Alright. You gunna be on tomorrw?

I joined like 20 days ago. XD Still getting used to things around here. x3 But I really like it so far. :3

Jessibuns 04-25-2014 02:55 AM

You've got a nice avatar for just joining.
How'd you here about the site?

Yeah, im sure i'll be on.

Vincent 04-25-2014 02:57 AM

xD It's actually just crane/token items with a few commons and pandora's boxes I think. (I had a few things donated to me. x3)

I just went looking for an avatar site in general because I used to be on Facebook and it started getting boring. I wanted to go to a site where I could have fun dressing up an avatar with lots of stuff and make friends while I'm at it. :3 I didn't have much social interaction before Trisphee, haha.

...I don't know why I asked that, when I take fridays off. XD... Sorry.
I'll be on Saturday though. o_o' For sure.

Jessibuns 04-25-2014 03:00 AM

Oh i see then.
You take Friday's off but wont be on tomorrow?

Vincent 04-25-2014 03:02 AM

Yeah. I won't be on tomorrow, But I'll be on the next day. :3 I take at least one day off or I'd be on here 24/7 and I don't think that's healthy. XD

You think you'll be on saturday, then? :3

Jessibuns 04-25-2014 03:07 AM

Im not sure what my plans are for Saturday

Vincent 04-25-2014 03:09 AM

Ah. Alright. xD I'll just wait and see.

Did you have a good Easter? Do anything special?

Jessibuns 04-25-2014 03:12 AM

I went to my aunts house and ate breakfast.
Hid some eggs for the kids.
And thats really it.

What about you?

Vincent 04-25-2014 03:15 AM

Wow, lovely avatar :3 A real eye catcher. xD

Hm. Sounds fun. I've never hidden any eggs. Only found them, back when I was younger. XD
And I really didn't do anything, sadly. I havn't really been celebrating any holidays, these years. Not really much to celebrate when it's just my mom and I, and we don't have much, really. xD

I did have some white chocolate Reeses eggs, though. o: You get any candy?

Jessibuns 04-25-2014 03:18 AM

I did not get any candy.
Mom said they were sold out when she was going to get some.

How old are you?

Personally i only hid them cause i figured twenty was too old to look for them :c

And thanks.
Once i have enough currency, im making a avi with the new coral color.

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