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Worm 01-06-2018 08:44 PM

[M] // Livin' the Sci Fi Nightmare // [ WORM x SUN ]
Blood seeped into the deep crevasses of Sedrex’s face. It continued to spurt out of Sinder’s major artery. He took a deep breath, wiping clean a streak around his eyes. It remained clean just long enough for him to fuse a metal coil into her neck. The coil would attach a new shoulder-piece and allow lubricant to be fed properly to her joints. He peeled back another layer of skin, sealing off the area surrounding the hunk of metal and cauterizing Sin’s flesh with a super hot beam. He liked her best when she was like this, eyes turned to the side, quiet. Nowadays she didn’t need sedative to keep quiet. Her eyes were glazed over, looking at no fixed point, mind completely vacant.

Sin watched walls of coded text stream down her vision. Any way to escape the pain was programmed into her. She tried to understand it, but it was mainly gibberish. She wasn’t as smart as her creator. Sometimes when he talked to her, she couldn’t translate. There were still human idioms she hadn’t caught onto. But she did her best to decode his words.

”This poor girl, Seddie. Why?” His mother’s voice lulled in the back of his skull, he flicked it back with random ticks. ”It’s a machine mother! They don’t have feelings…” He responded if only in his head. He wasn’t sure anymore what he said aloud. Either way, Sin could hear. She knew how tormented her master was. His mother was a religious nut. She believed that even machines had the ability to feel, what a joke. ”The gods are made of metal and electricity. They talk to me, they tell me what you do Sedrex.” Rex honed in on the finishing details, a monocle magnifying glass slid over his right eye. ”She must be perfected.” He saw the wrapping of red and blue wires, tangling around her white overflow cord. ”She must be perfected.”

Sin wondered if Sedrex was talking about her. The walls of text crowded her mind in such a way that would easily stimulate anxiety in a human. But she was a machine. ”Machines are perfect, Seddie. This is no more than flesh and bone. Only the gods may disassemble such things.” His eyebrows pressed together, sweat beading down pulling some of the residual blood from his forehead. As he pulled the flap closed, he saw the ghost of his mother’s machine. Like a shadow haunting him, his mother’s ascension formed a silhouette on a rack behind him. Her gaunt frame hanging limply, intestines removed and forming a spill of tangled webs on the floor. Her eyes… Sin had mother’s eyes.

”All done Sin.” He slapped the warmed metal now forming Sin’s shoulder joint. ”Now back to charge.”

Sin was sure that if she could feel pain, it would be like this. Stinging, electricity shooting up from the afflicted area. She knew that it was merely the new electronics firing up and her improved body coming together. Master Rex was so kind to pick up a piece of junk like her and try to make something worthwhile from it. She was a lucky bot. He walked away, a limp in his gait. Sin followed behind, her arm finally numbing to a point where she wasn’t sure if it was there anymore. She lifted her new arm, looking to the side to see it rise, then looked back at Rex. He was uncoiling a tube for Sin, her charging station. She knew what to do. She stood on the metal plate where she always did. Rex came around her and shoved the tube into her back, a satisfying click let them know that it was properly attached. Metal straps came up from the ground to hold her feet in place as the tube fed her.

After the straps came up, Rex disappeared. He was in the other room preparing the right amount of voltage for her body, looking through a two-way mirror he watched Sin cringe in her spot. Little did she know that he was loading the funnel up with powdered nutrients. He poured the package of post war rations into a funnel and watched as water was added and stirred mechanically, now pumping a thick white ooze straight into Sin’s stomach. That was the mistake he made with mother. He could keep her brain alive for a while, but sadly, the human body needed carbohydrates to run, one way or another. It was the fault in our systems all along. He hoped that if he could replace all of Sin’s parts first, he might be able to keep her brain running on electricity alone.

Sin groaned, the pain of being charged just a figment of her faulty mechanics.

BlueInTheShell 01-08-2018 09:32 PM

Riddell sighed and slugged back another round of what someone could only assume was vodka...At some point in its like...And looked around with tired eyes, taking in the sights of various pre-warp items that this little bunker-turned bar had managed to keep and salvage. A few balls from some sport called Tennis were the ones people seemed to be rather keen on, whatever that had been in the past. Another sip of his drink and the young man felt a sickening lurch in his stomach as he struggled to not expell the alcohol out of his mouth. His friends in his gut didn't seem to really enjoy whatever he was putting in them. Not that they had a say in what was going in him at the moment. He ahd fed them...Him...Whatever the proper term was at this point plenty today, and the radio broadcast about the remains of a street whore viciously mauled by what should have been an animal was his testement to that.

"Slug-boy! Your better demands your attention!"

It was a voice that made Riddell cringe inside and roll his eyes over towards the blue-skinned, horned monstrosity known as his partner, who seemed to be lost in the realm of an old crane game, the woman watching the claw pick up a prize, only to let it go with a jolt when it locked in place. The look on her face from the reflection was something far, far from being happy, and Riddell slid from his seat, to give the supreme overtyrant of the bar his fullest attention, Riddell yawning and leaning against the alien, letting out a dull groan at her. "Listen, Hex. The fucking machine is a scam. You're not going to get anything from it." He croaked, nearly stumbling backwards when the alien's twin tails gave him a shove to get the infested guy off of her; Hexeri looking towards him with incensed eyes.

"I blew all of my alcohol money trying to test my mettle and win these prizes. I demand I get one of them, or I'll incinerate this place first when I rule this stupid chunk of moved rock." Hexeri boomed, the alien earning some concerned looks from the rest of the humans, and then the bartender, who shook his head. "You can get your money back if you stop acting like a lunatic, ma'am." Riddell nodded in agreement with the man, and did his best to try and calm the blueskin down. "C'mon. I'll buy you something to drink, and I'll even let you regale me with more stories of what you'd do to Earth when you run it." He said dryly, seeming to appease Hexeri. At least for now. "Besides, you still owe me an explanation for why I woke up to you staring at me from across my half of the room."

Hexeri leered at him and gave the crane machine one last smack with a hand, before she submitted herself to being coaxed into listening to the pink-colored money-ancestors, the woman sitting down on a chair next to the spot Riddell was formerly lurking, soon shadowed by the slug-infested man. Shooting her eyes towards the bartender, the alien pointed towards a bottle of something green and then nodded. "That. It looks pretty. And I want all of it. The whole bottle, human-thing." Hexeri barked out, Riddell taking his seat again, and rolling his eyes at the woman.

"You know, you gotta learn how to talk to people. Not everyone is gonna be scared of an alien. And once people realize you're not all high and mighty, you're gonna end up either dead on the streets, or some chained-up cocksleeve for some dude who has a thing for interspecies loving."

The thought of being intimate with humans made Hexeri retch, and then down the entire glass of whatever this green stuff was she had been given, coughing and sputtering as it burned the entire way down. "The day I sleep wit my soon-to-be subjects is the day you get cured of defacting slugs, Slugboy."

Worm 01-11-2018 01:45 AM

With Sinder occupied, Sedrex found it the perfect time to return to the surface. He loaded his pockets with ammo and filled his arms with blasters. He walked out of his laboratory and flicked all of the lights off, leaving Sinder in complete darkness. The gulping sounds of her feeding tube were all that kept her company as Rex left without a word. The lift to the outside was behind a coded door, which he allowed his fingers to quickly tap out. The door slid open and he was catapulted up to the sickeningly bright outdoors. The sun was not his friend.

The hole to his bunker was disguised as an outhouse with no toilet. There was a secret keypad, which he was surprised hadn't been tampered with yet. Alas, humans weren't too smart, and aliens weren't generally interested in human waste like himself. He hobbled towards the bar, grunting and groaning as he made his way back into town. He reminded himself that his next project would be hips and legs. Alien prostitutes lined the entertainment district. Hal wasn't the type to indulge in such things. He passed them, hissing as blue hands and tentacles tried to persuade him otherwise.

All he wanted was a drink. And perhaps some games to hack. He'd been kicked out before for tampering with old systems, but he'd gotten scraps and prizes four times out of twelve, so that seemed like decent odds. Especially since this bar could never deny a paying customer. No matter how many disgruntled looks he received walking into the place, he returned them with sadistic grins. "Tha's right, daddy's back!" He chortled, making his way to the bar. A blue alien sat at the front, making his stomach turn. He didn't want to breathe the same air as these planet stealing mother fuckers.

"Give me a bottle of gin, Rick!" He hollered towards the bartender, who was already seemingly overwhelmed. His name wasn't Rick, but that's what Rex called all of the employees here.

BlueInTheShell 01-12-2018 09:52 PM

Riddell's eyes narrowed at the sudden incoming mechanical monstrosity of a man that decided to bring the ambient volume up several decibals, and felt a sharp ping in his gut that didn't come from whatever was lurking in there nowadays. Modified humans. Wrenches, as they were sometimes called (If you were looking to get into a fight with a cyborg.) Twisting his back and letting out a yawn, Riddell pointed over towards the guy and leaned in to whisper to Hexeri, the woman trying her best to slurp down the absinthe she had ordered, and not vomit. "Hey look. It's your favorite. Walking, shiny humans." He said with a grin, before adding. "Maybe not shiny. His chrome looks like he hasn't washed in years."

"Daddy? Is he the spawner of all these humans?" Hexeri asked with a bewildered look for a moment. The blue-skinned woman was born from a rather conservative society. The sheer fact she had witnessed humans and their proclivities with themselves and other species had simply blown her mind in the past. She had been approached one time, by some poor sod who looked to 'Give her a bit of human DNA' in his words. Riddell ended up having to pull her off of him when she assumed it was some horrific plot to alter her genetics and make her some form of human slave-stock. What followed after was a three-day lesson in properly tellings human 'No.' Hexeri pushed the glass of absinthe away from herself, and then flicked her tails back and forth; curiosity spiked. "This one is loud. Make it stop being loud, and I'll let you live the first waves of species cleansing when I rule this rock." She barked outloud, making Riddell snort and earn a few dirty looks once again from his fellows.

"Listen, you're already earning enough glances as it is. Having me walk over to the fucking binary-brain over there is just gonna cause more problems. The Govs ain't gonna keep letting you slide with all the shit you pull, Hex." Riddell said with a bit of a chastising tone to his voice; Hex's eyes narrowing, before he realized his mistake. "Oh for fuck's...Hex, don't."

It was several seconds too late; the blue-skinned woman lurking over towards Sedrex and glowering at him with a scowl that could strip the paint of a starship. "You. Metal-Human. You speak to loud. Cease." She said, crossing her arms and lowering her head just enough to make her scowl look a little more angry. "Don't force me to sic my human on you too."

Worm 01-14-2018 08:03 PM

Sedrex narrowed his eyes, honing in on the source of annoyance. The alien with a princess complex boiled his britches. He smiled sardonically. "Oh, am I speaking too loud for my alien mistress?" Sedrex spoke in a mocking, childish manner. He chuckled, continuing to make his way to the bar. A bottle of gin now sat between the dazed bartender and himself. He took a seat on a swiveling stool, popping the top off and chugging the bottle with ease. He let out a long sigh before responding to the alien again.

"Your human?" He snickered. "Your human?" His eyes pattered back and forth in his head, an engineered eye pinpointing the nervous human behind her. "Go ahead. Let me see what they're made of. Then I can piece them back together after I've eviscerated them." He snarled, leaning in to take another swig of the entirely bitter liquid. If his eye were able to see what lay beneath the human's skin, he might've said no. But to Rex, this human pet seemed like a lanky puppy with no fight in them whatsoever. It would be fun to tear them limb from limb.

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