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sylvanSpider 10-01-2017 07:18 PM

Teratophilic Romance Shack [M] [[Sunshine/Spidey]]
The tiles were cold on the bottoms of Blue's feet as she ran the water for her bath. Her apartment was notorious for taking forever to get hot water, especially near the top where Blue was situated. She hummed to herself taking the opportunity to light a few candles so she could turn off what was lovingly called "the bad light." The only thing that made it bad, really, was the simple fact that it was fluorescent--the light cold and efficient as opposed to warm and cozy.

The bath was much needed too. Work was nothing but stress and financial obligations loomed in the not so distant future. On top it all, she had at least two major projects due for two separate art classes, one of which she hadn't started yet. It can wait, she thought to herself. The first slivers of warmth flowed through onto her fingertips and she began to disrobe, stopping the plug and letting the small tub fill up. I've earned this...Just a little bit of time to relax. Just a little.

She sighed, sliding into tub, feeling the warmth envelop her. Her pale skin was starting to turn red, a sign that maybe she had it a little bit too hot. She didn't care, closing her eyes and sliding further in, tucking her knees up so she could wet her hair. "I just wish I had some help. Shit, even just someone to talk to would be nice."

BlueInTheShell 10-01-2017 09:46 PM

“So the next thing I know, the human is on his knees. Begging. Just….Begging me for a loophole out of our contract. I of course laughed, and you know. Put on the whole, archaic bullshit. ‘Oh feeble and pitiful mortal. What form of remuneration would I get from being so lenient.’ Kinda deal, you know?”

Uzogorthorix sighed and itched her large center eye for a moment, as the story was continuing before she felt a small pull at her very being, the demon looking down at herself before everything went…Black. It felt as if she was being pulled into the heavens by her horns, and hitting every rock and bit of gravel that could possibly be hit on the way up. That’s how it felt every single summoning session. And how long had it been since she was last brought to the realm of humans? She couldn’t have even hazarded a guess, what with…Business down in the ‘Bolge. Or whatever the cool teenage succubi called it these days. As a contracting demon, she was often left well out of the new cool, hip lingo everydemon used nowadays.

Finally, after what seemed like minutes of being ripped out of Hell itself; Uzog was flung into…Wetness. Water; the demon looking down at herself before slowly peeking her head above the water of a bathtub; each eye opening individually and wincing at the suddenness of blue-white lighting that had appeared. The demon was halfway through at least, and once her eyes settled; heart-shaped pupils locked in on the mane of blue hair, and then the naked form of probably the most unfortunate looking girl she had ever witnessed.

It took a few moments before the demon finally spoke; a rather irritated tone escaping out a near-invisible slit of a mouth that opened vertically just below the center eye. “You have a lot of nerve summoning one of us right now, human. You best start praying, because if you don’t have a decent reason for me to be here, or an offer that’s gonna be sweet enough for me to sit still for a second, the moment this summoning is done, I’m gonna ram your head so far up your ass, not even Satan’s plumber is going to be able to snake your head out of there…”

sylvanSpider 10-01-2017 10:19 PM

Blue drew her knees up to her chest, her eyes wide. She wanted to scream, but the shock of another being in the bath tub with her latched onto her vocal chords. Instead, she yelped leaping out of the bathtub and in her infinite grace accidentally latched onto the shower curtain as she plummetted to the ground. She bounced to her feet, arms shooting up to cover her private bits on impulse.

“I-I-I didn't~! I was taking a bath, ehm, obviously?!” The last word was more like a squeak than an actual word. Her body froze, excepting her eyes which followed the...woman? Could she be called a woman? Her body. It was...obviously feminine. She was too well endowed to not notice, and the thin fabric making up her dress now being wet from the bath wasn't helping.

She had five eyes total from what Edith could see, all blue, all matching long cerlean hair that dropped to her waist. But she had horns...and a goat. Her skin was close to a caucasian, save for a few blue speckles dotting her arms and legs appearing to be more design than biology. To add to it, the woman had no mouth...and a feline? Feline was certainly the best way to describe it...a feline tail. Blue gulped, stepping back and bumping into the door. “I'm hallucinating. That's gotta be it. I'm hallucinating. The one time I did mushrooms in high school is coming back to haunt me, right?”

She shut off the lights, and with them her eyes, squeezing them shut so tightly they began to water before opening them and turning the light back on. The monster was still there.

BlueInTheShell 10-01-2017 11:08 PM

Uzog fought back a snicker as she watched the human begin to freak out and throw herself out of the bathtub, landing with the curtains on the ground and then beginning what Uzog called the 'Three Stages of Humans Seeing a Demon.' Right now it was at stage one. Disbelief. The demon grunted as arms began to push the rest of her body out of whatever hellhole (Literally) was below the suds in the tub, and then set about shaking a bit of the water from her head; Uzog rolling her outer four eyes while the human began the whole...You're not real thing. Typical. She probably got some wannabe wiccan who thought it was child's play when it came to her kind. And from the looks around the bathroom? A distinct lack of profit.

"Taking a bath...Ugh. It's like you human lot enjoy smelling like...Whatever a...Peaceful Breeze or something abstract like that and shower yourselves in stench." Uzog grumbled, nearly all the way out of her portal and swishing her tail around while the limb fumbled for some extra grip to pull herself out of hellhole. A small grunt, and a bit of a shimmy, and the demon was standing in water and soaked in lukewarm, human-scented water. "Eeech. I smell like you..." She continued grumbling, before shaking her head and twitching her ears.

"I wish you were hallucinating. It's not every day someone gets to see more than I present." Uzog continued as if the demon popping into the woman's life was something the being dealt with on a daily basis. "Really? A satandamned bathtub. Now everything is poking out of my dress and I gotta deal with, oh there you go. Stage two. You're gonna think you're tripping on something." Hiking her dress and adjusting her chest for a moment, the demon flicked out a long, proboscis-esque tongue to taste the air, only to make a grimace.

The light went off, only for it to come back on; all five eyes now locked onto the girl, as Uzog coughed and looked to one side, then towards the other. "...Still here. Still demonic. Still waiting for why you summoned me. At least from what I could see before you covered up you don't have a dick. You were about to be -reeeeally- sorry if you were looking for a succubus. Not that you wanna sleep with one. They're the worst kind of lovers. the Lethal kind. And if you live they turn into the most clingy and horrific of partners." Uzog prattled, gesturing with her hands, and mimicking the beings she was talking about. "You don't ever hold my hand anymore. You're never bed-ready. That was too quick."

Uzog stopped for a moment, and then made sure the girl hadn't gone catatonic while she was rambling away. "...Are you still sane? Can you still speak? Say 'Azathoth' if you understand me, or I'm just gonna suck out your soul and begone with you."

sylvanSpider 10-01-2017 11:45 PM

Blue sat there, mouth agape watching the demon ramble about succubi. She wasn't dreaming. Shit, she couldn't make this up she tried. It kind of reminded her of A Nightmare on Elm Street for obvious reasons, but as of this moment, the demon wasn't trying to eat her...or something. She nodded numbly, “Ehm...Azathoth...Wait, demons are Lovecraft fans?”

She took a couple of deep breaths, the demon still looking at her, “You''re talking about a summoning right? Well, I lit a couple of candles before my bath, could that uh..have been...have” She was stammering. You know, first time meeting a demon face-to-face jitters. “I mean, I'm single, but I'm not that desperate, geesh. I mean! Uh, you're lovely! What I mean by desperate is--” Oh no, I've done it again. Why can't I ever speak properly around anyone? “Is that I wouldn't go summoning a girlfriend or anything...”

She facepalmed, keeping herself still wrapped up in the shower curtain, feeling awkward at just standing there naked. “And don't diss my soap...I was stuck buying generic. I thought 'Japanese Cherry Blossom' would be the least painful..”

BlueInTheShell 10-02-2017 04:37 AM

zog pressed a hand to her chin and shook her head. All the questions the girl could have answered, and it was her choice of literature. “Lovecraft was my favorite author, followed loosely by Dean Koontz. But I supposedly have the worst taste in all of the ‘Bolge.” She said with a small huff, before tapping her own chin and drifting out of the tub; her tail pulling the plug. “Cover your mouth, do you wanna look like some sort of retarded child while you’re in the presence of me? Just kidding. They call me Uzog of The Fifth Circle if you’re being formal. Or just Uzog. Give me your name.”

Glancing around for a moment, the demon fixed on peering at the candles and then looking at the woman with a glare that oozed incredulity. “You act like you’re innocent in this matter. Or oblivious. Candles yes, because a dramatic entrance is how we do things. Then someone had to mutter the words needed. So either you wanted some sort of bathtub delight, or someone else brought me in the wrong place. Great.” Uzog said with a rather angry sigh, before snorting. “Yeah. A bath, alone. Sure you weren’t looking for company. Next thing you’ll want to know is what my chest looks like. Humans. Literally the same creature in different wrappers.” She began before stopping, and just letting the silence grow awkward before the mention of soap was brought back up.

Moving over towards the human, Uzog let in a deep, loud inhale and then a slow, disgusted exhale. “I am going to diss your soap because you ooze of desperation and cheap smells.” Uzog said, before adjusting her hair and then poking at one of her smaller eyes. “You could have bought something a little less…I supposed I would have just gone with something…You know what? Nevermind. You. Human. Give me your demands and we’ll whip up a contract so I don’t have to ever smell you again.”

sylvanSpider 10-02-2017 08:06 PM

Blue just put a hand to her face, covering her mouth and shutting it by pressing up with her thumb and shook her head. The last thing she imagined today was seeing a demon, much less looking like an idiot in front of one. “I'm...Blue. Or, at least, that's what all my friends call me. Or, uh, would if I had any. I just moved here and Internet isn't on yet.” As if getting Internet was even in the books at this point. It was hard enough paying for a bus pass and rent. “I was given the name Edith by my birth parents. So, uh, you can call me either, really.”

She followed all five of the demons eyes as they peered at the candles, at least two of which were put out, small wisps of smoke still seeping from dampened wicks. “If ah...not the first, then definitely the second. I was just trying to relax, honestly. I figured the candles would be nicer than this,” she waved her fingers at the fluorescent light. She looked down at her shower curtain-clad body and shook her head, “I most certainly wasn't expecting company. I think this is plenty embarrassing for the both of us, yeah? And while I'd be lying if I said I wasn't definitely curious, that wasn't the intent at all...Besides, I'd say you got quite the eyeful of me, didn't you?” Her cheeks were flushed, not enjoying having her integrity questioned.

“Uhm. Okay, first of all, rude. Second, you ever hear of Faust? Because I have, and that shit doesn't sound wise. Look, it's true that I talk to myself and I may have wished for some help, but I definitely didn't ask for a demon. I fuckin' read. I know what comes from deals with demons. Look, you're lovely, but I'm not quite that stupid.” Blue shook her head, shifting her weight from one leg to another, wishing she had clothes at that moment. “Besides, any wish that I had you either wouldn't or couldn't do so...uh, guess you got off easy on this one?”

BlueInTheShell 10-04-2017 08:57 PM

"Blue? Is it because of your hair, or have humans finally regressed back to the stone age like Uncle Abby said you lot would? Maybe not. You're hot hurling shit and screeching like a child at me. Or I can call you by true name. Not smart giving that shit o." Uzog said with a small shrug of her shoulders, before reaching to her tail and giving it a small twist; the demon's tail popping several times. "Ah, much better. Hellholes are cramped. It's terrible. You mortal lot don't know how much it hurts getting pulled into this world sometimes. And don't start with the whole 'But falling to Hell burns' bullshit you all whine about. It's not that bad ..."

"Yeah. Sure. The second. And you're chaste as well." Uzog said with a small snort, before crossing her arms and cracking her tail like a furred whip. "Curiosity flailed the imp. And bullshit. You probably went for the whole incubus thing, didn't you? Humans. Bunch of fucking perverts. Mate with yourselves, sheesh. Ruining demonhood with half-breeds because you all can't keep your legs closed." Two eyes narrowed on the human as Uzog flashed the approximate equivalent of a smile; vertical mouth splayed open and jagged, barbed teeth flashing a dull, yellow-stained white. "Not much to look at, Blue. Might as well have been staring at a prepubescent boy."

"Rude? Rude would be telling you that you smell like someone I'd pick up in the red-lights. And that your kidneys probably taste like shit due to what you put on your body." Uzog replied, tongue quickly going to work to whip up comments with an attempted rapier wit. The demon sighed at the mention of Faust, and rolled her cemter eye before gliding right over to the woman. "Ah! A Faust reader. You do know the whole shindig behind that story. Heaven propaganda. Angels wanting you to shit your pants at that tale. Besides, what gain do I get for fucking you over? It's bad for business to just ruin your dreams. I mean c'mon. Word of mouth goes a long way. No one is gonna summon a demon if you heard we don't deliver, eh?" A small pause. "Tell you what. Have a freebie. Make a small wish. Go for it. No contract. Bet you my reputation that it won't go sour if you're so worked up."

sylvanSpider 10-08-2017 10:14 PM

“Yes, it's because of my hair,” Blue growled pursing her lips, half-insulted. “I'm not a child either. But honestly, if you wanted to call me by my birth name I don't care. It's not like withholding information from you would do me any good anyway, you already found your way into my house and my bathtub...” She swallowed as the demon's body contorted, cracking. It sounded like when she cracked her knuckles, but louder. “ it's a uh...good thing you came here then? My apartment is cramped, but it's not too bad...”

“No! I mean uh, no. Not chaste...just uh...single and not trying super hard to find a partner I guess? I don't know. I'm new here and haven't met anyone yet...” her cheeks were flushed, embarrassed at the fact that she was now not only explaining to her family why she hadn't found a boyfriend yet. It was in the books. Maybe a girlfriend. Whatever they said she just didn't care. Family gatherings would be even more awkward with a partner anyway. Sometimes they could be a bit much. “Oi, oi. I've been dry for a couple of months but that doesn't mean I'm going to set about trying to make babies with a demon. Babies are scary enough being 100% human.”

It's still rude... Blue thought to herself, not daring to take her eyes off of the damp demon before her. She was pretty in a very strange, very different way than she expected, and for some reason, she'd always thought of demons as being male and more human looking. “Fine. Something small? Uh. How about, hm...How about 'I wish my bills were paid for the month complete with groceries'?” She looked at Uzog quizzically wondering if that's the sort of thing she had in mind. It would make her life easier, that much was certain. And if that was a small one, she wondered what a large wish would be, and what the price would be.

BlueInTheShell 10-09-2017 04:28 PM

Uzog met that growl with one of her own in response, the demon sounding something akin to a cat's growl if it were baritone and in some sort of distorted, Erich Zaan-esque key. "Don't you take a fucking tone with me, Blue. I'll drag you to the 'Bolge and ram my foot so deep in your ass, you'll taste sulfur for a month." Uzog paused for a moment and then nodded. "Not a lot you can keep from us. Eventually you lot spill the beans over everything about yourselves. Also it's cramped, but you don't have that nutty, almond-y roach smell. Guess you're doing. Okay." Uzog said, sticking out a tongue as brightly colored as her irises.

"Bahahahah! A yeah, okay. You're just having trouble connecting. So is Tommy Neckbeard, who smells like swamp ass and wears his cumsock to the skin flick stores, right?" Snickering aside, Uzog kicked her legs up, hovering in the air as if held up by some invisible lounge. "Oi? You come from the old lands? The Bagpipers and Sheepfuckers all sound like that over...what's it called again? Ocean? Yeah, thats yhe word. And pffftt, with that attitude? You're not getting any sorta children. Doubt someone would wanna adopt if you're corrupting it too."

A deal was made however, and Uzog was quick to act. A snap of her fingers and a small plume of flame erupted in her hands, only to fizzle away and reveal a small money order. "Should be a month's worth of cash, along with enough money to feed your for two months. You're scrawny. Eat more. Your only horrid draw back is-" Uzog paused and spoke again, only this time the sounds of the damned and a horrid, multi-toned voice blared out as the shadows crept around the two. "You have to cash the order yourself! How the might human has fallen so!"

Uzog's voice went down to normal, and she coughed before shrugging a shoulder. "Deal is done. You can brag to your friends you outsmarted a demon or something. Send me back to Hell now."

sylvanSpider 10-20-2017 06:29 PM

Blue shuddered at the thought, taking it quite literally. She didn't know what the 'Bolge' was, but as far as she was concerned, that was probably better, “Exactly why I said I wasn't going to try.” She offered a shrug looking about the tiny room. One of the candles was still flickering, the other four had been put out in her jumping out of the bathtub and this point she just wanted some clothes.

She colored, wrapping the bath curtain tighter around her bodice as if it had any danger of falling down, “Connecting? No. I just...I just am not looking right now.” She couldn't make eye contact with the demon as she said this however. “'s an interjection....but it's also commonly used in punks. Cockney Rejects were the first to use it, I think...” Geesh, this demon is picky enough to even pick at my vernacular.. “I wouldn't say that I'm a sheepfucker, can't speak for my family but uh...I never have. And children are not on the books, no.”

Blue sat there looking at the money order with the meager sum that to her was worth everything. All of her immediate problems were solved with just a snap. “I think I'll take that fall,” she murmured, blinking at it before her face erupted into a smile, “Thank you! I'll be able to now, thanks to you!” She hugged the money order to her face already excited to cash it for the next day.

“There wasn't really any outsmarting to be just...sorta gave it to me. I won't lie. Don't want you getting a negative reputation or anything like that. But uh...about sending you back to Hell? I don't know how. I don't know how you got here let alone how to send you back...”

BlueInTheShell 10-20-2017 06:57 PM

One of Uzog’s eyes locked in on the flickering candle while the rest peered in various directions, the center eye continuing its gaze on the woman in front of her. For someone who was rather squishy and quite probably edible, she seemed to really enjoy trying to be levelheaded and appease the demon. Not that Uzog didn’t mind. “That’s what I thought mortal. Sorry, sorry. Blue. I forget the archaic tones tend to rub off on you lot the wrong way. Or the right way if you’re one of those LARPing sorts. Whatever.”

Crossing her arms, the demon cocked her head to the side as the English lesson began. It wasn’t as if she had never heard Cockney before. It was the fact she didn’t think a girl from this part of the world would be speaking like that. Unless she was some form of…What were they called? Immigrants? Ingrates? Something similar to those two probably. “Spare me the history lesson. The last time I was interested in you lot, the mudhouses in Jericho were still drying, and everyone spoke the language of the Sumer in your fertile crescent.” Uzog paused for a moment at the second bit. “You say they’re not on the books, children. Then you wake up next to someone you regret. It’s funny how that works. It’s how I had to roast my firstborn in the stove when he ripped himself out of the womb. Wretched little thing….”

“Such is the folly of man. The struggle to speak with your kind for money. I hope the line consumes the entirety of your day, and when you return, it is too late for you to do anything else.” Uzog said, a rather playful maliciousness flowing out of her caprine mouth. Still, the girl was stuck here in her own cramped apartment for a little while longer. And it always felt nice to know that when she was in bind, her mind would most likely turn back towards bringing her back into the mortal plane. Perhaps for something worthwhile this time around as well.

All niceties however stopped when the girl mentioned she had no means of returning the demon to whence she had come. The candle still lit exploded into flame like a roman candle as Uzog leered at Blue with a fury that dwarfed any rage Blue may have seen in her life. “…What do you mean you don’t know how to send me back? You are going to find a way, or I’m going to drive my claws into your womb and flense your insides organ by organ!”

sylvanSpider 10-20-2017 07:39 PM

Both of Blue's eyes were on the demon, as they had been almost perpetually since she appeared, but now she was watching her eyes. Uzog's eyes were gorgeous in that creepy kind of way. They were a blue that matched her hair, five sapphires one larger than the rest in the center. Her skin tone was about the same as Blue's own, save for the cerulean spots dotting her arms and thighs. She did her best to not let her eyes drift down to Uzog's well-endowed scantily clad breasts and gulped, “It''s okay. I've never LARPed, but I'd be lying if I said it was something that I wasn't interested in.”

Blue wet her lips, “Well, I suppose now isn't a great time to get interested. Shit is insane right now. Our political climate is in shambles and we're at the brink of war (if we're not already in one) at any given instant.” She sighed, afraid she was boring the great creature from the Underworld, “Well, I'm not exactly...straight. At least, not in the conventional sense. I figured if I find someone it will be another woman who can't uh...impregnate me?” The question inflection wasnt' intentional, but she didn't know how else to say it, at least not in the most vulgar of fashions. “Why did you...did you roast him?” Blue croaked, wishing she didn't.

“You know? I wouldn't mind. I am just excited that I don't have to worry anymore. I'll wait as long as it takes,” Blue said returning the playful maliciousness with a grin of her own. No, no amount of waiting was going to deter Blue from her happy spirits. She hadn't found a job yet and was sweating about being able to be paid before the first month's due was up. Now? Now she would be sure to find a job in time. She'd bought that extra time no problem.

“Okay, okay. We'll figure something out. Uh...lemme get some clothes on and then we'll see what we can do about returning to Hell. I don't know, I guess I just kind of assumed that once a deal was done you'd just kind of be released? Shows how much I know...” Blue murmured now leaning down to unattach the rest of the curtain from the rod with much struggle and eeking to the door with slightly less trouble.

BlueInTheShell 10-31-2017 10:06 PM

Uzog on the other hand, was the complete opposite when it came to being respectful towards Blue’s rather scandalous lack of attire. The center eye was soaking in every single ounce of skin it could muster; Uzog making sure she’d find a way to lock this memory in the recesses of her mind forever. For one of the descendants of the so-called big guy in the sky, she wasn’t too too bad looking. Like when you got an extra maraschino cherry on your sundae. “…Not even surprised in the least. You humans and your love of whacking one another with weapons. Swear to the abyss, it’s what probably keeps the Apocalypse from kickstarting. My kind and angels having to get hit and poked with a bunch of sticks from you mortals while you shout something like ‘Deus Vult’ or call out to one of your little Pagan Gods, as you call them,” Uzog hummed, rubbing her chin with a free hand. “Bacchus still owes me a new wine jug, speaking of…”

Waving an arm, Uzog laughed and looked around. “You call this a disaster? The Dark Ages of your kind would like a word, as well as the fall of the Empire with the S-P-Q-R on the shields…What was it…Ah, Rome! You think things are now with your wars (Fun fact: Only 11 nations in the world right now aren’t involved in conflict.) and you’re not ruled by tyrants who’ll obliterate you on sight.” Uzog spoke with a hint of ferocity, and the demon seemed more than content just bickering with the human. Then the topic turned towards babies. “Don’t you all-female couples now just shove seed into your holes now, donated by men?” She asked, before her topic change careened into existence. “I was hungry, and after 3 days of nonstop crying, I got bored of dealing with it. Ergo – Oven at Six-Sixty-Six. That was humor. Laugh. Or I’ll flense your insides.”

Blue was happy. To happy to make a deal with a demon. There was something about her, and it made Uzog seem unsettled, the demon recrossing her legs a few times and then ‘Hmmm’ing’ outloud before she dropped back to her feet, and the examination of Blue (And her endowments) began with even more scrutiny. Now hands were reaching out for a moment to try and take hold of her chin to see if there was any giveaway and the girl was lying about something. “…You’re too happy you got something from me. What’s your game? People normally have the whole ‘Oh dear, was it worth it?’ look soon after.”

“…How…How did I end up in your apartment, sucking up to you and giving you things, and then get stuck on this plane with you on top of it all?” Uzog wailed, tugging at her own horns and sticking out her tongue. Was she being punished for something down in the ‘Bolge? Did her employer finally give her due punishment? Uzog’s mind raced for a moment, and anger turned into anxiety; the demon breathing rather heavily and bellowing out a slew of demonic words, candlewax melting into pools as flame continued to grow more and more intense.

sylvanSpider 11-01-2017 04:38 AM

Blue shifted her weight from one leg to the other, ever conscious of the demons eye all but giving her a very literal head-to-toe inspection. “I mean, you're not wrong there,” Blue said laughing, a bit nervously, “War is a human's favorite past time it seems. Though I think there is something to be said for those of us that actually enjoy and want peace.” She waddled through the door, leaving it open so they could continue their conversation. Blue had had enough of standing in front of a demon with a translucent shower curtain wrapped around herself and soaking wet.

“Ah, yeah, you were probably there for some of those ancient wars, huh? Did you ever fight in one for shits and giggles? I hear that's what those gods did,” Blue said with a shrug, trying to make it apparent that myths weren't her strong suit. Truth be told she always got the Greeks and Romans mixed up, as well as any mythos that she did actually know about. “And I suppose that's a good thing. But I tend to keep my head down. Who's to say I wouldn't have my government after me if I weren't a bit more rebellious?” she said with a chuckle. “Yeah, some do, but really only if they want to. No accidents, see?”

Blue laughed nervously. It didn't take too much for her to kill a loved one, apparently. She knew she should be scared. Here, in front of her, was a very literal demon. A very literal demon that had just claimed to kill and eat her partner because she was hungry. Yet, she felt completely at ease—excepting, maybe, her lack of clothes. That part was what she was uncomfortable about, of all things. Her eyes widened, never expecting the demon to actually touch her and she found her chin being lifted, looking up into the demon's middle eye. She had nothing to hide so she simply just blinked up at her, confused as to why she deserved to be scrutinized so thoroughly. “Was what worth it? Getting my bills paid with not catches? Hell yeah I'm happy about that. It isn't like you made me give you my soul, right? Of course I'm happy.”

Blue shrugged, finally gaining the courage to leave where her feet were planted for what seemed like ages and dug through a couple drawers pulling out articles of clothing. “Look, I really don't know. I was just taking a bath when you came in, knowledge of the arcane is pretty close to nil. I understand I'm not the funnest to get stuck with, but hey, we'll work on getting you back as soon as possible, right? Google is our friend, so I guess that's where we're gonna start---” Blue's eyes widened now looking at the candles melt through the doorway. She yelped with the first phrase of the demonic yanking the door shut. She was breathing heavy as she stumbled back, staring at the door with wide eyes.

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