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-   -   The Pet Palace ~ A Hangout for Animal Lovers! (Lyrics Contest update! March 3) (

Pisces 02-13-2011 03:45 PM

The Pet Palace ~ A Hangout for Animal Lovers! (Lyrics Contest update! March 3)

Hello and welcome! Share your home with a lovely pet and can't stop talking about them? Simply adore animals and need to express this joy? You've come to the right place! We're a hangout made for any type of animal-lover. Here you are free to ramble on and on about our furry, feathered, scaled, and sometimes naked friends and no one will call you crazy. Both animals and animal-lovers are welcomed. =)

Also! Are you a furry? While we may not be a thread dedicated solely to furries, you are most welcomed here. Just please, no shedding? =)
- March 3, 2011: Updated the Lyrics Contest. No winner for the previous one.
- Feb 24, 2011: Updated the Lyrics Contest. No winner of the last one. =(
- Feb 14, 2011: New banners, created by the lovely .rousium!
- Feb 13, 2011: We're created! Still under some construction.

Pisces 02-13-2011 03:47 PM

What's a hangout without some rules? One destined to be locked, that's what.

~*.rousium should be respected and listened to as a moderator of this thread. In my absence, she speaks for me.*~
  1. Follow the TOS
  2. Semi-literacy is a must. Don't be lazy with your one means of communication through the internet. Prove you're intelligent, and don't use chat/text speak. LEET IS FORBIDDEN.
  3. Open-mindedness is a virtue. I will not tolerate the bashing of another's religious/personal beliefs. Be respectful in differing with others.
  4. Chatter about topics other than animals is allowed. We are a hangout, after all.
  5. Due to the nature of this hangout, expect furries to be here. Furries, keep it PG. Non-furries, please be respectful, even if you disagree.
  6. I reserve the right to change these rules as I see it fit.

If you'd like me to add a link here, simply PM me with the link/banner/badge and I shall add it. No charge.
HTML Code:

Pisces and .rousium's Quest Thread: *****

.rousium's Buying Thread: *****

.rousium's Graphic Shoppe: *****

The Cyber Cafe: A Geek and Nerd Hang Out: *****

Pisces 02-13-2011 03:48 PM


If you would like me to add you to the list, here's what I want! This is completely optional, and you are not required to fill this out to post in here. When you send me this, PM me.

My Name is: Username or IRL name (no last names, please, let's employ some safe internet basics).
My pets are: Names, type/breed, and pictures! Pix are optional, but we want to see what they look like. <3
Some of our/their funny quirks are: Optional. Just talk a bit about what you love in your lovelies, or some funny things that happen when you're together.
Stuff I want you to know: Also optional. Some things to include are those that have passed on, fun anecdotes, etc.

HTML Code:

[B]My Name is:[/B]
[B]My pets are:[/B]
[B]Some of our/their funny quirks are:[/B]
[B]Stuff I want you to know:[/B]


My Name is: Pisces, Pi, Pie, or Fishy.
My pets are: Hunter (kitty, ragdoll mix), Tempest (Siberian Husky), Shakti (Alsatian), Kaoru (Rottie-aussie mix), and Shadow (toy poodle).
Some of our/their funny quirks are: Hunter curls up on my pillow at night and we don't go to sleep until he's batted at my nose. Tempest dances in little circles when it's time to eat. Kaoru, when she's excited, will wag her tail so furiously her butt dances, but only her butt and tail move - the rest of her is statue still. It's hilarious. XD Shakti will bowl into if she's slept with me and I wake up. It's like, "Oh hey! You're awake! LOVE!" and she'll fall into me with enough force to wind me. Shadow is a little snot, lol, who used to be my grandmother's, but he missed us so much granma told us to keep him.
Stuff I want you to know: Tempest, Kaoru, and Hunter are our rescue babies. We also used to have a Norwegian Forest kitty named Kahlil. He was 18 years old when he passed away, the last 7 years of his life he was diabetic. Tempest is blind, and has no eyes. He has a full story here and here. Hunter was someone's barn cat before we adopted him. He came to us when he left his previous owner's home, got hit by a car, and ended up in the vet clinic my mother worked at at the time. He has some brain damage, so his balance isn't perfect and he's got a bit of a type-writer head (his head bobs back and forth). His right eye is permanently dilated and can only see the barest of shadows.

Pix coming soon


Originally Posted by .rousium
My Name is: .rousium

My pets are: Ollie and Munchers.

Some of our/their funny quirks are: This guy and gal are brother and sister and i've had them since they were weee bitty things. Munchers is affectionately known as squirrel kitty because he stands on his little back legs for strange amounts of time. He is the most loveable kitten i've ever had. He's very, very fond of belly lovins. Ollie is his sister and she is also extremely loveable and quite the fan of belly lovins as well. Her little meow sounds kinda like a fifty year old smoker, very small and raspy. She is affectionately known as dolphin kitty. She lays on the floor and drags her skinny self along the floor and she reminds me of a dolphin skimming the surface of the ocean. They both have a million and one other nicknames. Munchers is also: Munch Master, Munmun, Turkey man, buttnugget, Munch Master Flex, Munchersis, Flex, Flexerator, Sweatpants....etc. Ollie's other alias's are: Geegee, Geegee Moo, Weinerhead, Weiner, Weinerbutt, Poor Ollie, Pretty, Preprekeekee, fishface...etc.

Stuff I want you to know: My baby and best friend died November of last year. His name was Eddie Edwardo Monkey Moe. Eddie or Moe for short. He also had a million names. Little little, moegie, Mr. Meowgi, Big Moe, Patty cakin purr kitty..etc. I miss him more then I can describe. I often hear his meow when i'm trying to fall asleep. I imagine that he, along with all my other animals are in heaven with my mother and grandfather, hanging out until we're reunited.


Originally Posted by lauv keiko (Post 524889)
My Name is: Lauv Keiko
My pets are: Dixie, Grey, Medias, Momi and Min
Some of our/their funny quirks are: When I arrive home from school, all three of my doggies would run up to me and "tackle-attack" me. And it happens everyday. Also, my dogs are scared of slippers, for no reason at all. I would raise a slipper and they'd scamper away (never have hit them with one though, so I don't know why they're scared). My Dixie would play bite with me and when she realizes her bites start to hurt me, she would walk away. My cat Momi loves to snuggle close to me in bed and then loooves to sneeze in my face.
Stuff I want you to know: My dogs know how to open doors. They once got lost in the city, but were able to come home on their own.
My cats...well, they're boring. XD


Originally Posted by Saiyouri (Post 524985)

I definatley fit here. I have 2 parakeets and 4 kitties babies.

Hamtaro- He is a dark chocolate brown boy who is obsessed with boxes and bags. But mostly boxes. He sees one and will go into it and will sleep there for hours on end. He loves to hiss at everyone. But that is because he grew up for the first 4 years alone and then got a lil sister that he loves to death.

Sayuri- She is an extrememly beautiful tiger tabby who is 'special'. She loves to lick feathers and now very soft mice tails. She barley ever eats, so much so I swear that the past week she hasn't eaten at all. I haven't seen her eat at all. She is extremely skiddish and jumpy. She loves to have attention and sit on my lap and on rare occassions goes up to my husband for attention, something she doesn't do really at all. She has a confused look on her face most of the time. And a blank look on her face too. Her 'specialness' is that she isn't that bright at all. She pretty much is stupid, which isn't nice to say about something so beautiful and innocent.

Lavendar- She is the oldest of her and her brother Gintoki who are part of quads. She is extrememly soft and fluffy and gray. She is also the tiniest kitty in the house. It's really hard to see her at all when you walk and she is almost 3 yrs old already. She loves mice and will play with nothing but mice. She is a good moma to all.

Gintoki- This baby is the size of a beagle dog and the longest fur ball in the house. He measures from head to end of tail at 3'. Yes 3 feet long. And he isn't part maine coon at all 0.o He loves mylar balls to death and is extremely loving and kind. He always has this lil sad look on his face and he does get away with anything he wants. He is almost 3 and hasn't hissed in his entire life yet. Not even at Hamtaro when he tries to attack him. He never gets upset for anything. His gray hair is lighter than his big sisters.


Demeter- She is a light blue parakeet who might of accidently killed her baby she tried to take care of during this past summer. She fights non stop with the male >.>;

Hermes- He is a beautiful blue purple parakeet who I swear is a baby. He is almost 2 and still can't behave himself. And doesn't get the chance to behave because of Demeter now picking on him. He got out of the cage once and Gintoki caught him..... Something the idiot hasn't learned his lesson to not do again. He tried getting free earlier this week with me feeding him.

Here are the pics of my babies:
Hermes & Demeter





Pisces 02-13-2011 03:49 PM

Pisces 02-13-2011 03:53 PM

We like contests, yes? The prizes won't be spectacular at first, but hey, something is better than nothing, no?

Page 50:
Page 100:
Page 150:
Page 200:
The object of this little contest is to guess the song and artist of the couple lines of lyric. Because it's so easy to cheat at this (aka, Google) the reward will be only 100 coins/aurum. The lyrics will stay up for a decent amount of time. If no one guesses them, I'll switch them out after it has been long enough. When guessing the song and artist, please post your answers on my profile page. I can't guarantee that I'll see who answers first if posted in the thread, and I like to keep my PM's open for uber-important things.

If there are some lyrics listed that no one won, you can still send in the answer for 50 aurum.

March 3, 2011
"Girls are not meant to fight dirty
Never look a day past thirty
Not gonna bend over and curtsy for you

Is there any possibility
You'll quit gossiping about me
To hide your insecurities
All you say is "blah, blah"

Past Lyrics and Winners:

[no winner]


Lauv Keiko

Pisces 02-13-2011 03:54 PM

Pisces 02-13-2011 03:55 PM

Pisces 02-13-2011 03:56 PM

.rousium 02-13-2011 05:35 PM

I steal first post! And i'm going to fill our your little thinger!

Iggy 02-13-2011 06:22 PM

Oh hello. I adore animals. ^^
I currently have ten cats. c:
Well, five of them are five days old, three of them are older kittens,
And two of them are adult cats but yeah, still ten in all. xD

.rousium 02-13-2011 06:34 PM

Ooingo Boingo! Nice!

Aww...a bunch of kittens! So jealous!

Iggy 02-13-2011 06:40 PM

Yeah, they're so cute. They haven't even opened their eyes yet. <33

Pisces 02-13-2011 06:54 PM

Eeep! With iffy internets, I forgot to check to see if people liked my thread. |'D

Awww! Kittens! X3 They're so precious when teeny. And still adorable when older. <3

Also, welcome! =D

.rousium 02-13-2011 07:11 PM

Awwwww...just thinking about them with their bitty eyes all closed! I can hear their little mews and...and... *dies*

Pisces 02-13-2011 07:18 PM

<333 I remember back when we lived with granma, my neighbour adopted a pregnant cat out of the streets so she could have her babies. Their little umbilical cords are cute, even. XD

Hmm..I should fill out my own form, lol.

Iggy 02-13-2011 09:35 PM

Hehe yeah. They're very loud. xD
I know right? And since they're fluffy they're going to be even cuter when they're a bit bigger!
Here's a pic of one, x3

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