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Cronislee 10-23-2010 10:39 PM

/*The KNIGHTS OF CHAOS*\ Now led by an explosive chinchilla
Born out of the void, the knights entered trisphee through the great rift. Torn from the vary fabric of time and space, the knights were gifted with the powers of all that is chaotic! Fire, water, ice, earth, and more, they made their way across the land, and now they reside here. oath spoken by the Infernal Knight upon his endowment.
The Oath of Chaos

A ka dua
Tuf ur biu
Bi aa chefu
Dudu ner af an nuteru!
( Unity uttermost showed!
I adore the might of thy breath
Supreme and terrible god,
Who makest the gods and death
To tremble before thee!
I, I adore thee!
(Barrowed from Crowley)

In the beginning...
There was nothing but darkness. Then came the great awakening, and the void came into being. The Universe took on life, and the emptyness began to expand with life; Planets and stars were born, commets and meteorites pummaled the fledgling plannet of Trisphee on a constant basis. But the universe was still empty. And in the Emptyness were born the divine. Seeing the emptyness and lack of order, the divine created Order in the universe. But with order came the god and goddess Braen and Ascellus. Order gave light to freedom of will, and freedom of choice. With freedom of choice came the great devide, and the forces of Order bore life to Good and Evil. And it caused wars, conflict, and destruction. Killing stained the new-born Trisphee red with blood, and the smell could be smelt even in the voide of space. But the bloodshed went ignored. And the wickedness continued. Then oneday, the first divine rose his hand in anger, and decried that the madness must be braught to an end. And his name was the un-named, but because he denounced the forces of Order, he became the God of Chaos.
In his fury, Chaos reached into the void for a spirit that could forge his wrath into a blade of fury that could rival the forces of Order, and from the void emerged Cronis Magnus Lee. But it was not enough; and from the void Chaos summoned a spirit who could ballance the void, and she was known as Poggio. Together, they were the Lords of Chaos. But they were not enough.
Chaos; void of thought & reason, Good and Evil, it was bliss, and it was good. But the forces of Chaos were small, and the armies of Order were many. And so, Chaos bore his warriors with all the powers of Chaos; to Cronis; Fire as hot as the sun. To Poggio, Ice as bitter as the frozen plains of Trisphee. But still they were few. And so they were tasked with the duty to bulster the forces of Chaos, and thusly born were the Knights of Chaos.
Obey the Trisphee Terms of Service and rules.
Knights must have a hair Extension item.
Drama, Fighting, or any trouble of any kind will result in the your being black listed from the group. Treat others with respect.
Respect other members of the KoC in and outside of the KoC.
We do not allow for "Slaves of Chaos"
Cronislee holds the right to black list or remove any member who violates the rules of this Forum and/or he views as a threat to the peace of the group.
The Code:
Live in honore fama viere.
Live in honor, live in infamy.
Knights of Chaos High Counsal
Infernal Knight: Cronis Lee

Blizard Knight: ???
Tsunami Knight:???
Illusion Knight: Illusion
Rose Knight: Rose

Lightning Knight: ???

Pick-Pocket Knight: Pocket

Wraith Knight:???

Lascivious Knight: Trakadon

Poison Knight: Reyoki

Artic-Storm Knight:???

Flood Knight:???
Volcanic Knight: ???
Snow Blind Knight:???
Huricane Knight:???
Quake Knight:???
Firewhirl Knight:???
Ni Knight:???
Myst Knight:Fallen
Plague Knight:???
Black Ice Knight:???
Desire Knight:???
Storm Knight:???
Decimation Knight:???
Gloom Knight:???
Typhoon Knight:???
Trickster Knight:???
Discord Knight: ???
Avalanch Knight:???
Tornado Knight: ???
Lust: lauv keiko
Greed: Lunaryon

Sloth: ???
Gluttony: ???
Nova Knight: Corovignh

Black-Hole Knight:???
Cosmos Knight: Airina

Endless-Void Knight: Obbiesan

PS: Were the bad guys :)

The Four Horsemen of Chaos
Famine: Rose
Pestilence: Poggio
War: Airina
Death: Reyoki
Ice-Storm Knight: Airu
Eruption Knight: Moonless Midnight
Tempest Knight: Storm
Typhoon Knight: Letiel
Chasm Knight: Chasm
Time Knight: Hikori

Cronislee 10-23-2010 10:42 PM

Follow the KoC on Facebook!:
Please PM me with a request and ask for the kind of Chaos you want to be.
The uniform is pretty simple, have a pieace of clothing that signifies your Chaotic color, blue's are water, purples are storms, and reds are fires.

If you apply to join the Knights, I will decide if I will accept your title or not. If I feel that it does not have an element of Chaos (or a good ring to it) I will, most likely, reject the name, and suggest another one. You are not a member unless I say so and your added to the list. Please include why you would like to join the Knights of Chaos in your application.
Frequient members will earn a unique Sigil for use in their signiture.

Role Play:
We are currently at war with the Pandora Rangers. The Heretics must bleed! This can be found in the Private Roleplay's section of the Roleplayers corner.

Cronislee 10-23-2010 11:01 PM
Lets face it; the world is filled with heroes. But what about us? The Anti-heroes and the bad guys, where do we fit in? Here is where we shall call home, in the ranks of chaos! Because who really wants to be the good guys? More or less, were the bad guys guild
Were here to overwhelm the forces of good. By spreading chaos through the realm, we will move closer to our ultimate goal: World domination!

When you represent the Knights, you represent the code: Honor through Infamy.

This thread is open to everyone who wants to have a good time :).
We are a hodgpodge of diversities; freaks, geeks, and tweaks and yet we are not, even remotely, Politically Correct (PC to you stranger folk). If you are easily offended, shocked, mortified, or horrified (or a politically correct individual) this might not be the group for you. But; if you got some thick skin in for a good time with good people, send in your application today! Please remember to respect members and non-members alike. If you feel you are getting frustrated, agitated, or annoyed, take time to step out of the group and cool down.

Doll Wraithring 10-24-2010 02:50 AM

You have no white. . . . .I would love to join if you had white.

Poggio 10-24-2010 05:15 AM

You could be a Hurricane, they are pretty much white... grey... silver neutral tones.

Corovignh 10-24-2010 05:37 AM

-cracks knuckles and picks up another pillow- Oh Crooooon~ I think you forgot someone. D<

Anurah Loveheart 10-24-2010 01:01 PM

Unicorn princess power! *twirls*

Wink 10-24-2010 02:02 PM

Hey everyone. :3

Konata 10-24-2010 02:03 PM

So who are the good guys?

Cronislee 10-24-2010 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Corovignh (Post 234571)
-cracks knuckles and picks up another pillow- Oh Crooooon~ I think you forgot someone. D<

I Forgot nothing! I actually made the Tornado knight for you since your the one wearing purple :D, but you logged off before I could ask xD.

Cronislee 10-24-2010 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Konata (Post 234786)
So who are the good guys?

The...Pandora Rangers... and all who fight for that which is good! Where there is peace; we shall spread discontent. Where Joy raises its joyous head, we shall kick it in the...well you know where.
Where there are Girl Scouts selling cookies- WE SHALL BUY ALL THE COOKIES SO NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE THEM! Because that how we roll.

Wink 10-24-2010 02:17 PM

Hey Cronislee, maybe I could change to Myst knight? o.o It's black right? XD

Poggio 10-24-2010 02:20 PM

Lol coro I can't picture you as a tornado, your more like the firey explosions of pompii.

Cronislee 10-24-2010 02:25 PM

Lol unfortunately the only reason its black is because the white cant be seen.

Poggio 10-24-2010 02:32 PM

Dances around and sings:

We're Knights of the Round Table
We dance whene'er we're able
We do routines and chorus scenes
With footwork impeccable

Wink 10-24-2010 02:34 PM

@ Cronislee
Haha color just matters to me. XD But I'll stay flood knight I guess :P
@ Poggio
*dances with poggio* Encore!

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