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PurpleBox 11-16-2017 10:51 PM

Life in Equestria [PurpleBox+Crystal]
This is a private rp between myself and Crystalkitsune85.
Enjoy ^w^

Cyclone Kick was more then happy to help his friends and their families. The tan stallion with a lilac and purple colored mane had received a letter from his best friend asking him to help her younger cousin with carting supplies from the Celestial Valley to Canterlot. Apparently Frost Singer, his friends younger cousin was moving her base of operations from the valley and closer to Canterlot where a lot of her supplies were bought.

That and Frost was blind, you wouldn't know just by looking at her, her dark blue eyes hid her lack of sight rater well, it also didn’t hurt that she was a unicorn and often used her magic to alert her if something was in her way.

“Thank you again Cyclone, you didn’t have to help me, but I’m happy you did.” The blind mare smiled at the stallion who smiled back and gently knocked his elbow into her side.

“DD would have my wings if I let you make this trip alone, you know how she gets. Besides there’s a package I need to pick up in Canterlot anyway so it’s a win-win.” Cyclone ‘s ear’s twitched, the piercings he had glittered in the light. On his back he carried a variety of bags, boxes and rolled fabrics.

The blind mare rolled her eyes, they had left the Canterlot train station a few minutes ago, Frost had a map floating in front of her before the map moved to be in front of Cyclones face. A Blue circle on the map showed where Frost was moving to, and so the pair set off. It didn’t take long to find the shop with an apartment space above it, the shop was empty, soon it would be full of the unique sculptures that Frost created.

Pulling the key out of her saddle bag Frost opened the doors and the two went inside. The shop portion was small, big enough that Frost could set up her works with no two the same even close together. There was a door in the back that lead up into the apartment space, this was where Cyclone Kick slid the things he’d been carrying off his back, his wings stretched off his sides and up towards the ceiling.

“Go and get your package Cyclone, I’ll be fine here for now, Singer’s Sculptures isn’t opening for another week. Lot’s of time for me to get used to my new home.” Frost smiled at Cyclone who made a hum of approval.

Before he left he said. “Don’t be shy if you need help, DD and I are just a letter away.” He ruffled the mare's mane and she frowned but then smiled as she fixed her mane.

“I’ll be fine… I lived by myself before in the valley… it’s just the noise I’ll have to get used to...The realtor pony said that the shop next door is a jewelry shop or something… at least I’ll be living next to another artist of sorts. Now go, off with you.” He waved her hoof at him as he laughed and left her along.

Once outside Cyclone looked to either side of Frost’s new home and in deed he saw a jewelry shop on one side. “Maybe I can grab something for DD’s birthday on my way home.” The stallion said before going to pick up the package at the post office. Cyclone Kick’s own job took him all over the place, lately it had slowed down to delivering packages for old ponies who didn’t want to have to leave their homes to get whatever it was they ordered… so he was partnered with the post ponies in a way.

The package was large and he prepared himself for a hard run, the destination was a cottage on the outside of Canterlot. Strapping himself into a borrowed cart he set off humming a song to himself.
Frost Singer had always disliked it when her parents rearranged the house... bumping into things and getting bruises where a regular thing as a filly. At least now she was just bumping into the boxes she’d packed, the mover’s had brought the rest of her things, the things that could be replaced if they got broken. Cyclone Kick had carried the irreplaceable things. Little trinkets she was setting on window sills with her magic once she had walked around the simple apartment. A single main space with a bathroom and a bedroom off to the side.

Her family had always been concerned of her living on her own, being blind and all, she had gotten used to ponies pitying her… they thought she saw no beauty in the world, but the opposite was true. Frost way the world through different eyes, her magic let her see a echo of things… though this wasn't her talent.

With a small grunt of pain as she walked sideways into her new bedroom wall trying to set up the bed she sighed. “Ok… time for a break...I wonder if that was a cafe we passed a block back.” She said to herself as she fixed her saddle bag back onto herself. She’d learn her way about… maybe she’d also check out her neighbours shop. With those thoughts in her mind Frost Singer locked her shop door and turned to face Canterlot.

Crystalkitsune85 11-16-2017 11:18 PM

It was another bright, sunny day in Canterlot and Crystaline left her small home outside the city and headed towards her jewelry shop. She had used the previous weekend to gather more jewels to bring with her to her shop. She had a small workshop in the back of her shop, while during the day she would make new pieces.

She trotted happily to her shop, noticing a pegasus pulling a cart and another unicorn passing by as she walked. Once at her shop, she pulled a key from her small pouch she had on her back using her blue magic. She unlocked the door and headed in.

The first thing to do was to switch her 'closed' sign to 'open' and then closed the door. She trotted to the back of the store to her workroom and transferred her bag to table and took out the crystals. Crystaline's talent was working with Crystals exclusively. She would hunt for them and sometimes get some sent to her from a friend at the Crystal Empire. Once she had them, she would set them into collars, make pendant amulets, earrings, hoof cuffs, tiaras, and anything else custom that certain ponies would want. With the cut and shine of the crystals she used, they would end up looking more expensive in quality then what she charged.

She grabbed all of her red crystals and started working on them. The bell on her shop door would jingle if she happened to get any customers. Her items were on display behind locked glass cases, and access to her workroom was behind a small closable half door that kept customers out of the back room.

She hummed to herself as she worked. She used her magic to shape the pieces into small hearts which would dangle from the necklace chain once she assembled it together.

PurpleBox 11-16-2017 11:58 PM

It was easier to find the cafe then Frost had anticipated, the ponies she’d met were friendly, that made Frost smile. One of the waiters in the cafe had even given her directions to the local market, about another two blocks from her apartment. Now she was heading home a small skip in her trot, passing the store next to her shop she thought she heard humming, being blind her other senses were heightened so even the smallest sound caught her attention.

Carefully making her way to the window she looked blankly at the glass, a pale blue magic glowed at the tip of Frost’s horn and then went out, letting her briefly see inside the shop before the world was black once again. There was somepony in there, in the back, probably the owner, she wondered if she should go introduce herself, the pony had looked to be working on something.

“Maybe later… I know I get upset when somepony interrupts me….” Frost said with a small smile, moving back towards her own shop. In the shop space some of her bigger sculptures were already set, waiting to be put on display or to be used to display. She’d carved her own shelves for her last little shop back in the valley.

The grey mare was stronger then she looked in some cases, she could move her works with her magic with ease, decided to get some work done she put her saddle bag on the built in counter that had come with the shop space. It took a moment find her workstation, she pulled it to a corner where there was a window into the outside. Then Frost gathered her tools and some clay, unless she was working with her specialty material right away the blind unicorn tended to try and map out what she would do first. Wood was the only other medium she used for her art.

A few hours had passed when she heard a hoof knocking on the shop door. She almost jumped off her stool in surprise and heard a throaty chuckle through the glass and wood of the door as she approached it.

Crystalkitsune85 11-17-2017 12:12 AM

Crystaline worked for a bit and felt a presence and saw a shadow cross her door. She stood waiting for them to come in but then when they left she shrugged and went back to work. After a while she noticed that it was way after lunch time so she decided to grab something to eat before she finished up her latest piece.

She stretched out a little and then yawned. She shook her mind clear and then put a "back in 30 mins" sign on her door and locked it before heading over to the Cafe. As she went into the cafe, she passed the unicorn from before, she saw with a stallion pegasus earlier. She said a brief hello as she passed her.

At the Cafe, she ordered an ice tea and a daisy sandwich. She loved the food here at this Cafe, and it was always fresh and delicious. As she waited she pony watched the other ponies walking around the cafe. She was always amused at how busy it was in Canterlot. She usually had good business so she couldn't stay at the cafe for too long. She needed to get back as soon as it was finished. She usually ordered to go on the busier days so she could get back.

She tapped her hoof waiting for her order and when it finally came, she pushed some bits to the waiter for the meal and then she took the box with her bottled tea and the wrapped up sandwich. She returned to her shop and decided to sit right outside on a bench in the sunlight instead of inside, but she unlocked the door before she sat in case she got any customers while she ate.

PurpleBox 11-17-2017 12:40 AM

Cyclone Kick was waiting on the other side of the door when Frost opened it. “I leave for a few hours and your holdup sculpting again?” he said in jest with a smile and the grey mare shook her head with a sigh. Cyclone noticed a very pretty mare sitting outside the shop next door but he kept his attention on the blue maned mare in front of him.

“I can't stop doing what makes me happy Cy. Good thing you stopped by when you did… I probably would have missed a proper meal, what a way to start a fresh start.” Frost smiled before adding. “I found a Cafe close by that has some of the best food, come with me.” She said using her magic to tidy things up and float her saddle bag over to her before the pair left the shop again.

Before they got more than a few hoof steps from the shop Cyclone paused. “Hold on Frost, I kinda want to check out the store next to your place… DD’s birthday is coming up… I didn’t have a lot of time last year to get her anything.” the stallion turned himself around and the pair headed towards the door of the jewelry shop.

“Cy you know she doesn't really care what it is you get her… just that it comes from you is enough… plus DD doesn't really like birthday parties…” Frost said but followed the stallion anyway. A tanned hoof pushed open the door and lead the way inside, Cyclone looked around and whistled lowly at what he saw impressed him.

The stallion flipped his mane out of his face before speaking again. “Yeah I know… but I always like to get her something of meaning...She’s my best friend after all.” The stallion smiled as he began to look around. Frost just smiled and shook her head as he stepped to the side as to not block the door.

Crystalkitsune85 11-17-2017 12:53 AM

Crystaline had just finished up her lunch and had headed back inside as Cy spotted her. She threw away her trash into a bin outside before walking in. She headed to her back room and started getting back to work. She heard voices outside her shop and that prompted her to stop her work and come out into the main store area. She saw (again) the same two from before.

"Welcome to Crystaine's Creations," she said cheerfully to the both of them. "IS there anything I can help you two with today?" She asked. She watched as they seemed impressed by her wares and that made her beam a little. " If you don't see anything you like or are looking for, I can also custom make pieces as long as I get a decent description." She watched mostly the stallion. He was very well built and not at all like the lithe pegasi she was used to seeing. He was built like a farm worker stallion Earth Pony, just with wings. It was sort of refreshing to see a Pegasus who used his legs more than his wings.

PurpleBox 11-17-2017 01:21 AM

Cyclone looked up to see the pretty unicorn pony from before, he smiled as she spoke, his bright green eyes looking around the shop again before focusing on the mare again. “I’m looking for a gift for a friend, a birthday gift.” He said still smiling a relaxed friendly smile. He noticed the mare watching him mostly, and he was used to those looks, he was a well built stallion after all, his green eyes fell so some simple yet stunning necklaces before he spoke again.

“Do you have any mane pins or headbands?” He asked thinking about all the times that DD had to stop her brewing and push her mane out of her eyes and out of the way. She didn't like to shop any places aside from the book store in Ponyville, he did most of the shopping for their shared fridge, room mates looked after each other, it didn’t hurt that the pair were best friends too.

Frost busied herself with ‘looking’ at some of the items that were on display by the door, she could feel the care that had gone into this ponies form of art. It made her smile that she’d be living beside another artist. Back in the Valley, art was a secondary thing, families and working the land came first. Her father had moved there to be with her mother, leaving her cousin’s dad in Manehattan with the rest of their family.

Crystalkitsune85 11-17-2017 01:33 AM

(( Crystaline is a Unicorn btw XD))

Crystaline smiled "Oh yes we have some clips for manes. Are there any particular things she is into? Stars? Moons? Hearts?" she listed off a few. "Some mares don't mind the shape, but does he have a favorite color? Those are over here." she said moving over to the 'mane care' section. A selection of mane clips, headbands, tiaras, and just some mini clips to decorate a mane for special occasions and not everyday wear.

She turned and watched the grey mare looked around at another display case. While Cy walked over and looked at the case she was standing behind, she called over to the other mare. "Is there anything you are looking for?" she asked her. "Again if you want something custom I don't charge extra and I'm pretty efficient with my work so I can have it done pretty fast if you need it quickly." she said.

She would stand there and let the stallion look through the case, and think about her questions as he browsed. "We'd want your friend to have the best gift possible, and I can make that happen. Or at least hope so." she said sheepishly.

PurpleBox 11-17-2017 01:50 AM

[edited it XP i thought she was a earth pony... but then i remembered... it's another one that's the earth pony Xp]

“She likes the moon, full moons… circles really guess.” Cyclone rubbed the back of his head, DD liked circular things...things that were perfectly round… she told him they made her feel safe... “Purple… a cool colored purple is her favorite.” he spoke as he followed the unicorn mare towards the display case and looked over the items on display.

Frost blinked and looked up in the direction of the sales’s ponies voice. “No, I’m just browsing, and waiting for Cyclones to finish up. Some of these pieces feel very intricate.” The blind pony said in praise with a smile on her face. The only jewelry she ever wore was a ank necklace, she’d found it when her family visited Saddle Arabia when she’d still be a blank flank filly. The shape had always interested her. It hung around her neck by a thick black cord even now.

Cyclone found a mane pin that was a sparkly purple circular shape, it was perfect. Not to flashy, and it was practical looking. “I think this one will be perfect.” He said to the sale’s pony. “Do you make all these?” he asked. The only ponies he knew on a personally bases that where this creative where Frost and his second cousin who he didn't see that often.

Crystalkitsune85 11-17-2017 02:02 AM

Crystaline searched the cases for what he described. She knew she had something perfect for what he wanted. He spotted it before she did. Her eyes went to the pair of clips nestled in a nice velvet lined jewelry box. "Yes of course. Only five bits for the pair," she said making sure he wanted to pay that before she unlocked the case and pulled it out.

When she heard the comment from Frost, she smiled. "Thank you! And yes I do make these all myself. I have a workroom in the back. That is where I work when there aren't any customers. Usually on the weekends I'll go crystal hunting. Sometimes a friend of mine who lives near the Crystal Empire will send me stuff he finds. Quite useful actually. I've sold the pieces made with them for a little more though, since I don't get them often and who wouldn't want to wear Crystal Empire crystals?" she said with a smile.

PurpleBox 11-17-2017 02:30 AM

"The Crystal Empire?... I think I've delivered some things from there once or twice... I know I've delivered packages too there before. It's all really shiny." Cyclone said as he dug around his own saddle bag to grab the 5 bits. It was a reasonable price considering how much work must go into everything.

"Never been there myself...This is my first time outside the Celestial Valley in many years." Frost said her ears twitching at the clink of the bits that Cyclone paid for the clips he's wanted. Well at least now he wouldn't be begging her for gift ideas days before the birthday. "I think once my shop opens I'll need to hire some pony to help me. I tend to get lost in my work." Frost smiled still, she loved working on her sculptures. Back in the valley her father had been that helper in a way.

Both Frost's parents and DD's parents, along with the reclusive unicorn herself, would be coming by for the opening next week, Frost was looking forward to seeing her aunt and uncle again.

Crystalkitsune85 11-17-2017 02:55 AM

Crystaline pulled the clips from the case after unlocking it. She floated the bits with her magic to her cash box and then wrapped a nice little purple bow around the box once she closed it. She then floated it to Cy. "Here you go, and I hope your friend likes the gift," she said with a warm smile. With the mention of the Crystal Empire, she smiled "I visit my friend occasionally when I get the time. He and I go off for lunch and admire the palace. I even got to see Cadence at a glance once." she said happily. "She's such a pretty princess. I'd love to meet her someday." she heaved a wistful sigh.

When she heard Frost mention a shop she perked up. "Oh! Did you rent the vacant shop next to mine? I'll have to come over someday and look at your things. What sort of things will you be selling?" she asked.

PurpleBox 11-17-2017 03:15 AM

Cyclone found himself blushing a bit as the mare smiled and spoke, her voice was like crystal bells, clear and strong. "I don't get to sight see much when I end up up there... the customers all want things done on time and all that razzle dazzle." Cyclone said with a joker's smile. He accepted the case with the clips and set it in his saddle bag and smiled when Frost was put on the spot in a way.

"I make sculptures... center pieces, art pieces, bits and bobs... mostly wood...and ice... my ah.. my magic makes ice un-melting..." The grey make was blushing a bit, hr darker freckle spots stood out in this. "I won't have many new pieces for a bit... I worked non stop on the pieces I brought with me to sell here. All my art is functional... unless someone commissions something else." He said rubbing the back of her bane, the dark blue strands shimmers like sapphires in the light.

Cyclone looked at the pair as they spoke, he smiled at Frost making friends already, that was good. It helped that the other mare was a artist in her own way too. The blind mare had always felt more at ease around new ponies if they had similar hobbies to her. "The shop's opening in a week, Singer's Sculptures." Cyclone said with a grin. He was proud of his friend for finally branching out on her own and it showed in the stallion voice.

"Thanks for the clips, come on Frost, lets find that Cafe you where telling me about before I got sidetracked." He said this with a wink to the teal unicorn,
since the shop had caught his eye before well.

Crystalkitsune85 11-17-2017 04:08 AM

Crystaline nodded as Frost spoke. It was interesting, she hadn't ever seen sculptures made of ice that never melted. Would't that be sight to see. She couldn't wait. "Well when you open I'll be sure to stop by then." she smiled. As they walked out she heard mention of the cafe. "Their iced tea and daisy sandwiches are very good. I suggest that if you're going to the one on the corner. "she suggested. "I hope to see you again sometime Cy. If you come to see Frost, be sure to drop in and tell me how your friend liked her gift." she smiled and waved them out.

Once they left she closed the display that she opened and made sure it was locked. She took her money box back to the backroom with her and set it aside as she continued to work on the latest piece. Once she was done she sat it aside so she could put it into a jewelry box for display later.

After she cleaned up her mess from the previous necklace, she pulled out her mane clip mounts and made a new pair of them to replace the ones she sold. Instead of round and purple, she made them red and heart-shaped, with the leftover pieces from the necklace from earlier.

PurpleBox 11-17-2017 07:28 PM

Cyclone nodded, the thoughts of speaking to the pretty mare again made a warm feeling fill the stallion with a shyness he thought he'd grown out of... well at least been able to push down for the sake of his job. "Sounds like a plan then." He said not really sure what else to day at this point, he didn't see the knowing look Frost sent his way as they bid Crystaline farewell and headed out.

"Somepony has a C-R-U-S-H!" she teased and poked the stallion in the shoulder once they where outside the shop and Cyclone felt his face heat up even more.

"Don't be funny Frost... She's pretty.... and different form the mares in Ponyville.. it's nothing." The stallion pouted as the pair wandered their way to the cafe. The food they ordered was very yummy, and affordable. "At least this place won't clean you out of your bits like the few places I found in Manehatten." Cyclone said rubbing his chin, the hair their tickling him a bit but he liked it, his mother and father had been surprised he was commited to keeping the small patch of facial hair, most young stallions went for the smooth look, he didn't.

"Well either way I'm happy that Things are working out here for me. You tell DD that she doesn't need to worry, she can focus on her potions." The blind mare smiled.

Soon the pair had to part, Cyclone heading back to the transtation to catch the last train to Ponyville and Frost headed back to her apartment above her shop. It was odd settling down into her bed, the sounds of Canterlot where very different form the sounds of her room in the Celetial valley.

Crystalkitsune85 11-17-2017 09:44 PM

((Gonna do a bit of a time skip for reasons))

It was about a week later and Crystaline was once again coming to her shop. She looked over to Frost's shop and remembered that she was supposed to be opening today. Before unlocking and opening her shop she would trot over to the shop next door to see if Frost was even there yet. She tended to get to her shop pretty early in the morning.

She peered into the shop and tapped lightly on the door, to see if she was there. "It's just me, Crystaline. I'm sure you're not open yet but I thought I'd come over and say hi, and good luck with the opening today!" she called through the door.

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