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Ookami-onea-chan91 04-23-2016 11:06 PM

1x1 RP search
Hello everyone,

Ookami-chan here and I am finally blowing the dust off my trisphee account to attempt to re-enter my favorite world of role plays. Right now I am not to picky on role play subjects and would be open to almost anything as long as I can understand your plot and where you want to go with it. My job has finally gotten to a place where I have a comfortable ish position and time to relax more then I used to.
Just a warning though, I have not gotten to truly role play in well over a year and may be a bit rusty, but I am hoping that someone will grant me a chance to try and liven up again. I need to bring some creativity and joy back to my world outside of my relationship.

Thank you for anyone who gives me a chance.

Oh yeah I'm gonna leave some cookies and soda over here.... In the corner. >_> Help yourself?

Godfather 04-24-2016 01:57 AM

Hey there! I'm coming back to online role playing too. Is there any plot you're currently interested? I'm also pretty up for anything.

Ookami-onea-chan91 04-24-2016 06:15 AM

Not really that I can think of specifically. I love to attempt anime rps, but mostly ones I've actually heard of and had time to watch. Haha ummm..... I would like to break myself back in a little slowly.

RinLin 07-09-2016 02:56 PM

Here is my RP-thread, in case you'd find something that would catch your eye. ^^

Kitarun 11-06-2016 11:26 AM

Hello Ookami-onea-chan91. I might be interested... However, I only do m/m pairings...
If that's okay, then let me know and I'll post a couple of my ideas for you.

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