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Orion 04-08-2014 12:52 AM

1x1 Search
Hello everyone. I'm relatively new to the site, but I figured that I may as well take a dive into the RP community here. I've been RPing for about five years now so I'm not exactly new on the scene. I can range from semi lit-advanced lit depending on my partner and how much they give me as a response. I do prefer longer posts, however don't feel pressured to flesh out a post if you have writers block (I'm a firm believer in quality over quantity, I'd rather a really good paragraph than 5 paragraphs of waffle).

Important note: Exam season is coming up for me so I am pretty busy right now and will be up until the end of May. However, I do aim to post at least once a day in our RP and if forever reason I'll be away for a couple days I will let you know.

What I look for in a partner:

♫ If you lose interest in the RP or won't be online, tell me.
♫ Don't steal my characters or godmod.
♫ Don't force me into a plot that I'm not comfortable with or that I feel I won't enjoy. That's a sure-fire way to kill the RP.
♫ Don't rely on me for all the ideas and to carry the RP forward. It's all about equal participation.
♫ Ideally, someone I can get along with outwith an RP.

There are very few things that I don't enjoy RPing, and I am incredibly flexible. However, to prevent any time being wasted, I'll post what I don't roleplay before I get into the nitty-gritty.

I will not do:

♫ Vampires
♫ Angel/Demon
♫ Werewolves
♫ Most fandoms (There are a couple of exceptions, you're more than welcome to ask which if interested.)
♫ Clichés

Anything not in that list is fair game, and as I said before, I am very flexible. I have quite a few ideas rattling around my head, but rather than post them all here and have no input from you, I'd prefer we brainstorm.

So, if you're interested in RPing with me let me know what genres you love doing or are craving; I'll tell you what thoughts I have on them and any ideas or elements that could be included I have, and you do the same. Then we'll work from there. Sound good? C:

Kenai 04-09-2014 11:48 PM

Heeeello Orion! Um welcome to Trisphee dude =)
I'll just type things about my RPing in response to your own.

ღ I tend to be an aggresive plotter. You'll find me throwing plot points and stuff all the time. And people tend to disregard them all the time. xD I hope you don't feel it to be forceful.

ღ My Rp style is semi-lit. If you look in the current 1x1s you can find 3 RPs I'm currently in and get an idea of how I play. That'll probably be the big decider on whether we're compatible

ღ I have my own search thread if you wish to see fandoms and stuff. Otherwise I would love to hear one of your plot ideas first. I tend towards sci-fi/fantasy stuff. Although I did do a fun RP involving psychologically disturbed children forming friendships/rivalries with each other and other fun stuff.

Orion 04-10-2014 03:32 PM

Hello there. ^^ Thank you for the welcome.

I've had a little peep at your request thread and your RPs, I think that we'd be pretty compatible partners.

As for being an aggressive plotter, I don't mind that at all. In fact that's a bonus. I prefer when partners can help carry the plot rather than just expect me to do everything.

I'm not too keen on fandom RPs, I prefer to play out non-canon plots.

As for plots I don't really have any at the moment. I do have a basic idea about a dystopian future/alien invasion if you would be interested in hearing that one?

Kenai 04-14-2014 12:13 AM

Sorry I was slow to respond. Spent a night at friends and got really drunk, finally on track after derailing xD

Regarding fandom plot lines I simply use the world setting and try to avoid crossing directly into the canon timeline, like I did with the Kingdom Hearts RP. If that's not your cup of tea though I'm cool with that for example I'm not inclined to do romances ever. I am not romantic online or in real life xD

Sure I'm interested in hearing -nods-

Him 04-17-2014 09:22 PM

Okay so you wanted to discuss about Thauron returning and being a thorn in Abaddon's ass? Sounds good to me but how will it all pan out? Do you have a set up for how this works? I think they might use shadow travel or Teleport. All Abaddon needs is like a mental picture if Sid knows what the place looks like that's good enough for him.

Kenai 04-17-2014 09:34 PM

Yes, but this is not my thread lol

I'll have a post up in the proper thread in just a minute

Him 04-17-2014 09:35 PM

:o Oh damn it I click the wrong wrong. oTZ Smooth Eros, real flippin' smooth.

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