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Toki 11-20-2012 08:03 PM

Let's talk Paranormal
since that is my favourite thing in the world yes

possible discussion topics:
  • do you believe in ghosts? why or why not?
  • tell us about a paranormal experience you've had
  • astral projection, most excellent experience or frickin terrifying would not recommend?
  • ouija boards are not rad in the slightest, agree or disagree
  • spirit guides, premonition dreams, etc.

so yeah i'll start i guess

i've been practicing with astral projection for like a year now and it's getting pretty frustrating because i haven't been able to do it at all and it's totally wrecking my confidence

i've never been able to see ghosts but i get weird feelings all the time and ive decided to take notice more when i get a weird feeling because it usually means something will happen? like if i get the feeling we're going to have a pop quiz in ethics class, it usually happens maybe i just have a spidey-sense for quizzes but it's getting pretty weird because it's been right more times than i can call a coincidence

i dunno that's the most paranormal thing that's ever really happened to me except for that one time when i was actually not trying to astral project but then something grabbed my foot and pulled me out that was totes ridic and also p scary and even then i dont know if it really happened or what

even so i believe in ghosts and all that not just because it's completely rad but also because i dunno i just do???

so tell me about your paranormal feels, trisphee!

Reyoki 11-20-2012 08:16 PM

Well, Toki, you know I do my weekly Tarot card readings, and they're usually pretty spot-on.

There have been times where I'll be muttering to myself while playing a game, and then suddenly start having a conversation with someone else in the room. Only, once I realize that I'm the only one who's awake at three in the morning, I'll look around my room and there's nobody there but me. That's the point at which I decide to go to sleep because I'm imagining things. Except for the fact that it's happened a number of times since I was in middle school, so I'm pretty sure it's not just my mind playing tricks on me from exhaustion.

I think it may be the ghost of my uncle who died when I was in 7th grade. My grandma keeps his urn in her curio cabinet in the living room.

Amoena 11-20-2012 08:20 PM


At my house there's at least one ghost v.v I've never had sleep paralysis before BUT one night I woke up and there was a black mass standing in the doorway. I tried to talk and when I realized that not only my body but things like my vocal chords and stuff were completely paralyzed I tried to scream.. and well neither worked. I didn't make a sound but it ended up floating and disappearing up into the attic.

The attic door is almost "held" shut. I like to believe that it's just the wood in the door and stuff contracting and expanding over the years (it IS an older house after all) but when we say what we're going to do up there (just grab the ornaments/put them away, find something up there) the door pops open. Coincidence? It totally could be.

My mother has been visited many times, the stove gets turned on by itself after she sees the shadow walk in front of it. She's taking a bath and there it is standing in the doorway checkin on her. She sees it walk back and forth in front of her door.

It's all very creepy and scary, but totally harmless. We've never been harmed or "threatened". And the thing turning on the stove -- well, even the landlord thinks it's an older woman up there, so we think she wanted to cook something xD! She acted up as soon as someone had hurt themselves too.


I dream in color, and I can lucid dream and the dreams are more vivid and I can control them more if I slow my brain down. I'm registered as a genius /blush so my brain works super fast, and slowing it down with - nyquil or another type of sleep aid (simply not drinking caffeine does the trick as well) lets me concentrate more on what's going on.

Once, I overdosed on nyquil (big whoop, didn't do anything but make my liver mad at me for a day) and I had a dream where I died, had a vision, and in my dream I cried out that it felt the same (as being alive). I woke up, and I felt so renewed and fresh and not at all like I had just overdosed. The stomach aches and physical issues came a little later, but I was totally over what I was so upset about before!

The weirder stuff came after that, when ever I dreamed after that (and I carry it with me in my dreams even now, as that was about two years ago) the dreams were in order. Like, the dream I had after the one I died in had us (there were a few of us in a group that all died, don't know the circumstances though) corralled in and looking for something. The one after that had us using that thing to create a portal that took us somewhere else. I can't really get into the specifics because It's very personal, but that continued until I was actually taken in one of my dreams by someone (kidnapped).


Ouija boards are NOT GOOD. Especially if you're a novice at that sort of thing. You end up letting evil spirits (or whatever) in, even if you're trying to contact good ones. <-- All learnt from Ghost Hunters, thanks TAPS :)


Oh, and to answer you Toki, I would debunk the cases of just "feeling weird". It could be that there's some EMF (electromagnetic fields) running around where you are, or they spike at certain times. That's how my old house is and it's used as a sort of tuning fork. My family has an excellent ability for intuition, so I sometimes feel like a sort of medium at times, though I really don't want to be haha xD;; it's scary to me.

Toki 11-20-2012 08:21 PM

see ive never really been haunted or talked to ghosts or even been able to see them

but lately ive had this thing where i keep seeing people and animals out of the corner of my eye but when i go to look at them theyre not there

honestly since i have an overactive imagination it's p hard to tell if it's just that or if im starting to develop some sort of clairvoyance

who know

and yeah sleep paralysis is most non-excellent and sucks a lot, ive been through that

also lucid dreams are where i get most of my story ideas and theyre loads of fun but i almost never get them anymore

ive kinda deduced that i cant astral project because my mind is constantly on overdrive and i cant shut it up long enough to concentrate on the task at hand u_u though once i was able to do it and didnt realize it and i havent been able to do it since

Amoena 11-20-2012 08:23 PM

Seeing things out of the corner of your eye could be something, or it could just as easily be nothing. You want to see them full on. Maybe, when that happens, talk out loud? Like, say "Who's there? May I see you please?"

Sometimes talking to the spirits helps. With mine, I can just ask them to go away please, because they are scaring me. And they do.

Toki 11-20-2012 08:33 PM

i usually dismiss it as my imagination or a trick of the light because they're gone just as quickly as they appear

my boyfriend has suggested that i cant astral project because my house is so creepy in the dark and i dont feel safe enough to do it "/ which would make sense because yes my house is extremely creepy at night for no discernible reason and often times i dont feel safe and/or that someone else is watching me

Amoena 11-20-2012 08:45 PM

Yeah, I'm no professional but that sounds like a fear cage (v.v lots of book readin' and tv watchin').
If you feel *that* uncomfy just try asking "them" to stop. You'll feel a little silly probably but it might help.

Toki 11-20-2012 08:54 PM

in my house, we've tried asking them to leave if there is anything, but that creepy feeling is still there all the time so maybe i'll smudge some sage or something and see if that helps

when it comes to the random sightings, it's not all that bothersome or unsettling, just odd since it's never happened before

what is your opinion on tarot cards? i know reyo and i both use them but i know a lot of people try to say theyre an elaborate coincidence

Amoena 11-20-2012 09:09 PM

Sage.. i don't.. are you cooking?


I had a book and set of tarot cards, but I don't know how to use them (so I don't). There's a psychic community near my house (well like 40 miles away) and when I visited it I felt like there was a bunch of people/things/whatevers trying to get inside my head. It was a very headache-filled and uncomfortable day for me. Anyways, a lot of them offered tarot services and I politely declined.

As far as them being bunk, "I don't know" I suppose would be my answer xD I believe that if you know what you're doing with them it could work out better. But, like the bible, it's all up for interpretation.

Toki 11-20-2012 09:23 PM

no smudging sage is a thing that you do to expel negative energies from an area and promote positive ones "/ like you can buy bundles of dried sage and everything

wow that sounds bad

ive been to st augustine a couple of times and thats supposed to be one of the most haunted cities in america but i didnt see or hear or feel a single thing when i was there u_u i guess i just dont have the gift

Amoena 11-20-2012 09:49 PM

Ahhh they found some crazy stuff in the st. augustine light house :D

Toki 11-20-2012 10:21 PM

yeah i know

ive been there, it's nbd "/ no one saw anything or even felt anything

the old jail was different though-- i saw someone moving in one of the cells from outside but they dismissed it as a mannequin, and it was gone by the time we went inside u_u

Dawn 11-20-2012 10:37 PM

One of my favorite topics to sit and discuss cause really.. death and ghosts and other things really tend to interest me..

I do remember when I was younger.. I lived on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and my parents, well.. they really wanted to freak me out one night. We have a legend called Big Liz.. it's like a 20 min drive away from where I lived so for a laugh, they drove to the place and did what was told in the legend to call her up, ending up sitting on an old wooden bridge in a car.. well, they end up being the ones that got bored so decided to leave, and while we driving off, I saw something white in the marshlands coming toward the car.. and my parents never believed me..

Also another freaky thing that happened.. I will always swear my house in the States is haunted.. but my room has always.. felt queer.. my first cat was always scared to go in there at night but this involved an item I owned.. I usually went to New Jersey for Summer vacations and one year, I brought back this cute little plush bean bag dog, yellow and cute as a button. I kept this plush on my dresser.. than one day, it vanished.. we searched every where for it and still, even now, the mystery of where this toy went to has not been solved but I made a comment to my best friend regarding it, she was like, a ghost took it.. I was like, why would a ghost want a stuffed animal? She was like, was there anything red near it.. I was like, I had my red lava thing near it but that's still there.. and she was like, ghosts don't like red.. like okay... not sleeping in that room again..

Toki 11-20-2012 10:46 PM

ive never heard that ghosts don't like red; makes me wonder where that lore came from

Dawn 11-20-2012 11:00 PM

I honestly don't know.. it was the plush got took cause the red object was near it or maybe it was cause there was nothing red near it.. it's the only item that has vanished without ever showing up again so I can't test that theory..

and pretty much, the last year I spent at the house, I slept on the couch.. that was how freaked out that room left me, the other two rooms I had no issues sleeping in..

Toki 11-20-2012 11:22 PM

wow ok

i might do some research on that

if you still live there, you might want to try smudging sage in that room to clear the negative energy and promote positive and balanced energy

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