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Sugar 10-17-2010 06:58 AM

How Would the Avatar Above you kill you?
Well, it's pretty simple, just say how the avi above you would kill yours!! Here we go!

Dallas 10-17-2010 08:28 AM

With her staff... but no one will kill me XD

Glass Heart 10-17-2010 10:58 AM

ummm... not sure... I guess that hammer the wings on it flap and give the Dr the strength needed

Ashurato 10-17-2010 12:53 PM

Yes, she would kill me and use my blood as hair/wing dye.

SakuraMinamino 10-17-2010 07:58 PM

She looks like a vampire, so probably by sucking my blood xD

Cronislee 10-18-2010 01:05 AM

*claps hands and rubs them together* Well, this will be fun ^_^.

First she'd lure me into an abandoned alleyway with the idea of helping her find a lost dog, then get me in the back with her scyth as I searched for the animal that never existed.

Poggio 10-18-2010 02:38 AM

Hmm its tricky, because he is protected by so many layers. I think I would seduce him and then kill him with my machine gun Jubilees

Espy 10-18-2010 02:40 AM

Poggio'd kill me with that death stare of hers.

Cronislee 10-18-2010 02:48 AM

After recovering from Poggios seduction, I would try and heal myself, lifting myself to my hands and knees, only to feel the cold crisp pain of Espy's syth pierce through my back.

Poggio 10-18-2010 02:49 AM

Oh god I totally got this thread backwards XD
OKay I shall try again. I believe Epsy would take me to a foreign country and use me as bait for her spy schemes.

Espy 10-18-2010 02:51 AM

Why, hello. We meet again.
-tranforms her blade into its usual form (dagger), but gets clubbed over the head-
<--Not quite dead yet

Hmph! Spy schemes eh? That's a nasty term for it.

Cronislee 10-18-2010 02:57 AM

Espy tricks me and I join her in Paris under the impression of a buisness trip between two Anti-Heroes, only to feel a sharp pain across my neck, before I am pushed over the ledge of the Eiffel tower, falling to my death.

Espy 10-18-2010 03:01 AM

You can't fall. You've got wings.
Cronis flies back up, pulls me all the way to water, and drowns me.

Yes, Espy is highly vulnerable to 70% of her body.

Cronislee 10-18-2010 03:05 AM

While I try to drown her, her belts catch my vest and belt, so while I try ti swim to the surface, her combined deadweight along with my heavy cloaks, only pull me down with her.

Espy 10-18-2010 03:06 AM

I'm glad to be of assistance >.>

Cronislee 10-18-2010 03:07 AM

*Glug Glug Glug*

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