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sylvanSpider 06-05-2018 03:23 PM

Salad Tossers R' Us (Spidey Asset Private rp) [M, probably]
This is a private rp between imanasset and sylvanSpider, so please don't post here. Reading, however, is allowed. ^w^ This rp centers around the afterlife and doesn't adhere to any religions, so there is a chance that you might be offended.

The Game
That being said, when a person dies they are made into either an angel or a demon based on the way they lived their lives. When they enter either set of gates, they are essentially "reset" to the best physical condition of their lives and they are unable to die from sickness, starvation, etc, but are still able to die if another takes their life - rendering food and sleep to pleasure rather than necessity. They are also given the opportunity to sacrifice a certain part of themselves, be it physical or some other attribute, in order to receive some type of weapon or trinket, often accompanied with complimenting super powers. These powers will aid them in their endeavors as each angel and demon is encouraged to actively hunt and kill members of the opposite order (angels kill demons, and vice versa). If they bring back trinkets/weapons of the opposing side they are rewarded with monetary and power gains (think of it like a level up system).

Heaven and Hell Characteristics
This world is a flat-Earther's wet dream, as Heaven and Hell exist on two opposite ends of the map, with the Borders being where most "hunting" takes places. Heaven is eternal day while Hell is eternal night, and the Border tends to have a twilight/dusk feel to it. Hell tends to actually be quite cold, as the sun never touches their land. Heaven and Hell can both boast modern buildings and electricity, but those in Hell are generally more run-down and less maintained than those of Heaven. Both Heaven and Hell have a Council of Nine that oversees their nation's well-being and monitors population size, etc. etc.

Will add more when thought of, or I won't. Whatever.

imanasset 06-05-2018 10:53 PM

The dingy twin mattress creaked and dipped under Luka's weight as he sat down. The apartment was small, the walls seemed like they were slowly closing in on him. Dirt stained the carpet and he could hear the faucet from the kitchen sink dripping into dusty porcelain. So, this is Heaven?Luka sighed and sunk back into his bed until his upper back was flat against one of the walls. He tipped his head back in attempts to process. How long had it been since he...died? What was his mother thinking? His little sister?

A sudden surge of anger burst through his body and he was hitting his head against the wall, hands clinging tightly to his hair. He felt as though his spine was being crushed by a python and his lungs were swollen from a swarm of bees. Why did this have to happen to me? What did I do? I was good. I still had life in me. I wanted to see the world. I wanted...I wanted--but now it's all gone. Everything is gone.
Hot tears fell down his cheeks and he bit down roughly on his bottom lips. He was trembling from exhaustion and sadness and hatred. Why, why, why?


The bar was bustling with life and laughter. Avani liked this side of Heaven; where everyone still held the innocence she longed to have once again. Their smiles and love filled her with an unfathomable hunger. But the boiling sensations that pervaded her chest would not allow her to feel anything so silly.

Avani downed her drink before exiting the bar. Clouds cluttered the abnormally bright sky tonight. She was waiting for the rain to come. For anything to come. But for now, she walked the golden streets, allowing her mind to dive into empty thoughts.

sylvanSpider 06-05-2018 10:55 PM

Sage lay on his bed, hands folded behind his head staring at the ceiling. He knew it was coming. They all did. His parents, his friends, his brother...they were all there, up until he could hear the long, high, unwavering tone reverberating in the background as he felt himself pulled. The waiting room, like his apartment, was a huge disappointment. Oh, but he's in a better place now, they would be saying back on Earth, Thank God his suffering is over. Little did they know that instead of a hospital bed, he got a twin mattress that wasn't adjustable, it was stiff and rarely got any use without the need to sleep. The afterlife was about bounty, so long as you killed your fair share, and he found that out with his sacrifice. They made it sound like one had to fight.

Shit, if he went another day wanting to taste something delicious, he might. He'd been told of his newfound powers, his super speed and ability to nullify demon's powers, but he had to eat their flesh to do it, drink their blood. It would taste delicious, they told him, and he wasn't sure when they were lying and telling the truth. The way he understood it, the afterlife was a business. That the kindness you showed in life, or your innocence, earned you a place in daylight rather than in night, but you would never escape the sun's gaze. The stars would never greet your face unless you went to Hell.

He sat up, hearing thumps next to his head and knocked on the wall, “Hey, you okay in there?”


Seventy-five years dead and still Kat forgot her sunglasses. She was lucky though, today was cloudy and the street's golden reflection was not quite so harsh today. Her heels clacked against the golden streets with the steady clack, clack, clack of a woman on a mission. Her pace was quick, and her hips swayed with just the right amount of curve to propel her closer to her destination rather than please the other onlookers on the street. Judgment Hall was still three blocks away, and rent was due within the half hour. Lucky for her, she had several demonic weapons and trinkets stashed on her bodice and she'd be making enough, but she needed to get there to turn them in.

Eyes on the sidewalk, she sped, not noticing those she passed by when she ran face-first into a dark-skinned girl with golden eyes, “I'm sorry!” she squeaked, scrambling up to her feet and straightened her pencil skirt before she held out her hand to help the other pedestrian up.


Axle stood behind the counter inside a run-down joint called the Inferno. In his hands was a cloth and a glass that he was in the process of polishing. Rather than restocking it, he squat behind the counter standing only when a carton of milk appeared on the bar, followed by a bottle of chocolate syrup, and then a spoon. Soon, the glass was filled with white contents turning brown and the only sound that could be heard in the entire bar was that of cheap metal against glass. Red irises traveled to the clock above the door and after a gulp of the concoction, he groaned, falling back onto a stool. He missed the days when he could go outside and burn one, finishing out the rest of the shift high as a kite, but none of that was available to him now, and he spun around on the stool lazily, grabbing the remote to the jukebox. If he played the right music, his fellow demons might find it in themselves to go and get drunk to good music.

He stood at attention when a woman stepped in, a platinum blonde with with black lowlights stepped in acting like she owned the place. Her lips were painted black, and even Axle could see that her wings were flawless. She must've been one of the club kiddies, though she was bound to find disappointment here. Seemed only those that have been dead a long ass time enjoyed the Inferno, and for more than its brilliant reference. This woman wasn't broken enough to see the Inferno for what it was. Nevertheless, Axle was bored and willing to entertain.

“Welcome to the Inferno, shittiest bar on this side of Purgatorio. What can I get you to drink?” Axle offered his best grin and even tacked on a weak excuse for a bow.

The woman opened her eyes and when Axle saw them, he smirked. They were a vibrant yellow. Another with odd-colored eyes. He was sure she was a popular little treat to those that managed to catch her interest. She, however, didn't respond and motioned for him to speak again. He noticed her eyes didn't leave his lips and nodded stepping forward. It was in that moment that he realized she had a white board strung up across her chest.

She's deaf, Axle thought to himself and sighed. Conversation was going to be slow. She wrote: “Whiskey, please. Little ice. Well.”

Axle nodded and fetched the lady her drink.

imanasset 06-05-2018 11:44 PM

Luka, being completely absorbed by his emotions, barely noticed the voice coming from behind him. It sounded close as if the wall nothing but a piece of paper. Luka held his breath. He opened his mouth to speak but all that came out was warm air. Shit. How do I do this?
Without much of a choice, Luka rose from his place and walked to the entrance of his apartment. He unlocked the door and peeked out into the hallway before stepping completely out. Luka stared at the door next to his own before shaking his head. Useless. What will I do when they expect me to talk? Oh, Jesus. And I look like this.
Luka brought his sleeve up to his eyes to dry them. He gave his pink and puffed up cheeks a pointless slap before finally knocking on his neighbors' door.


Avani, stuck in her own head, did not know what the hell had happened to her, just that she was on her ass with a girl standing above her nervously. "O-oh, um, you're okay. I wasn't really watching where I was going. I'm very sorry." She took the girls' hand and pulled herself up. She wiped her hands on the back of her jeans to remove any dirt that might've gotten on her. "Are you okay?" Avani worriedly asked.

Xander happened to be galavanting the streets of Hell when he heard the worst music blaring from the building he had just passed. Backtracking, he entered the small joint.
"Ah, this place is so horrible, I love it!" Xander exclaimed and held his arms out. "What's everyone's favorite Grimm Reaper gotta do to get a drink 'round here?"
Xander nearly skipped over to the bar and sat down right next to the girl with platinum hair, spinning a little on the stool.


Nancy had actually been sitting in the Inferno for a while but the bartender had yet to notice her. Although, she couldn't quite blame him because even she couldn't see herself. She didn't quite know how to use her abilities yet.
However, she didn't really feel like being acknowledged just yet, for she was quite enjoying watching the people interacting in front of her. The red-haired man that had entered looked and acted like he was very mentally unstable. Everyone she had seen so far, though, had been tilted off their axis in some way since entering Hell.
She traced over the names carved into the tables before seeing something moving in her peripheral vision. It squeaked and fully revealed itself before scurrying between her feet. Nancy squealed before jumping up from her place. The chair she had been sitting fell backward with a heavy clang. "Oops."

sylvanSpider 06-06-2018 12:18 AM

Sage pressed his ear to the wall, not able to hear a response, though he could hear someone's body shifting on their bed clear as day. He knew he was heard, but why wasn't he receiving an answer yet? He resumed his former position, but his brooding was no focused on something other than the bullshit afterlife agenda and now on his neighbor. He'd been in Heaven all of about a week, and he knew they threw them up in the free, shittiest of all apartments to ensure that all of the new angels would either a.) get a job or b.) get their asses out onto the battlefield. The latter he knew to be especially true for himself. But whoever his new neighbor was, apparently they were a shut in. He wondered how long he'd been there without his realizing it.

Finally, he heard a knock at his door, and it was little wonder that his face was one of confusion when he answered. The boy standing before him had platinum white hair and looked as though recently he'd been crying. With most of the new angels being cooped up here, it didn't take much to guess as to why. If he'd died young, it was little question as to why. He'd been going through his own shit. “Hey, I'm Sage. And you are...?”

> > >

“No, no. It's my fault; I was a hurry,” Kat responded with a certain earnest twinge in her voice. Please let this be my fault, I cannot forgive you if it isn't... She pulled the other woman up and held out her hand to shake, “I'm alright, I promise. I didn't hit the ground that hard, and after earning this,” she held up a necklace that was in her pocket, “A fall like that is nothing. Name's Katarina, by the way.” The woman's German accent had faded over the years, but the accent was there regardless. She offered the other woman a smile.
Axle sighed, narrowing his eyes at the newcomer. He'd seen this type before. So, he propped his elbows up on the bar, plastered his best “I don't give a shit about you” face, and said “I imagine you would have to actually be heard of to be everyone's anything, let alone anyone's favorite. Tell me, Red, how many angels have you sent back to the mortal realm?” He cocked an eyebrow and grabbed a glass, “To answer your question, just like everywhere else, you ask for one and then you pay. What are you drinking?”

Olivia didn't notice the newcomer until he all but grazed her thigh as he clambered onto his barstool. She spun her whiskey around and cleared her throat, tossing the contents of the glass down her throat. She held out her glass to Axle, knowing he'd know to refill it, which he did promptly.

imanasset 06-06-2018 01:02 AM

Luka listened closely to the footsteps approaching the door. He stepped back a little and inhaled sharply when the person opened the door. The man was a bit taller than himself and far more intimidating compared to Luka's demeanor. His voice was husky as if he hadn't talked in forever, but he didn't seem too annoyed by Luka's presence.
[Why did you think this was a good idea? Jesus, Luka.]He shook his head in defeat, gesturing to his mouth and throat. He could feel his vision getting cloudy once more, but he didn't want to cry, he was just so, unbelievably frustrated. [I'm Luka! I'm Luka! I just want to speak. I want to have a friend, goddammit this is such a sick game that their playing. Luka covered his eyes with his hands. He was embarrassed and flustered; he should've just stayed in the apartment and pretended not to hear anything.


"Well, okay, I'm Avani." She smiled sheepishly under the gaze of the girl. She noticed Katarina's antsiness; she did say she was in a hurry. "I-I was going to ask what that did, but I suppose I shouldn't keep you." She swallowed roughly and looked everywhere where there weren't beautiful blue oceans looking back at her. "M-maybe we will see each other around? I really don't want to interrupt your important business."

Xander offered a fake laugh before replying harshly. "It's not very nice to speak like that to your customers, is it?" He batted his eyes with a sickly sweet smile. "Besides, I don't keep count on petty things like that. But, if I had to guess, it would probably way too many for your small mind to comprehend," He let his head rest in his hand that was propped up on the counter, "But, I digress."

"I'll take a whiskey on the rocks as well as whitey over here." He spun around on his stool to find the other girl who had been quite invisible just before her big scare. "I'll also buy this little squirt an orange juice or something." He gestured lazily. "What do you want anyway?"

Nancy looked up in shock. "You can see me now?" Her eyes trailed down to her hands and the rest of her body. Yes, she was no longer camouflaged. "Oh--you, you don't have to get me anything."

Xander, clearly not impressed, turned back around. "Yeah, something non-alcoholic." He slid a large bill across the bar in Axel's direction.

sylvanSpider 06-06-2018 01:40 AM

Sage had to adjust his gaze slightly lower to look at the man in the face. His eyes screamed discomfort, but he was trying, and Sage had to give that to him. He tried to make it easier by making his posture more casual and less formal when a voice started speaking in his head. “Luka? That's your name?” he said this without thinking, as the voice seemingly came from nowhere. The man on the opposite end of the doorway hadn't moved his lips. “I know this sounds crazy...You uh...didn't you didn't say anything, but I thought I heard a voice saying 'I'm Luka!' so I thought maybe? Does it have to do with your sacrifice?”

> > >

“Well, back when the user was alive, it caused invisibility, but they're dead, so now it's going to pay my rent,” Kat said with a laugh. “Speaking of, that's why I was in a hurry, but uh...if you'd like to come with me, you can. If you're new, I can show you around,” she gave a nonchalant shrug and shifted the shoulder bag's strap to a more comfortable position, dug in it for a moment and drew out a pad of sticky notes and a pen, quickly scribbling her phone number down. “If not, you can get a hold of me here. I'm looking for a new hunting party; the one I'm running with now doesn't seem to suit me.”
“At the Inferno, kid, we don't give a shit about our customers. We don't really need the cash,” Axle's black eyes betrayed no emotion, as if Red's words didn't even graze him. “You're aware they give you the number with each turn in, right? Or are you illiterate?” Axle rolled his eyes only to blink when there was suddenly another person there.

“This bill is big enough to buy several rounds, I think he can afford to get you something. Speaking of, Whitey ordered from the well. You sure you want that? You can afford top shelf with this kind of dough,” Axle pointed to the literal top shelf and wondered if this man even knew the difference between well whiskey and top shelf whiskey, but at this point he felt like he'd seen it all.

He snatched the bill from the table, slid back the change (not really expecting a tip, considering the service), and began mixing the new girl's drink, a chocolate milk, one of his specialties. “If you don't want it, I'll drink it and get you what you want, but there's no alcohol as per Red's request.” Here, he mock bowed to the boy.

Olivia meanwhile, could only read what the bartender was saying – he was the one that was facing her – and based on that half of the conversation, she could tell that shade was being thrown. She just wished she could have actually listened to it.

imanasset 06-06-2018 02:18 AM

Luka's head jolted up to look at his neighbor. He heard me? Wait, can you hear me now? His eyebrows furrowed in complete confusion. Had he not been listening to them when they explained his abilities or had they neglected to tell him completely. This was completely new to him. He smiled a little to himself and covered his mouth with his hand. Please, tell me this is real.


"I've actually been around for a while, but I wouldn't mind joining you." She shrugged. She didn't really want to intrude, but Kat did offer her to come along. "I don't have anything better to do. And besides, it would do me good to make some friends?" Avani smiled kindly at Kat, her cheeks turning a pinkish hue.

Xander giggled. "You're hilarious. I have a feeling we are going to be great friends." He tilted his head and offered a big smile. "Also, don't bother giving me the fancy stuff, I'm a man of simple pleasures. But, I will buy hers and the newbies' drinks." He gestured to the women seated right next to him who had been completely silent throughout the whole interaction.

Nancy rolled her eyes. "I'm not a child... but yes, I would very much like a chocolate milk, please." Nancy gave Xander the side-eye before hesitantly sitting next to him.

Xander placed a hand on the platinum-haired women's shoulder. "You don't mind if I buy your drink for you, do you?" He asked before letting his eyes travel to the whiteboard. Either she was deaf or a mute.

Fortunately, his time in Hell had not been entirely spent killing angels and other demons who had crossed him. He had also taken time to study in old copies or alterations of books from Earth. Xander recalled the time when he studied the many different forms of sign language and decided to give that a try. He only hoped he would not offend her.

Buy you drink, can I? He signed as well as anyone who hadn't signed in years. So, it was pretty rough, but at least he was putting forth some effort.

sylvanSpider 06-06-2018 02:55 AM

Sage nodded, slowly, mouth agape. He couldn't believe what was happening, “I think 'heard' is the wrong word, but yeah. I understand you. Your voice is in my head...I ah, I guess you gave up your voice? This is a nice way to get around the communication barrier, isn't it? Uh...just nod if I did understand correctly though, you're Luka, yeah?”

Sage stepped back from his doorway and gestured into his shitty apartment, “Well, Luka, it seems we both are freshly dead. I don't have friends, and if I did understand you correctly, you also don't. If you wanna, we can be each other's firsts? Come on in.” He opened his cupboards, remembering that he hadn't been grocery shopping. He had no snacks or treats to offer and he gave a dejected sigh, “I'm afraid I've nothing to offer. Food turns to ash now, so I haven't ah...well, you know.”
> > >
“Wonderful! Zen it is a date, erm, well, proverbially speaking that is,” Kat replied, color rising to her pale cheeks, “I'm also in dire need of...well...actual... friends. You don't mind heading to the Hall of Judgment, do you? I know it's looked down on in some circles, but turn-ins have been my primary source of income for a while now.” She lead the way to the Hall, having no fear about linking arms with her new accidental friend.

“You've been around a while, yes? What do you do? Do you hunt, or have you found a more tame occupation?”
“Yes. Friends,” Axle said, once again rolling his eyes. “You have this kind of money and you're still willing to drink well? I mean, suit yourself, but that doesn't sound like pleasure. It sounds like shit.” Still, he poured the drink and slid it over to him. “Enjoy your piss.”

His demeanor completely changed when he turned his attention to the lovely lady in the lab coat, “I didn't take you for a child, but I figured one is always better with a good glass of chocolate milk. If you'd like, I can dump some Kahlua in it to add some zip? It pairs well.”

Olivia turned when tapped on the shoulder, and caught sight of his lips only to catch the words “do you?” Her lips pressed in a thin line and not for the first time since her recent arrival did she regret her sacrifice. So this was the world that her parents lived in. One of silence and solitude. She saw his hands and brightened up immediately, downed her own drink, and nodded.

imanasset 06-07-2018 01:31 AM

Luka bit his lip in attempts to cover up how ecstatic he was that he could communicate. He nodded in response to Sage. Yes, my name is Luka.

The platinum-haired boy stood before Sage probably looking slightly off-kilter. He just couldn't seem to properly express how exciting this new discovery was. However, he let his attention slip to what lay beyond Sage when he gestured behind him. Well, it would be nice to not be all alone in this shitty excuse of an afterlife.

Luka covered his smile as he followed Sage into his apartment. It seemed to mirror his own and looked just as bad. Water stained the ceiling and turned it brown. Ah, you don't have to feed me. I'm not sure if there is any point anymore. We are dead, aren't we?

He slightly frowned and exhaled heavily before looking down at his wrist where the small chain bracelet dangled. Why--if you don't mind me asking, does food turn to ash? Is it something you sacrificed?


Avani's cheeks visibly darkened at the mention of a date, but she soon recovered just as soon as Kat did. "I could actually use a friend or two as well. I haven't had one in quite awhile." She gave a thoughtful pause, reminiscing about what once was. "And I would love to join you. I don't mind at all if you don't."

Avani felt content with the events that had just occurred. Typically, she would've just gotten back up and walked off, but she hadn't met someone who shined so bright since her arrival. As they walked, Kat filled the empty air with questions.

"Yes, I have been here for, hmm, maybe ten years?" She scratched the back of her neck. "I've done my fair share of hunting, but lately, I don't know... I just haven't been in the mood. Maybe you can change that?" Avani chuckled and smiled at Kat.

Xander stifled a laugh after Axle's sassy remark before turning his attention back to the women. He felt a sort of warmth he hadn't felt in forever when her face lit up. He was glad he had taken the time to learn and study. What is your name? I'm Xander Grimm. He smiled a genuine and sweet smile. It was weird.

"D-do you, how do I? Um, sorry, but could I ask you a couple questions?" Her accent grew a little heavy under pressure. She was intimidated by this bartender. His outward appearance and attitude did nothing to calm her nerves, but she also needed to know how to function in a world like this. Did she really have to kill people?

sylvanSpider 06-07-2018 02:25 AM

Sage saw right through his attempts, and couldn't help but smile in response to the glow. “Great, so a mode of communication is laid out, which means you can probably do this with other people too,” Sage said, offering his own grin. “Looks like loneliness will only happen if you let it now.” He stepped back into his meager room and plopped down on the sofa, trying to ignore the burst of dust cloud that poofed up under his backside when it made contact with the cushion.

“I take it your apartment is this shitty? I'm surprised it even came with one of these, and a comfy chair to boot! It almost beats the hospital room minus the adjustable bed and constant beeping,” Sage said, not knowing whether to laugh at the absurdity of his own comment or brood in self pity that that was what he'd seen in his last days. “They told us we don't need to, but I couldn't anyway. I sacrificed my ability to taste. The fuckers granted it, except for one thing. Apparently the flesh of demon to my senses is like the greatest delicacy. Ironic, right? What'd you end up getting for your voice besides being able to talk in people's minds? Or did they even bother to tell you?”
> > >
The Halls were as enormous as they were immaculate, marble gleaming between the random interspersions of sunlight and cloud, red carpet standing in start contrast to the white walls. Statues stood at attention in place of columns, and two more guarded opposing sides of the desk housing the clerk they needed to speak with. Other angels were there, some right off of the battlefield, others here for the same reason Katarina was – rent was due. Some chatted excitedly with each other, of those, many were apparently raiding parties and had earned their turn-ins together. There were maybe fifteen in all, as this was but one place of many, and not even one of the more impressive Halls. Katarina, and in turn her new friend, took their places in line. “I do it more out of necessity than any actual want to be out there. War is Hell, as the saying goes, no?” Katarina said, “But after being out there, It's...hard to adapt to any other job. So, I kill just enough to get by these days. Hardly any ambition left, I guess. Maybe a new face would help inspire that.”
Olivia was elated that there was someone there that knew sign. Sign was her first language, as both of her parents were deaf, but once she went to school she learned to speak normally in no time. “My name is Olivia Dalloway. Have you been dead long?” She signed, not realizing that that question was, in a sense, a rite of passage for new demons getting to know each other. Age often determined rank, and the longer one had been dead, either the more powerful – or the more respected – they tended to be. Age, so far as the afterlife went, was dictated by time spent dead rather than time spent living.

Axle laughed and grabbed a bottle of Kahlua, grabbing her chocolate milk, and dumping a shot in it. “I just made your chocolate milk a little more fun. Not enough to get you drunk, but if your tolerance is really low, it might get you tipsy.” He stirred his own chocolate milk again with his spoon and sipped from the glass. “No need to be nervous; I didn't poison it,” he said, resisting the urge to chuckle at how suspicious he sounded.

“Ask any questions you need, kid. I've been around the block a coupla times.”

imanasset 06-07-2018 10:48 PM

Luka followed Sage to the sofa and sat down as well. He brought his knees up tightly to his chest before resting his chin on them. The cheap and scratchy fabric poked uncomfortably through his white shirt. Luka was curious about Sage's death, but he figured it would still be hard to talk about. Although, it was pretty easy to guess how he died according to his last words. He could have been injured or sick and died in a hospital. Either way, it was still a sore subject that Luka didn't want to mention. He would be upset if Sage asked him about how he died too.

To be honest, I wasn't really listening to anything they were saying after my sacrifice. I was pretty lost in thought, I guess. Luka looked anywhere but Sage; it was obvious that he was embarrassed and hurt. I just hope it's something bigger than this. My was my everything.


Avani nodded in agreement. It had been too long since she was on the battlefield. She hadn't used her abilities for much ever since she stopped going out to hunt. It would do her good to get out and make new friends though. She was willing to do whatever she could to become happy in a world where it was nearly impossible. "So, um, we could go get a drink after this to look for new recruits, yeah?"

Xander sat back on his stool and tilted his head to the side before signing a response. More than a century; I died in 1872. And you? Looking back, Xander felt incredibly old, which, he was. However, he supposed age was just a number. He still looked fine as hell. (a/n snort hell is actually a shithole wut)

Nancy looked up at Axle warily before bringing the cool glass to her lips. The beverage was rich and sweet. Her tastebuds danced inside her mouth. "Mm, this is really good actually." She giggled a little before settling down once again. "Right, questions. Um, so, I guess, well I was...Jesus, okay." Nancy took a deep breath in before finally speaking. " Alright, so, if I go out hunting I can turn in their weapons for more power or money, right? Are there different groups that you can hunt with? Or do you have to hunt on your own? If I'm at the border, how can I tell whether a person is a demon or an angel? Are there any distinguishing features?" She breathed in sharply realizing how much she had just asked. "Sorry." She mumbled bashfully.

sylvanSpider 06-09-2018 05:55 PM

Sage was at a loss of what to do now. In life, making friends wasn't his forte. He'd always been a sickly child and missed a lot of school, leading to no small amount of shyness on the man's part. Shifting, he rest his forearms on his knees and offered a smile, “I think they expected that. You saw the guidebook that they left on the bed, right? It tells you everything you need to know. The thing's a tome for all intents and purposes, and it even has a personalized section at the back based on your sacrifice and new abilities.”

He stood up, walked to his bed and grabbed his copy. He wasn't exaggerating in terms of its size either as could be felt when he handed it over to Luka to look at. “My sacrifice dictates that food turned to ash, but they didn't say shit about drink. Do you wanna get a drink or something? I have ten...uh. I don't know what they call the currency here. So I have ten.” He had to laugh at the absurdity of it all and he held his hand out to help Luka up. The money they gave new angels was close to nothing, but Sage assumed that that was further incentive to get the angels on the battlefield. He also assumed that it had something to do with a quota. There was room to grow here in Heaven so long as one was willing to kill.
> > >
Katarina and Avani went through the entire turn in process and Kat made the deposits she needed to ensure that she was able to continue living where she was. Her place wasn't in the nicest of areas despite how long she'd been dead. She always did just the bare minimum always going out by herself. “Drinks sound excellent. I have a bit left over, so first round's on me!” She led the way to one of her favorite places, one of those hole in the wall joints that the lower classes seemed to love.

“What are you drinking?” the bartender asked the ladies without so much of a greeting.

“A nice, stout beer,” Katarina responded pleasantly and then turning to her friend, “Order what you'd like, I've got it!”
Olivia hadn't been able to speak to anyone for three days, since she'd died. She'd seen plenty of other angels, but of those, none that she knew of knew sign. She'd been meandering the streets of Hell in silent solitude, and the music that she'd loved so much in life was no relegated to nothing more than the occasional feelings of bass reverberating through her body, even if she couldn't technically hear it. “I've been here three days,” she signed, “You're the first I've met that can sign. Can we be friends?”

Axle could almost sense the intimidation, but rather than ramp it up like he would in almost any other instance, he actually turned it down, “Yeah, the kahlua doesn't take away from the sweetness and even adds a layer of creaminess to it. I can't get drunk anymore and I will still occasionally add it just for shits and grins.” He carefully added a smile here and took a seat on his own stool that was on his side of the counter as he began to answer questions, “No need to be sorry. Waking up dead is a confusing experience. First, hunting will get you both in one shot. The goal from the Council is to coerce us into killing as many angels and demonly possible so you don't have to choose you just get both with the turn ins. You can go out with as many or as few friends as you'd like. Most groups are formed by a group of friends, but some join more professional groups in order to get money and power faster. I was a part of one for a bit, but then I killed the leader and that was ah...frowned upon. So long as you're standing and whatever angel you're against is dead, you're in the clear. Just don't forget to pick up their weapon or whatever the fuck it is that grants them power for the turn in.”

imanasset 06-09-2018 09:50 PM

Luka sighed heavily and looked at the floor where the sun had come in and stained it with gold. Yeah, I saw it. I'm still a bit shaken. I still feel like this is a dream and when I open my eyes again...but if I read the book it just confirms the sickening reality that I'm stuck in. He took the book from Sage and held it in his hands. It was thick with information that he didn't want to know. Pages upon pages riddled with words that would force him to accept something he didn't want to. His fingers traced the lettering on the cover lightly before he set it on the cushion. However, if I am going to be stuck here, I might as well enjoy my time. Yeah, let's go get a drink.

Luka guided them out of the apartment building and out onto the golden streets of Heaven. The surrounding buildings towered over them, each busy and worn from the newly dead. This was obviously the place where each person started. What or who you were on Earth meant little to nothing now. Everyone was fair game. People here, however, were at the bottom. No one was scared of anybody.

Many people crowded the streets and the two boys maneuvered between the bodies. Different smells came from everywhere and overwhelmed him. Men had makeshift tents where they sold old trinkets and useless clutter. Some women could be seen making greasy food and selling it in exchange for a coin or two. Disheveled angels offered old roses and begged for money. Luka ignored their attempts and pressed on through the endless bustling of the streets.

About three blocks down sat an old and overcrowded bar on the corner. Drunk men and women hung in groups outside smoking cigarettes. Sunlight beat down through the light clouds and made everything sticky with sweat. The air felt like dirty honey dripping in his lungs; thick and hot.

When they entered the joint, music immediately absorbed the atmosphere and loud voices filled the small space with chaos. Boisterous laughter poured out of drunken mouths as the two of them made their way to the bar. Two other girls leaned up against the counter next to them. It was almost odd to see them here. At least, the smaller girl didn't look like she belonged here. What do you want to drink?


People danced to a small band situated in the corner of the bar. ((a/n listening to Blood On My Name and tbh that's what I imagine they are playing)). Avani tapped her foot lightly to the beat before telling the bartender what she wanted to drink. "Can I get a peach schnapps."

Avani stood close to Kat so she could hear her better, but she wasn't quite aware of how close she actually was. "I've never been one for hard alcohol. I like sweets." Avani smiled delightfully before she noticed the two boys standing just behind Kat. One with platinum hair had been staring at her before turning his attention back to his friend.

"You said you wanted to find a group for hunting, right? Why don't we look here?" Avani suggested. There were plenty of people, most probably new to Heaven that would still be eager to get out and hunt. She figured it would be the best place to do it.

Xander smiled fondly at the girl. Someone wanted to be his friend? But he was actually a huge piece of shit. It shocked him, to say the least, but he wasn't about to decline. Of course, we can be friends. I can show you the ropes. What do you say?

Nancy did quite enjoy the concoction that Axle had created. She sipped on it while she listened to Axle. She appreciated his explanation. It was nice to actually talk to someone who knew what they were doing. She had flipped through the book briefly when she arrived at her apartment which was arguably shittier than the worst ones in Heaven. She would have loved to read what the book had said, but she supposed that the book was handed down, the last few pages replaced with her own information held in by a few pieces of tape. The rest of the tattered book had been defaced and faded through the many years of its existence. "Wait, wait, you killed the leader? Why? If you knew you would get in trouble, why would you do that?" Nancy asked, completely confused. What went through this guys' head?

sylvanSpider 06-09-2018 10:41 PM

“It's understandable,” Sage said softly, looking down. He almost wished he could be shaken by his own death. But his was always there looming on the horizon, patiently waiting for him to come to it. It was expected. There was no shaking when death was the one stability in his life. “Would you believe it if I told you I am actually better off here than I ever was in life? I feel better than I ever did. I can walk. There's no It's crazy, but I feel alive more now than ever – if that isn't a bit of irony for you.”

Sage helped him to his feet and then he followed him onto the streets. They were in the slums. He'd seen the bright side of Heaven, and he knew that most of those there had built their wealth on the blood of demons. He wondered what it was like....what they would taste like. He shook the thought out of his head almost as soon as it'd arrived, but...once it was there, he couldn't deny it.

The bar was exactly what was expected in this part of town, minus the live band set up in the corner, which was a pleasant surprise. “You know, I've never seen a live band,” he mused out loud.
The bartender slide Kat her drink and began pouring Avani's hers and Kat laughed, “You know that schnapps is considered 'hard' right? But peach is the best flavor, or maybe mint if the day is cold.” She sighed, “I don't know if there ever was a cold day in Heaven though. You have to go to the Border to even get a slight chill, and then you're kept warm by constant activity. I always preferred the winter, and it seems that being a good person denied me of it.”

She took a drink of her beer, smacking her lips in a satisfied motion and nodded, “It might give me a chance to move out of the shithole I live in. It's only slightly better than those that they give to the newest angels. What about them?” Katarina asked, tossing her head in the direction of the two boys.

Sage lifted up his hand, “Something good for a first-timer?” The bartender raised his eyebrow and laughed, “First time drinking kid? I got somethin' for ya.” He poured two shots of vodka and set them on the counter in front of the boys.

Sage lifted his glass in a “cheers” motion and looked to Luka uncomfortably, “Bottom's up?”

imanasset 06-09-2018 11:30 PM

Luka looked at the shots and suddenly he was alive again and Ashley was beside him. She looked at him expectantly, urging him to drink. Luka smiled deviously before taking a swig from the half-empty liquor bottle. Luka coughed a little after swallowing earning a laugh from Ashley. "God, that tasted like piss." Luka chuckled and smack his tongue against the roof of his mouth in attempts to rid the awful taste from his mouth.

"It gets better, you just have to take another swig."

Her voice resonated in his head and he felt a smile come on. Don't be nervous. You'll feel good. Luka smiled before taking the shot, tipping his head back, and swallowing the foul liquid. With flames licking the sides of his throat Luka shook his head and slammed the tiny glass back down again.

Avani looked behind Kat once again. The two were drinking now, she figured it would be as good a time as any. They seemed fresh enough, young and willing. Avani took her drink and moved a little closer to them. "Hey, my name is Avani. This is my friend, Kat. We are looking for angels willing to join us in hunting at the Border. Is either of you interested?

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