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Suzerain of Sheol 06-19-2011 01:41 AM

Eschaton (Full) [M]
In fiery flight, we would leave this hall.
The holy house, the House of God, will fall.
To death they go with music and song,
but our dread simply must go on....

OOC Thread (Character info goes here.)



Suzerain of Sheol 06-19-2011 01:42 AM

Setting Information


World Organizations

Forces in the World

Spiritual Realms

Environmental Features


World Map

Suzerain of Sheol 06-19-2011 01:43 AM

Important NPCs




Suzerain of Sheol 06-19-2011 10:03 AM

Player Characters

Serra Britt


CupcakeDolly RETIRED

Suezrain of Sheol




Quiet Man Cometh




Suzerain of Sheol 06-19-2011 10:03 AM

Holy Corinth stands three miles from the once-thriving national port of the Peloponnesian Peninsula, built over the ruins of Ancient Korinthos. It is walled city, home to 4,500 survivors of the Calamity. It is policed by a militia 600-strong and houses a small Artificer factory and an air base where the AA maintains a presence of 110 soldiers. In addition to these mundane defenses, a council of psychics and theurges provide safety and guidance for the people of the city, and two Saints of the Beatified Legion, Saint Acacias and Saint Typasius. The city's welfare and infrastructure is maintained by its mayor, Galena Demitriou, who maintains a cordon of deputies who organize projects and events throughout the city.

Holy Corinth is a haven for travelers in the area, being the best-defended settlement within a hundred miles and possessed of a sound economy with provisions to spare. Many who arrive looking only for a brief respite from their travels find themselves settling down in the relative safety of the community. The city has not suffered a major assault since it was founded a decade after the Calamity had passed, and the roads leading from it are well-policed and free of bandits and raiders.

Suzerain of Sheol 06-19-2011 10:04 AM

Watching a patrol pass down the street -- half a dozen armed civilians, two ex-soldiers, and a middling psychic -- Shealtiel tried to imagine them looking so self-assured if it ever chanced that they had to defend the city's order from more than the occasional brawl or property dispute. These people seemed to think they were still living in the old world: in the complacent peace of secular civilization and overbearing government. Just what would these... "guards" do if a Sariel took it upon itself to pass judgment on their precious city? If one of the Horsemen just happened to be passing by? Were they counting on those two sanctimonious imbeciles to save their pitiful lives? The bottom scrapings of the Legion, those two, barely worthy of the title "Saint".

There's me, he supposed. For now. And though he would never be so brazen as to think himself equal to any, or even most threat of the post-apocalyptic world -- especially on his own -- he knew he'd pull more weight than their entire militia combined if trouble came calling while he was enjoying the comforts of their prosperous little wasteland enclave.

Sighing, he leaned against the building to his back and turned his attention shifting to the other people making their way up and down the street. He could feel the Mediterranean sun heating his heavy robes, but the warmth went no farther, could not touch his frigid skin.

CupcakeDolly 06-21-2011 03:40 PM

Clothing slipped on over Rue's body, silently and carefully. The girl sat on the edge of the bed, her complacent face almost hiding the maelstrom of anger within her if it hadn't been for her burning eyes.

Good riddance.

The man lying on the bed behind her could have been anyone. His face had taken on the universal mask of death, and the evidence in his wounds told a strange and highly false story. The simple truth was that he had lied, and when it became clear from his sealed lips and grabbing hands that he had nothing of import to share, Rue had silently retracted her offer with the use of her beloved sword. His loud and disgusting thoughts had been well worth silencing, and without a deep and intricate investigation, nobody would have been able to tell for sure what had happened to the poor bastard. Not that Rue was worried about silly things like getting caught.

With her boots pulled on, a voice suddenly came into Rue's head, and she winced at her mother's whining tones. It was the usual - "Where are you? What are you doing? Why won't you come home?" - laid over thickly with false worry. The girl straightened up and blocked the voice in her head until it became not much more than white noise. She brushed off her perpetually dirty traveling outfit and gathered what little she had, then waited.

When the old whore finally ceased and there was quiet in her mind once more, Rue stepped out of the tiny hovel of a home as casually as she had stepped in, leaving the useless dead man behind. Whoever it had been, she was positive nobody would miss him.

Suzerain of Sheol 06-21-2011 03:54 PM

Still leaning against the wall in the shade, Shealtiel notes the sudden death, the man's soul fleeing from its lifeless house. He is weak, too petty and pitiful to linger or return. A slow eternity of wasting darkness awaits him. He will not be missed.

He, of course, betrays no hint of what he has noticed, keeping his face an impassive mask. Death is hardly an oddity in these times; often one like this will not even result in an investigation. And yet... something strikes him as unusual about this death, likely no more than baseless suspicion. Still, though, when no one is looking, he surreptitiously slides back his voluminous sleeve and activates the MID on his wrist, scanning for psychic signatures. He picks up the familiar wisps of the city's resident talents, barely worth the radar's notice, but there is also another presence, much stronger, and near to where the death just occurred.

Shutting it off and letting his sleeve fall, Shealtiel leans back once more, and closes his eyes.

Salone 06-21-2011 04:37 PM

Lev lay face down in a ditch just off a pathway, using it as a makeshift bed. He found the curvature of it comforting, the side of his head resting against his hand. It was relaxing compared to the mass graves he had hid in back home, and the small of death was much less prevalent. Still, it said something about his standards of living that he found a ditch mildly attractive.

He wasn't entirely at home, however. Lev knew that lying around in a ditch was not going to feed him, and the longer he idled in this city, the greater his chances were of never leaving it. It was time to find food and possibly work, and then move on.

He picked himself up slowly, revolver catching the eye of passerby. He opened his fingers and waved awkwardly with the gun still in his hand, trying to show that he was a victim of circumstances, not a deranged killer. Suddenly there was space around him where walking townsfolk had been; as if him stirring had created an area that the common man would rather not walk through. Lev dropped his eyes and slid his left hand in to a torn pocket, made wide enough for both stake and revolver. He trotted off as quietly as he could, disappearing into one of the less observant throngs of people milling about.

Espy 06-21-2011 06:25 PM a busy place, Dante thought to himself, walking through the gate into the city. He felt strangely vulnerable in the noisy and crowded environment, where the two sense he relied on were failing him already. And they aren't strong, either...not like demons...or aura at all, he grumbled. Steering his motorcycle to a slightly quieter area, bumping into several people on the way, he decided to give himself a rest. He'd be able to better see even trace amounts of aura afterwards, he knew.

Needing an explanation for running into people by accident, Dante fished out a tattered strip of cloth from inside his pocket, tying it neatly across his eyes. At least I won't be accosted by too many people now... He sank down into the shadows by his motorcycle, waiting out both the crowd and the headache that came with it. In his usual black outfit, he didn't want to venture back out into the sun anyways.

Suzerain of Sheol 06-21-2011 07:34 PM

Watching from across the street, Shealtiel cannot help but notice the blind man guiding a motorcycle through the crowded thoroughfare. He checks his MID again, only to realize that this is not the presence he noticed earlier. And yet, surely here is a man to keep an eye on, as well. The way the stranger moves with such practiced ease despite his infirmity does not escape Shealtiel's notice.

Serra Britt 06-21-2011 09:53 PM

Feenai Leornica came off the transport weary from her first time travelling. She loved her family, but her parents' fear of psychics had finally taken it's toll. There was just so much she had found out from the Amorpha Network about psychics, so she had quietly left her parent's house one night and set off. It hurt, them being so afraid of what is possibly a great gift...

Feenai had spent most of the trip reminding herself to not pay attention to other's thoughts unless they were directed at her. If only her parents hadn't been so fearful, she may have been able to practice better. She was especially adept at completely blocking thoughts, she had been forced to learn rather than spend the last 10 years of her life listsning to the fear in her parents thoughts.

So preoccupied with her inner dialogue, Feenai accidentially bumped into someone. She mumbled a sorry and helped the person up, looking them over quickly. It was a rather young girl, with scraggly clothes and a dirty face. Even in such a well kept town, a poor element like this exists? She quickly read the young girls surface thoughts, letting her mental shields drop for a moment to do so. The young girl hadn't eaten in days. Feenai smiled at her, then handed her a few coins from her travelling expenses as well as one of her succor capsules.

"I hope you take care of yourself, young one," Feenai said gently to the young girl, smiling as she ran off. Feenai sighed, left the docks, and entered the city proper.

Suzerain of Sheol 06-21-2011 10:04 PM

Watching the new arrivals from beneath his gaze, Shealtiel notes the young woman's selfless act. His thoughts turn then to the supposed Saints keeping peace in the city.

Hard to feed the hungry when you're sworn to poverty.

Espy 06-21-2011 10:45 PM

Dante turned his head slightly to one side. He was sure he'd just "seen" a glimmer of aura nearby, but he wasn't sure. Hm. This one is....different. Not confident and overly proud, not one of the ruling class's... He groaned at the headache that still had not gone away. Damn this noisiness...Time to find a place off the street, he muttered to himself, groping around for a ladder, stairs, a windowsill, anything he could use to get himself onto a roof where he could be alone for as long as he wanted.

Sage 06-21-2011 11:42 PM

Jeanne had been told that there was a city just over the horizon by a group of farmers, but their glowing description of the place was hardly accurate. Jeanne could tell that many of the people she passed on the outskirts were desperate. As she grew closer to the city, she pulled down her goggles and turned on the Sensory Enhancement. Unsurprisingly, there were multiple psychics and theurges nearby, and thankfully no demons.

Jeanne passed through the city gates without problems, and she immediately began to look around for a tavern. 'Succor capsules are fine and all, but I could really use a decent meal.' As she looked, a pair of laughing urchin children ran past her, accidentally bumping into Jeanne's side as they went. Instantly her hand went to the pack on that side; it was untouched. Turning her head around, she saw the same children picking the pocket of a wealthy-looking man. Not for the first time, she was grateful for her well-worn, patchwork appearance.

Her search proved fruitless - she suspected that she was in the wrong district - and someone new caught her eye. Walking through the gate was a young woman about her age with strong psychic strength (Feenai). Unlike those surrounding, she seemed more approachable. Walking briskly on an interception course, it didn't take Jeanne long to catch up with her. "Excuse me, but do you know where the nearest good tavern is?" she asked politely, hoping that Feenai was a native of the city.

Suzerain of Sheol 06-21-2011 11:49 PM

Shealtiel hadn't payed the girl much mind before, but now, after feeling his senses light up at this newcomer's theurgic presence, and seeing her stop to speak with the girl, he give the situation more attention.

He'd have to move along soon, though. The sight of a haggard old man in a robe leaning against the side of a building and surreptitiously eying those who came through the gate was beginning to draw unpleasant stares from passersby.

CupcakeDolly 06-21-2011 11:59 PM

Rue stared beyond the people around her as she walked, still fuming inwardly at the valuable time that had been wasted and the disappointment she had experienced - not that she had expected to find anything worthwhile from such a source. Mostly she was angry at herself for not having foreseen his treachery.

She pulled up the hood of what had once been a white cloak. It was now tattered beyond all recognition of its original shape, and stained with the blood of the river she had soaked it in. She didn't mind the dirty red-brown color or the smell too much. It quite reminded her of home.

One good thing had come of picking up the dirty stranger, at least. He had been quick to fulfill her first request. Within hours of meeting him, he had managed to spread a rumor: Anybody looking for work as a bodyguard for a wealthy psychic should seek out a girl wearing a bloodstained hood. Although Rue was more than capable of taking care of herself in an intimate situation - as she had just proven - she didn't think she was skilled enough with a sword to fight against bullets or magic. It was becoming more clear to her that the most important element in her mission was her own survival. Of course, how could she do anything if she were dead?

Salone 06-22-2011 12:42 AM

The crowd of people milling around only served to slow Lev down. He had heard talk of work amongst the mouths around him. Talk of hard labor, talk of other things. Most importantly to him, someone had mentioned that a client was looking for protection. Being paid for what he had been forced in to doing for free was a bit of a novelty, so this opportunity sounded like his best option. After all, it was hard to do manual labor with only one free hand.

Lev tried to move faster through the crowd of people. His chances of finding this particular client seemed rather slim. It was a big town and he was looking for one out of many. The description he had heard wasn't the most telling either. 'Girl in a cloak' is all he had heard. And after looking around, there were many cloaks trying to hide people from the sun. Not to mention trying to tell who was under these cloaks made his task even more difficult. He was better at shooting people, not finding them. Not-

A flash of blood. Cloth. Pristine now stained. Like an expired bandage on a festering wound. Pain, torture. Metal tearing below his flesh, knife separating skin from muscle.

The flashback came as soon as it had went. Lev was left rooted where he stood, gasping for the humid air. A tattered cloak bloody cloak bobbed amongst the drab hues that adorned passerby, signifying the trigger of his episode. As he tried to calm down, a brief chill overtook him. The coolness was welcomed, even if the overall feeling was not.

Steeling himself, Lev began his short pilgrimage towards the cloak. Perhaps he could find one in a city of many after all.

Funkduder 06-22-2011 12:45 AM

Michael was thinking about what he wrote in his journal the night before as he walked into the city:

Year 4, Day 127:
It was never hard to get used to the changing weather in this world I call home. It's at least better than the weather in Perdition or Sheol. At least here the weather is slightly more gentle.

But that's beside the point. In one day I will reach the City of Corinth, probably by afternoon. I need funds. My current research has come to a halt, and I can't barter for more goods or I'll just hurt myself more. Perhaps Corinth would have some work, or if not, I can hopefully enlist the help of the Saints and get some form of information on the difference in Psychic "mind-reading" and Theurgist "mind-reading".

Entering the bar, Michael walked to the barman. Keeping his voice low and inconspicuous, he asked him, "You've seen any good work lately?"

"Actually, yeah. You don't look like the type, but there's word on the street for the need of a body-guard. Look for the lady in the blood-red hood."

"Thank you, sir, I appreciate it. Call me Haydn. I'll be staying in town for a while," said Michael as he disappeared into the crowd again to look for the cloak that's bloody red..

Suzerain of Sheol 06-22-2011 12:49 AM

Sliding away from his perch, Shealtiel joins the crowd, pulling up his hood to blend in with the refugees. Secluded in the mass, he checks his MID again, trusting that the psychic radar signal will get lost in the myriad of other such psionic chatter that must be filling the city. Noting the presence he detected earlier, he heads toward it, though it is some ways away, yet.

He has put the others he noted out of his mind, for the moment. The theurgist is of middling ability alone, only notable for the rarity of her kind in the city currently. And he lost sight of the blind man from earlier.

CupcakeDolly 06-22-2011 01:03 AM

Despite the sun beating down on them, Rue felt a strong desire to shiver. The images she had glimpsed were stronger and more forceful than any she had yet experienced in the city - almost reckless in nature. The source had been from a man, that much she knew from the familiar patterns. Whether it was a psychic or not she couldn't quite tell, although she'd assume a psychic would be able to control such thoughts.

It was a few moments later that she realized she was being followed, likely by somebody who had heard her carefully placed rumor. The intentions permeated from behind her, and she was careful to continue on as she had been, with an air of royalty, as though nothing had happened. She weighed her options: The images concerned her. Though she had been raised through far worse, she wasn't sure about letting someone who was prone to such thoughts get too close. On the other hand, she had made sure not to specify that she herself was the client. That little detail had been set up for just such a situation.

Making up her mind, Rue turned with an abruptness that she hadn't yet shown into a break between two buildings, away from the main road. She paused for a moment before disappearing into it, ensuring that her follower would see where she had gone.

Salone 06-22-2011 01:15 AM

Lev's eyebrows jumped as he saw his mark disappear. He tripped to the side suddenly, knocking a few people over as he stumbled out of the main crowd of people. He paid no attention to the curses and ill comments his actions brought him, instead making his way up the side past various shops and buildings.

He paused before he turned in to the alleyway. His mind was unsure, but his stomach was empty. And in times of desperation, his baser instincts made sure that matter over mind had won. Breathing in a sharp intake of the humid air, Lev rounded the corner. He instantly stopped, sizing up the woman standing before him. It took him a few seconds to actually speak, his words spilling out in an odd manner, as if the language he spoke was foreign.

"I hear of work. Am I correct? That you would be looking to employ, I mean. For work. The description I have, not very good."

Funkduder 06-22-2011 01:36 AM

Leaving the bar, he looked around for the red-hooded woman, as the bartender said, but on the main road, there was little red among the common travelers' cloak, despite the times, if any at all. After traveling down the main road for a bit, Michael turned off of the main road into a alley way, in order to contact the satellite, physically, and possibly use pinpoint GPS to quickly find the girl. What he ran into though was of both fortune and misfortune. A Strong, Able-bodied man stood in front of him, and in front of a girl in a blood red hood.

"Well I found the right person, but the question is, 'Does that person need me?'."

CupcakeDolly 06-22-2011 01:53 AM

Rue sized up the man standing before her, skimming the loudest thoughts at the forefront of his mind and finding no immediate threat. She quirked an eyebrow at his strangely arranged speech, wondering if he was of some strange nationality, or just stupid.

"Well, that depends, doesn't it?" She said in a voice that was mostly Arabic blanketed with various acquired European accents. She raised a hand imploringly and only made half the effort she usually did to sound civil, still suspicious. "What would you have to offer if I did?"

As the last words left her mouth, she stopped, turning her gaze to a second man intruding on their impromptu meeting. She stiffened, ready to run if need be. One hand flitted to the sword at her side. His finding them seemed almost too convenient, and she didn't trust what intentions she gleaned from him. "What need would I have for a scholar?" she said, rather harshly. "And why would an Artificer suddenly feel the need to change professions?" Though she didn't sense any ulterior motives, the man may have also found a way to hide them, and it didn't hurt to show caution.

Funkduder 06-22-2011 02:11 AM

"Even scholars need some sort of funding for their work, you know," Michael said as he revealed his own weapon, the laser, and putting it back in his pocket. "You seem to be a psychic, as well," Michael said as he felt his mind being pressed on."You can pay me with your knowledge of the mind, and by that I mean the human mind and psychic 'mind-reading'." Michael didn't expect to get the woman's job, from the hostile looks she gave off, but if he didn't sound confident, his chances would only dwindle closer to zero, or so he thought.

Salone 06-22-2011 02:15 AM

Lev tensed suddenly, his coat a flurried movement as his pocket produced a revolver-filled hand. He breathed rapidly, years of experience telling him to pull the trigger twice. The first round in the cylinder was always left empty just in case of accidents. His thumb quickly found the selector on his Le Mat revolver, switching to the 410 Gauge underslung barrel. Just in case he only had the one shot. After a few moments, he tried some form of diplomacy in his staggering language.

"You are look for job too? I find first. But best applicant should get the job presented. Although, we make assumption that this is employer."

He turned his head back towards the girl, eyes and revolver still on the unknown man.

"If you are looking to employ, I am Lev Gurevich, Lev of Tsavo. I've fought many times. I guarantee fastest gun. Revolver is like extension of my body. Well, it is extension of my body, but not my point. I have to be good to survive this long. I admit, I need...tangible pay. Payment methods for him might be more attractive. Each their own to, as they say."

Lev trailed off, his finger slowly coming off of the trigger.

Serra Britt 06-22-2011 02:16 AM

Feenai blinked, realizing she had been lost in her own thoughts again, when the tall person asked a question. "" she stammered, not used to being paid attention to. Blushing slightly, she continued, "I'm afraid that I'm a traveller, and have never been in this town before. I was looking for a tavern myself though, would you like to go together?"

Feenai took a brief moment to read Jeanne's surface thoughts and didn't sense any hostility. She still wasn't used to having so many people around, and put her mental shields back in place as soon as she decided that Jeanne was not an immediate threat.

Trying to remember anything about taverns from the Amorpha Network's information on Holy Corinth, she cringed at realizing she hadn't done enough research. She could check the Network but she felt a little vulnerable doing it out in the open, but she perked up realizing she wasn't quite alone.

She lowered her voice and whispered, "Actually, I'm a psychic. If you'll watch over me for a minute or so, I could check the Amorpha Network for any tavern locations..."

Espy 06-22-2011 02:18 AM

Dante shoved one last time, did a neat somersault, and nearly rolled off the edge of the roof. Uwaaahh! ....That...was close, he thought as he swung his feet back on to the slanted tiles. He'd chained the motorcycle to a post, for fear of having it stolen, and finally found a ladder. Now much more lucid, he could "see" more clearly the edges of objects, and even more so the aura of stronger beings.

Time to scout out this city, he thought to himself rather wryly. Four years ago...his brother would have been here, with him. Maybe they'd have enjoyed the sunset, or just escaping from the hustle and bustle of a busy city...He could have seen everything, not just a blur of light colors in a sea of eternal darkness...

He shook his head. Now was not the time to be nostalgic. With that, he took the roofs of the city at a light run.

Sage 06-22-2011 02:34 AM

Jeanne groaned inwardly as Feenai began to speak and she learned that she was just another traveler. But she perked up again when the offer to find one together was found. Though not a fantastic judge of character, she seemed pleasant enough, and two women together in a tavern was always safer.

"Thank you." Jeanne smiled, and looked around in case anyone particularly dangerous had approached since the last survey. But it appeared as though they were, as usual, surrounded by normal humans. She did see one particular area of interest, a more sparsely populated area close by. "Perhaps it would be safer to move?" she asked, gesturing towards it.

Funkduder 06-22-2011 02:38 AM

Michael looked at the gun with interest. If it weren't pointed at his head. ".32 Cal Le Mat Revolver with a 410 gauge option. Not a poor choice of weapon for a man your size, and it looks well cared for... However," Micheal continued, raising the interdiction badge on his wrist and formulating his shield, "your first shot would've been null against any psychic with one of these... and I happen to be a psychic, myself, as are most Artificers."

CupcakeDolly 06-22-2011 02:46 AM

Rue looked between both men as they spoke, weighing their words against their thoughts and deeming them to be the truth, as far as she could tell. Still, she erred on the side of caution and kept her hand on the hilt of her sword.

She interrupted before their macho prostrations could continue. "I am looking for somebody who can hold their own in a fight - even against something that is not human. Payment would not be a problem."

She rolled her eyes slightly at the Artificer's offer. Though she had much to share on the topic he was interested in, she was loathe to give away any secrets so easily, and even more so to take the time to teach anybody. She had taken with her every little trinket that had been gifted to her, assuming that they might be worth something through her travels, only to find that they were more valuable than what most humans had to offer as currency.

Funkduder 06-22-2011 02:57 AM

Michael turned his gaze from the gun to the girl as he heard her words...and he could not respond. "Perhaps I imposed myself too much. Damn my foolish pride," he thought to himself, awaiting the jurisdiction of his possible employer. The only question that remained to him was this: "Will one of us get the job or both of us, and if only one, then who?"

Salone 06-22-2011 03:02 AM

Lev laughed, lowering his revolver. The laugh sounded odd, as if he wasn't used to doing it.

"I come from Tsavo. The more importantly, survived Tsavo. If it takes bullets, I can end it. I no mean boasting. But Tsavo is dangerous. Crazed men. Undead. I learned to kill things such as that before I held razor for shaving. You learn these things, or you die. I have yet to die. I do not want to participate in piss contest, but shield only blocks few assaults. I can protect, I can deal with inhuman. I can sew myself back together when need be. Have been burned on cross itself, I can survive anything"

He paused, alarmed at how much he had said. He usually tried to not be talkative, which was a basis for getting to know other human beings. He took in yet another deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. He was fighting for his meal, and the battle was being fought with his weakness of words.

Espy 06-22-2011 03:05 AM

Dante noticed a strong aura straight ahead of him, and, as he drew closer, two weaker ones. Almsot at the edge of the roof, he backed up a few paces, and listened in on the convo. He was almost certain to be found here; after all, whatever could expel such a strong aura was probably strong in itself, but not many people could travel vertically as quickly as he could. Still, he fingered his pocketknife instinctively.

Serra Britt 06-22-2011 03:08 AM

"Oh..OH!" Blushing again, she realized they were still right at the dock entrance. Feenai followed Jeanne to the area she had indicated, reluctantly letting go of her mental shields. She had done this at home, in her room, and already knew that she'd lose most of her nearby perception. "If you could just watch the surrounding area while I do this..?" Feenai trailed off.

Without actually waiting for a confirmation, she opened up her psychic connection to the Network and, as quickly as possible, found Holy Corinth's map. She picked off the first tavern location and noted it's position relative to the docks, then cut the connection and replaced her mental shields quickly. It just didn't feel right, hearing all those nearby thoughts all the time. I should practice filtering them, rather than shutting them all out I guess...

"So, it's nice to meet you," Feenai said, blushing slightly and sticking out her hand. "My name is Feenai, and a tavern is just a few minutes walk away. Shall we go?"

Sage 06-22-2011 03:20 AM

Jeanne made sure that nobody bothered Feenai, but most people weren't interested in anything other than their daily business. They went unbothered, and she was amazed at the speed with which her new aquaintance was able to gather information.

It seemed like only a few seconds had passed before Feenai was done and introducing herself. "Same to you, I'm Jeanne," she said, her French accent causing it to be pronounced more similar to John. "Let us." She took Feenai's hand cautiously, but after judging it no threat, relaxed. Then she began to walk.

CupcakeDolly 06-22-2011 03:20 AM

Studying them both again, Rue weighed her options. The white Kenyan made a better argument for himself, but she knew better than most that talk did little to reflect actual ability. On top of that, bullets could only get her so far. If all went as planned, she expected to be dealing with forces that could wipe bullets away like drops of water. In that case, another psychic might be helpful, if somewhat hindering until then. The choice was somewhat pressing, but she saw no reason why she couldn't reject or hire both options.

"I may choose to employ the aid of both," she said tentatively. "However, before that..." Rue turned and stared at the presence she had sensed intruding on them. "It seems we have more company to deal with."

Funkduder 06-22-2011 03:30 AM

"Did she get through my psy-block...or did I say that out loud..."

"No matter," Michael said conclusively, turning on his laser. He looked to the rooftop and pointed his weapon and shield towards the presence of another well built person. "Another mercenary from the woodwork?" he asked rhetorically.

Espy 06-22-2011 03:34 AM

Dante growled softly. He hadn't expected to have weapons, or what seemed like weapons, turned on him so quickly, and backed up a few paces more. Unconsciously, he pulled out a handgun with his left hand, still toying with the dagger with his right.

Serra Britt 06-22-2011 03:50 AM

Feenai led the way, letting Jeanne follow a short distance behind. John? My quick scan said this person was a girl... She shook her head slightly. It hardly matters either way.

After a few minutes they found the tavern, entered, and found a seat far enough from the door for Feenai to be comfortable, and waited for a server to come for their order. "John.." she started slowly, "what brings you to Holy Corinth?"

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