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uncledaddy 03-08-2013 04:45 PM

Free crap doodles for your OCs
I've got a tiny little laptop and MS Paint here. I hooked up my tablet anyway while I'm waiting for my "real" computer to get back to me, along with all my schmancy art programs and such. So until then, it's a ridiculous setup and an unsteady hand and a far-away screen I can barely see leading me to do... things of this nature.

If you for some reason actually like things of this nature and would particularly like to have one involving your very own OC(s), you may post all necessary information for your request here and I will see what I can do. There are no guarantees.

**WILL do:**
-OCs of all types
-silliness that is not too terribly complex

**WON'T do:**
-avatars, real people, or characters you didn't create yourself
-serious or beautiful art (you get what you pay for, eh)

Assuming this many people even come in at all, I will open five slots for now and just see how it goes.

1- littl3chocobo
2- Honey
3- Espy

Just be sure to give me as much information as possible and make it clear what you want. Don't just peer in and be all, "consider me? Q wQ ~nya~". SHOW ME THAT YOU REALLY MEAN IT. YOU MUST WANT THE GARBAGE ART. WANT IT HARD.
So hard that you come back to this thread to check for it and acknowledge that you got it, because I don't wanna be doodling for nothing and I don't wanna hunt you down, either. And by the way, life. You might want to actually read whatever I post in this thread, because it could be an important update regarding my ability to get things done.

So that's that. Go for it.

littl3chocobo 03-08-2013 04:48 PM

i have no information other than this avi XD i created the oc like 40 minutes ago and am waiting for a post back hahaha, think big lovable lunk though and maybe a little farmboy XD

uncledaddy 03-08-2013 04:52 PM

I seeeee. Any important distinguishing factors (age, notable facial features, etc) and/or particular situations that must be seen?

littl3chocobo 03-08-2013 04:56 PM

he is about thirtyish, his sleepy eyes are his biggest and only notable feature, his name is mikky(his mom was still high on epidural when he was born and named him milkyway) he collects souvenirs and he is a celestial trucker so he spends a lot of time being bored and harassing pog's unfinished char. he is a gentle fella and though he is not the sharpest tack he is fairly smart and he is not likely to ever get too angry though he smiles like a sweetheart and makes you think of golden retrievers

not going to lie XD i usually have a har for 10-20 pages before i know enough about them to get art hahahaha

uncledaddy 03-08-2013 04:59 PM

I'd say that's plenty useful information. *sagely nodding* also sounds like a lovely character~

littl3chocobo 03-08-2013 05:01 PM

he is XD unfortunately his partner has mpd and the other personality is mine's lover X'D makes things hard when your surly best friend's imaginary other half is your boyfriend

get nice and squeaky<3

uncledaddy 03-08-2013 07:09 PM

That sounds very complicated indeed.

I am clean and I have doodled.

littl3chocobo 03-08-2013 07:12 PM

it should be fun XD

X''D hell yes! i should tots make you draw pog's when it is up, here though for now a little tip for the great doodle

uncledaddy 03-08-2013 07:15 PM

> 3> I wouldn't be opposed~


Ooh, and thank you.

littl3chocobo 03-08-2013 07:17 PM

i do X'D it's hilarious also i await with great excitement to see what those two items do for you hahaha

uncledaddy 03-08-2013 07:21 PM

I don't doubt I will find something of interest to do with 'em. >:D

Though I am so attached to the current avatar, it may be a while before I change it again. ...Or I might get overwhelmed with the desire to try new things and just save an image of it for later use instead. PFFFF I can't hold onto a look for long.

littl3chocobo 03-08-2013 07:28 PM

want to know a trick i use?

open your avatar tab and go to the layering section, then open a new tab and make a new avi, save the new avi and close the tab then on the one with the old avatar move an item up and down a couple times, i usually move an item on each layer, after you have moved the item your old avi will be saved in the temporary memory section so you can save it later

uncledaddy 03-08-2013 07:34 PM

@ n@ *head explodes*

I have the strangest feeling I will screw that up if I try it....

littl3chocobo 03-08-2013 07:43 PM

just open two tabs for your avi and put them on the part where you can change the layers, leave the first one alone and do whatever with the other, after you save the other you can take the first two items on your still-remaining tab and move them around a little and you will have swapped avis so that the one you made can be worn and the one you are wearing now is saved

Honey 03-08-2013 07:46 PM

You, good sir, have a very good concept here and I would love to have a funny doodle of a character. BI If you make it amazingly silly enough I shall tip you greatly.

uncledaddy 03-08-2013 07:49 PM


Honey; Ohhh? 8D

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