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Arikana 07-05-2013 12:53 AM

July DI Discussion Thread
Heya everyone! The July DIs are finally out. Sorry for the slight delay and we hope you enjoy the items. :)

Also, as they were released on July 5th, they will be removed from Archaic Antiquities on August 5th.

Gallagher 07-05-2013 12:54 AM

So sorry for the wait, everyone, but we hope it was worth it!

Enjoy the new items and make lots of fancy new outfits!

littl3chocobo 07-05-2013 12:59 AM

*drools* man that pink seamonkey<3

Twigg 07-05-2013 02:32 AM

Sorry for the delay everyone! But we all worked hard on these and we hope you like them. c: -showers everyone with confetti and sprinkles-

littl3chocobo 07-05-2013 02:33 AM

*rolls in it* woooo~

Areishia 07-05-2013 02:45 AM

They're all very nice but, I don't really like any except Lionel's Pride. Still, they're all of a very high quality and I'm happy to see what this month's DIs are :3. Congratulations to all those involved in their creation, everyone did a magnificent job :3.

Monmon 07-05-2013 09:59 AM

>w</ im just going to drop the Lionel's item design here if you guys want to see

Kaguya 07-05-2013 10:18 AM

Okay I am going to put my view on this months items... I'll try and be gentle. =P

Invidentia - When I seen this item the first thing I thought was "wth..." and to be honest I still am, this item is definitely not my cup of tea though, this being said it does have some saving graces. I like the top and the corset poses as well as the hair. Everything else I am unsure what to say about it. Then again when I first seen the name I thought of the sin of envy not of a mutated snake person.

Keeper of the Slain - I don't think I have anything bad really to say about this item. On the first pose it caught my eye and thought how badly I wanted this item. The colors in general are eye pleasing. I think the wings are a little over bearing however. When I seen 'Keeper of the slain' I thought 'Valkyrie, finally' though this isn't what was delivered fully. It certainly brought some of those aspects that I had want forward.

Lionel’s Pride - This is another I actually quite liked the look of, not as badly as the 'Keeper of the Slain' but a very close second. The colors where appealing once again, though some of the poses didn't make sense and others seemed extremely flat.

Illusion 07-05-2013 12:00 PM

Invidentia: Uh... I have no idea what this even is... I like the sea dragon lizard thing wrapped around the neck though... Everything else isn't my cup of tea. But it was all very nicely pixel'd.

Keeper of the Slain: I have the admit, probably my most favorite designed item this year. But I'll probably never wear it. The weird color gradient in the item, the poses that will never fit outside the item (for now...), and the lack of proper man booby bra item (YOU GAVE US THIS UGLY BARE CHESTED PUKE COMPARED TO THE AMAZINGLY DETAILED CRYSTAL BOOBY BRA!) I do love the unique coloring though, it really sets it apart from most items. Oh and... I DEMAND A PROPER AMAZINGLY DETAILED CRYSTAL BOOBY BRA FOR MALE AVATARS DARN IT!

Lionel's Pride: It looked so much better on paper... (I hate it when that happens...) The pixel's are extremely flat (sorta like how mine look xD) There isn't much I could go on about this...

Poggio 07-05-2013 12:02 PM

XD I suppose none of you have ever heard of the Green eyed monster.

Hero 07-05-2013 12:14 PM

I want that hair

Kaguya 07-05-2013 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Poggio (Post 1575113)
XD I suppose none of you have ever heard of the Green eyed monster.

I have heard of the green eyed monster, a.k.a envy. I enjoy reading about all the deadly sins, however, the Invidentia has the green part and the monster part... it just doesn't go together to scream envy. It kinda screams Medusa on account of all the snakes.

Poggio 07-05-2013 12:29 PM

And what would personify envy to you?

Gallagher 07-05-2013 12:31 PM

It's not just snakes, it's Leviathan, which can very much be considered a demon of envy. But I can see how the second hair especially would tip it into a gorgon feel.

Kaguya 07-05-2013 12:34 PM

Envy to me is wanting something that another has, be it an item, a relationship, looks, wealth, power, property. It's extremely hard to make that sin into an item... so I kind of understand falling back on the whole 'green eyed monster' cliché of snakes as Medusa was envious of the beauty others.

Espy 07-05-2013 12:45 PM

I suppose I'll post my side of the Valk designs.

Poggio 07-05-2013 12:46 PM

A lot of that jealousy, and wanting another well to me goes along with vanity. That idea of wanting for yourself makes you vain. If too much of that was put into this there would be nothing left if we decided to pride. Its a win loose, though as an artist I am curious to know how it could be improved to fit the theme better for the future.

Kaguya 07-05-2013 12:47 PM

Okay, now I see the design I have to admit Espy, the pixels don't do it justice.

Illusion 07-05-2013 12:48 PM

Meow meow meow, meow meow meow. MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW.

So.... You made a envy item (which represents leviathan a item we already have) but did medusa instead to represent envy...? Why didn't you just do a different sin then? Like gluttony or pride.

Lauv Keiko 07-05-2013 12:48 PM

The only pose I'd see as "envy" for the Invidentia, is that huge green eye.
The rest, I just think it's way too creepy...and to think that I love creepy things.

The only thing that I really like, is the Keeper of the slain...Beautiful shield and LOVELY translucent cape-thing.

And as for the Lionel's Pride, assuming it's a zodiac item (Leo the Lion), I would think that the only missing thing would be fangs....or a mane-like item. That's it.

I rest my case.

p.s.: I would agree with Illusion, btw.

Monmon 07-05-2013 12:53 PM

for leon x'D the mane was the hair but i guess it didint get made, as for claws, they didint look elegantly enought to match the others so i opted for a blade isnted

tought for the entire leviathan envy thing, oAo/ i remmeber it being based off a part of dante's inferno and stuff and yeah the entire fact that leviathan itself was envy reincarnate.

Poggio 07-05-2013 01:00 PM

XD It is hard to explain the method of our madness but in a nutshell it was this:

The yearlies were personifications of creatures. They were suppose to include the creatures that were to be apart of something to be introduced later on. Rabbit was not apart of that, and I am not sure he knew that. So Envy got the creature that was designed later inspired by the idea of Envy.

Wicked Abomination= Wendigo
Radiant Seductress= Unicorn
Hunter of the Wicked= Fenir
Primal Descent= Wolf/Dragon
Avatar of the Gale= Thunder Bird
Guardian of the Fallen= White stag
Sovereign Knight= Griffin.
Patch Work Predator= Chimera
Leviathan Dominion= Leviathan

Lauv Keiko 07-05-2013 01:00 PM

I didn't say claws... Fangs... It looks classy and cool as guns! :D

Monmon 07-05-2013 01:17 PM

@A@ ahhh fangsssss
OTL sorry i didint think about it
i was going more towards what leo represents over then animal.

yeah kid didnt knwo when he desigend it. thought i don't mind cause i do love this mini leviathan scarf.
i'll tell him to post his thingies up later when hes back form work

Dawn 07-05-2013 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Poggio (Post 1575121)
A lot of that jealousy, and wanting another well to me goes along with vanity. That idea of wanting for yourself makes you vain. If too much of that was put into this there would be nothing left if we decided to pride. Its a win loose, though as an artist I am curious to know how it could be improved to fit the theme better for the future.

Honestly I disagree with that statement..

Vanity is more about looks and beauty, a person spending too much time in front of mirror obsessing over how they look, they don't have the time to be jealous of another person cause all they will see is them.

You mentioned the green eyed monster, that is another term used for Envy since a person whom is considered green eyed is either jealous or envious of what someone else has, rather it being money, beauty or another person's girl/boyfriend.

littl3chocobo 07-05-2013 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dawn (Post 1575169)

not necessarily so, a person who puts themselves before others is a vain person not just one who finds themselves to be irresistible, a vain person can be a selfish person and most often /is/ one so selfish characteristics would not be outside the realm of relevant

though it is notable to bring up again and put the question on everyone's shoulders; why is this the only one to be contested? other 'sin' monthlies have been even more sloppily executed without any argument at all? wrath was represented by the scordia and that had no callback to wrath anywhere in the item not in theme, not in color, not anywhere, the only possible connection one could make is that /maybe/ the bindings could have been applied by someone else and even then that is hardly any sort of relevance since wrath is considered an active retaliation

it is fine to aske the relevance but why only one and why one o the few that makes any attempt at being what it was supposed to be? sure it is a loose interpretation but it is a sin that is entirely internal with very little external to it and others, which have much easier external cues were not contested at all

littl3chocobo 07-05-2013 07:33 PM

personally i am just happy to have a pretty monthly >x>

Gallagher 07-05-2013 07:46 PM

I'm with you on that one. It's interesting to hear interpretations of what we've gone for, but at the end of the day, it's the pretties that keep me happy. Well, that and hearing from pleased users~

littl3chocobo 07-05-2013 07:53 PM

well consider me pleased XD you guys have been doing a passably good job of it as of late

Lauv Keiko 07-05-2013 08:42 PM

...wouldn't hearing opinions from users make you happy? I's a discussion thread anyways.
so... *shrug*

@Monmon: Aaah, yes yes. If that is so... WHERE IS MAH SCEPTAAAR?!? xD

Gallagher 07-05-2013 08:47 PM

Well, yes and no. Opinions are always welcome, good and bad, but I can't say it makes me happy when I hear that items didn't hit the mark for users. That doesn't mean that they'll be ignored by any means, we do try our best to make sure there's something for everyone. But you don't have to enjoy criticism to appreciate and benefit from it.

Lauv Keiko 07-05-2013 08:51 PM

Would there be any changes done [on any of the items] if the masses had given similar opinions?

Gallagher 07-05-2013 09:01 PM

On these items, I'm afraid it's unlikely, but we do have open minds to reasonable edits, fixes, and/or additions in general with our items. Mostly what we hear here, we keep in mind for future items. For example, I personally often ask opinions and put a lot of time into figuring out what colors will work best on items, and balance that against what sorts of things they're likely to be paired with, what users have been wanting more of, what we have an imbalance of for that particular release, etc.

Our designers often to a lot of research to get certain feels to fit their themes, though sometimes that line is blurred for the sake of artistic interpretation or general inspiration. And all of our pixelists are constantly seeking to improve, often getting opinions from one another and other staffers before anything is finalized.

Monmon 07-05-2013 09:10 PM

what she said.
all of thee opinions are valid.

unless its just " ewww grossss" cause thats not helpfull oAo its just vague and where like " I DONT KNWOW HAT YOU WANT FROM MEEE QAQ "

Lauv Keiko 07-05-2013 09:19 PM

Is there any way that staff could get a popular request?
Like maybe...list some ideas, have people vote? Whilst keeping the item a mystery?

littl3chocobo 07-05-2013 09:32 PM

lauv, at that point there is the risk of copyright infringement and discord, the users would be unhappy to hear a 'no' on something they voted for but if the idea is not one the site is allowed to use(say the mylittlepony horses or godofwar weapondry) then they would have to say no

too much risk of making everyone unhappy, that and the problem with voting is that the majority vote wins but not necessarily the bulk of users will get what they want

Ultima 07-05-2013 10:45 PM

Could users have a vote as to what old DIs we could re-release with different colors? I'd love to see DIs in colors I never use be re-released with different ones. Maybe it even could be a 4th DI and do one every month or something? I dunno XD

I've mentioned this idea before, but I think it was in the staff forum... I dunno how users would feel about it.

Edit: Or maybe vote for "continuations" for old DIs. Like, keep the same theme and make more poses to go along with the original, but it's a new DI? Hey, I'm just throwing ideas around that would give users some say. -nod-

littl3chocobo 07-05-2013 10:54 PM

i am game for an old di recolor~ like first or second year though, nothing super new

Ultima 07-05-2013 11:22 PM

I know Gaia did it with some items, but I think they were only RIGs that were impossible to get x.X;

Poggio 07-05-2013 11:24 PM

Well I am game for what ever as long as A, the users actually pay for it since they are suggesting it as in buy it and use it, and B we get another pixelist that we can spare to do it otherwise things will continue to be late.

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