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sylvanSpider 06-06-2018 06:30 PM

You Hit Like a Biscuit! (SpiderBiscuit) [m]
End of the world and supernatural monster killer things, go!

TheFabledBiscuit 06-06-2018 06:36 PM

Victors consciousness melted away his past memories flooding in his mind his own thoughts seemed to scramble and fall apart as the flashes of his childhood and growing up coming to a frozen still of when he had met Emily, and soon the others. He reached out to them but they seemed so impossibly far away, falling further away from his grasp before slowly disappearing all together only leaving him in darkness before his own body seemed to fall into dust.
Anna gripped the mans hand as the others tried to slow the bleeding, her eyes had already dried from the shock of it all, her insides felt as if they had shattered completely. He wasn't going to another minute if that, she choked on her own tongue as she watched the life in his eyes fade away.
She stood defeated, looking down at his blood that now soaked all her clothing, tears flowed more freely from her face as she turned away from the two looking towards his belongings. If she had just tailed them instead maybe things could have gone better, because she had decided to act on impulse she had lost the last of her family.
Anna grabbed Victors bag throwing it over her own shoulder and turned back to the other two wiping her eyes dry. "We... we can't stay here, those creatures wont take long to get here.. " She choked on her own words staring back at his lifeless body,
She pointed off into the distance off the main road "I've got a small cabin...a day and a half from Denver, we ca- - we can stay there for now. If we move quick it'll only take the day to arrive, please come with me." The woman took a deep breath, shaking visibly from what had happened.
/ / / / / / / / /
Brett threw his arms out to the sky spinning in bliss of his kill.
"I did it! Just like you wanted. They'll never know. It's just like you said!" He snickered to himself before peering at the horse a sinister smile filling his face.
"You can't live neither! No witnesses she said only my prey can be aware!" the cowboy plunged his makeshift blade through the neck of his steed quickly silencing the cry the animal gave.
He paused for a moment becoming still contemplating in thought for a moment. "Does that make me a witness of she?! Nobody is worthy to lay eyes on the path she has created for us. I am no exception!"
Brett pulled a small blade from his pocket grinning as he eyed the point of it before plunging into the socket ripping his own eye out. He admired his work for only a moment before repeating the process on his other.
"Praise her...praise her... She will be my eyes SHE will guide me!" The cowboy grabbed the large satchel from the horse dragging it on the ground behind him as he continued further into the woods muttering to himself with the occasional outburst of laughter.

sylvanSpider 06-07-2018 02:52 AM

Emily walked, hands down at her sides, eyes straight ahead. The weight of Victor's death hung in her chest like the heaviest of clouds before a storm. The man played such a central role in her life for the past several weeks and now he was just...gone, the only evidence that his life ever happened rest in Emily's bag in the form of his journal and the lifeless husk they'd left behind on the road several miles ago. She couldn't cry, she couldn't scream. She felt the emotions as a whirlpool draining her energy, her thoughts. Nothing could bring Victor back. He was gone. Forever. She'd stayed there and felt his last heartbeat, followed by the escape of his last breath. His face was still warm as she drew her hands over his eyes, closing them for the last time.

She'd had to move his head from her lap when it was time that they left.

“I still don't think it was right, just leaving him there like that,” Yoruba said, breaking the silence only to add further tension between the group.

“What choice did we have?” Emily asked, her voice a little more terse than she meant, “The wraiths are attracted to gunfire. We couldn't stay there. Come nightfall, we would have had to fight dozens. Let's just rest easy knowing that he won't become like them – he died before he could be turned to anything.”

TheFabledBiscuit 06-07-2018 03:28 AM

Anna took point, cutting through small groves of trees. She didn't say much to the others as she reminisced on her past with Victor, as much resentment she carred towards him after the reckoning all amounted to nothing. "She's right.. if we stayed there's no way we would have survived, not this close to the city." Anna pointed in the distance, skylines rose over the trees not far from them half turning her head towards the other two. "So.. you were planning to head straight through right? Why would you do something stupid like that? Denver has more horror stories surrounding it than Lovecraft wrote in his lifetime Anna's voice seemed to be lack of any enthusiasm still impacted from earlier events.
The city seemed towered over the wilderness they wandered, Anna pointed at a reasonably sized shack indicating her home. She waved them forward holding the makeshift door open for the two women.
An odor of mustiness and food on the edge of spoiling filled her room causing her to immediately open on of her windows.
"Sorry, its been awhile since I've been home, I was running low on supplies generator must have gone out and rotted whatever I had left."
She made herself comfortable on a worn futon gesturing for the other two to join her as the stench slowly dissipated from the room.

sylvanSpider 06-07-2018 03:39 AM

Emily pressed her lips into a thin line, not wanting to talk about why they'd chosen Denver. After all, it was her idea to go through there so she could see her childhood home. They'd wanted to see firsthand what was in the cites and document it. Scientists to a degree, though they were more like field scientists than any that lived their days in a lab.

Yoruba, knowing Emily like the back of her hand, spoke up, "Emily was from Denver. There's probably more reasons that you don't ever want to know as to why she wanted to go in there. But the plan was to see it and then trek West if only to keep moving." Yoruba cast an uneasy glance Emily's way. Victor's death didn't impact her like it impacted the others, and she feared that it was too obvious. It wasn't that she hated him. She didn't. But of the party members, he was the one she found herself disagreeing with him the most, and she couldn't help but feel a little guilty about that.

"I lived that Lovecraftian nightmare," Emily murmured, "I just need to see what's left. That's all." She kept her head bowed, just wanting to sleep and separate the days between Victor's death and them, praying that with time those wounds would heal.

TheFabledBiscuit 06-07-2018 03:57 AM

Anna scratched her head in confusion before leaning in closer to the two, in her mind nobody that was right in the head would even consider traveling to Denver, even the most skeptical scavengers started to avoid the city.
"You... HAVE heard the stories about that city right? Nobody makes it through, and nobody gets back out once they've gone even a half decent way in. I'd say they were only rumors but being so close I've heard the screams. There is something not right there.. more so than other cities."
Her face didn't hide the concern and disapproval that filled her face after Yoruba had mentioned plans of visiting her home before turning towards Emily glancing nervously out her window to the looming city near by.
"Look, I know you might be curious.. but I don't think its a good idea. You may have been there for the beginning, hell for the first few months but recently something has changed.. not sure what it is but it makes my stomach turn more than any wraith ever has. I'm about as close as one can be to be considered safe from whatever is lurking in that damned city."
Anna fidgeted nervously just imagining what monstrosities could be lying there, it was already a known in the central parts of the country that wraiths weren't the only thing to worry about.

sylvanSpider 06-09-2018 03:59 PM

“Of course we heard the stories; we're not deaf,” Emily shot back, folding her arms. “You don't have to come with us. But whatever the fuck it is that's spilling over into our world isn't gonna just go away. The stories are why we're going there, more than anything.”

Yoruba sighed, taking a seat. While they were in this place that Anna called a “home” they were relatively safe, and while her guard wasn't completely down she could at least rest here, “Emily's right. Unfortunately. Something led to there being hoards of super-natural beings whether it's a portal or someone who knows how the hell this works. If the stories are true about Denver, it's a good place to start looking.” She shook her head, squeezing the bridge of her nose, “I don't want to do this either, but if humanity wants to have a prayer for survival someone has to do something. And at this point? None of us have anything to lose. At the very least, we can start categorizing the monsters, figuring out weak points and making that shit known; give people a fighting chance, you know?”

Emily nodded, running her fingers on the hilt of her sword and bit her lower lip. They were lofty goals, but they were goals that she was supposed to complete with Victor. He never questioned it. He knew the risks and was willing to take them so long as Emily was by his side. And she was willing to be, so long as he was by hers. But all of that was gone now...Victor...was gone now. “As I said. We don't expect you to go on this suicide mission with us, but if it's possible that we can use this as a safe house if we ever make it back out, we both would be grateful.”

TheFabledBiscuit 06-09-2018 04:40 PM

"So, whats the plan then? You can't just go into the city like any other and expect not to be caught, in fact anyone that steps past a certain point seems to attract the attention of everything in there at once." Anna clenched her jaws to the point her teeth may have shattered in her mouth, she wasn't even sure why she was trying so hard to dissuade them in the first place if they wanted to rush to their deaths it wasn't her problem.
Anna lit a cigarette to calm her nerves, just the thought of herself or other people going into Denver could almost give her a panic attack. She listened quietly as Yoruba spoke their reasoning for embarking on such a foolish quest and froze in realization.
"Wait.. categorize? Could that be why he was headed back towards home.. " She jumped up to her feet pausing in almost deep thought nodding to herself in affirmation looking back towards Emily and Yoruba excitedly. "That's gotta be it! Listen, Victor may already have had a head start for what you want to do. He was really into the occult before the reckoning came about.." she paused for a moment, her face strained trying to think of the best way to explain to them what she meant though the excitement of it overwhelmed her usual collected thoughts. "Victor had old documents, really old. Of old folklore stories, legends of supernatural beasts and creatures, I swear I can remember reading story that reminds me of the wraiths and how a small village managed to get rid of them. She looked towards the city and gave a small sigh, through the city would be the quickest route back.
"I wish we could have asked him to know for sure but... but now I think its worth the risk to get to Seattle. I know where he used to live, if you'll let me come along I think the information could be useful to us." She glanced between both of the women in front of her trying to judge their reaction of her, it was a lot to ask of them considering the circumstances of how they were acquainted.

sylvanSpider 06-09-2018 06:19 PM

“It wasn't going to be a one step process. We didn't live this long being fucking dunderheads. We were going to scout and take it one or two steps at a time. No one would benefit if we charged in head first and died on our first excursion,” Emily said frankly, mildly annoyed at Anna's ignorance, though she knew it wasn't her fault. She'd never been with them during times of combat; she had no frame of reference for their abilities.

Yoruba's fists clenched and she brought one of them with some force back against the wall with a loud SLAM and she got to her feet, “You mean to tell me that fucker knew something the rest of us didn't and kept his fucking mouth shut?! He had valuable information the rest of us could have used and he carried it with him to the grave? For what purpose? What good does it do to keep things like that to yourself?!” Yoruba's jaw was clenched, and in her eyes, fire. But Victor wasn't there for her to take her anger out on so she stood there, fuming.

Emily placed her hand on Yoruba's shoulder in an attempt to calm her down. It worked, however little it did, “I don't know why he didn't tell us. I don't know if he didn't trust us or what, but it's not something we can help now. We have to get to Seattle, but if what Anna's saying is true, we have to find a way through the city if we want to even have even a prayer of making it to Seattle. This is what we're left with.” Emily sighed, hurt by the fact that he didn't tell them, but she took out his journal, resting her hand on its cover. Instead of saying anything else, she bowed her head and cried.

TheFabledBiscuit 06-09-2018 06:50 PM

Anna shook her head in disagreement to Emily's statements, they wouldn't have known the things she had and could not blame them. She bit her tongue at the anger that she seemed to be target of at the moment taking a deep breath before speaking again. One step at a time isn't going to work I'm afraid, I told ya people never seem to come out alive no matter how 'little' they plan to enter and 'scout' something gets them. Anna twirled he rhair in thought of the situation, gauging the supplies the two had on hand and what she held in storage. "I believe in these circumstances would to over prepare and assume we make it through the city in one go, and deal with whatever is inside as we come across it.
She turned to Yoruba a bit of confusion filled her face as she spoke "And what difference would it have made? You were headed there either way right? what's the point of giving false hope that would only increase the likelihood of rash actions and death you'd disregard safety for the sake of reaching your destination whether you did so knowingly or not. Either way it doesn't seem that you even cared about your companion very much at all rather than put up with it for her sake. It was obvious she was the only person he truly cared about here."
Anna walked and laid a hand lightly on Emily's shoulder before opening a hatch to an underground room. "That notebook has notes on the creature you encountered in the woods right? I saw the entry, whatever notes he took might have useful information try and not lose it alright?"
She let the hatch shut behind her as she made her way down the stairs, packing whatever essentials she felt was important for a long journey. She pulled out a dozen different cans of soups of a variety of flavors as well as other preserved box and bagged meals. IF nothing else they would appreciate the food she had stored away.

sylvanSpider 06-09-2018 07:18 PM

Emily was back to her sitting position, not willing to expend the strength it took to stand and the tears fell freely. She missed Victor, more than she ever thought she could miss another human. Yoruba, on the other hand, was still on her feet, both fists still clenched and trembling. “It doesn't work like that. He's seen both of us fight and he knew we weren't ones to make brash decisions. He knew that. And yeah, I didn't like him. So fucking what? He liked her and he didn't even bother to even tell her!” Yoruba pointed down to Emily who appeared to barely hear the words she was saying. “I dealt with him for her sake, just like he dealt with me, and look where we are now! Knowledge that could potentially save Emily down the line is lost and we have to get to fucking Seattle to figure it out. Tell me his fucking secrets were a good idea, and I'd tell you you're a fucking imbecile.” Yoruba stopped and shook her head, exhaling through her nose, “But. There's strength in numbers. If you want to join us, that's fine. But don't think I'm going to forget that you're now defending the name of someone that you yourself were threatening with a loaded fucking gun.”

TheFabledBiscuit 06-09-2018 07:50 PM

Anna returned back tossing a bag of potato chips at the fuming woman and another towards Emily. She nibbled on a piece broken piece of chocolate glaring slightly at the woman. She pulled out the gun she had threatened Victor with and pointed it straight at Yoruba pulling the trigger several times in the blink of an eye. Click, click, click "I never had the means to kill him or any of you, only planned to ever hate him if everything that happened was as fucked up as it seemed at the time. I figured if he believed it was loaded and that I was as vengeful as it seemed he would give the information to me instead of being his dismissive self."
She turned to a bookshelf pulling out a few blank notebooks in case they were needed while speaking towards Yoruba. "And what if the stuff there doesn't do a damned thing to help? What if the house was already looted. or that his weird hobby was just that. A hobby of collecting stories that contribute nothing to what we're dealing with now! You'd as quickly turn the blame on him for endangering your party by setting out on a wild goose chase that he initiated? Its better to keep secrets to yourself if you feel like a person you're traveling with could be a liability. Since he did like her I'd just assume he felt it was you in this case."
Anna kept her cool , in fact she wasn't nearly as flustered as Yoruba had been with her remarks her blunt attitude and logical reasoning from knowing Victor had obviously offended the other party however.
"I will agree however, that Victor was never the person to make decisions and constantly made poor choices when I knew him. That goes without saying. The most important thing now is that he possibly did fuck up, and its possible that his belongings at home could help solve a lot of problems that people are facing now. So now we make a decision of when do you want to push through the cursed city?"
She glanced out the window back towards Denver, the sun was barely setting now flooding the room in orange hue. A bead of sweat dripped down her face in anticipation of the journey ahead.
She pulled out the map from Victors bag that laid next to Emily and circled Seattle writing an address in bright red ink.
"That's the address where you'll find the items of interest. If you want to go without me that's fine but I do know the area better, we could be in and out without attracting anything once we reach the suburbs."

sylvanSpider 06-09-2018 08:17 PM

Yoruba's gun was out the second she saw a flash of metal – much could be said about the strength of her reflexes – and holstered after the second click she realized the gun was almost empty. “I suppose nothing can be said of your intelligence, then. Do you know shit about guns? Rule number one is never point a gun at someone you don't intend to shoot – empty or not. I learned that rule when I was five. It's a rule to live by, or die by if you're stupid enough not to follow it. It's a miracle you're still alive, honestly,” Yoruba snapped back, “If the stuff doesn't do a damned thing, then that dead motherfucker is leading us on a suicide mission across the country only to die and his name should be cursed further. If he saw me as a liability it's only because I fucked his squeeze before he ever had a chance to.” Emily winced at the words, though she knew there was more than a little bit of truth to them. She, however, kept her mouth shut, and Yoruba continued,[b] “Look at the odds, sugar. If the chances are high that he collected nothing but stories, going to Seattle is useless and he is literally leading us all to our deaths from the grave just because he was spiteful enough to keep it to himself. You're doing nothing to clear his name. Do you hear me? Nothing. If anything, you're making me hate him even more if only because the little shit still continues to put Emily in danger even as a corpse.”

She took a couple of deep breaths unclenching her fists so she could tap her thigh. “So once again, I'm left with a decision to stay or go. That decision has already been made for me, because I will literally walk through hellfire for that girl over there and there is strength in numbers. That, and you don't know shit about guns. I'm an engineer, and a certified genius. I earned my doctorates in early twenties. I know that the papers mean nothing now, but the knowledge I used to get those papers is still there. If you doubt me, ask Emily.” Emily nodded in assent. “That being said, we can't push through that cursed city without preparing first. Based on my solo excursions, most of those things are weak to fire. The tank that you see me carrying around? It's a flamethrower. I want to make one for each of you before we go in and you both are going to have to go through training to learn to use it and strength training to be able to carry one at full capacity. Those fuckers aren't going to know what hit them.”

TheFabledBiscuit 06-10-2018 07:26 AM

Anna tilted her head dumbfounded by what the woman was saying she shook her head confused and annoyed at this point at the words coming out of Yoruba's mouth. "You really shouldn't speak bad about Victor, You're making assumptions and I'm really emphasizing the 'ass' part of that I don't believe those set of choices would be as bad as you make it out to be. Remember originally I was told the goal was to see if northwest was better, as in Canada, or Alaska, NOT Seattle. I just happened to remember his old collection and got a little too overzealous, we were quick to jump at conclusions without thinking first, You saw how he quickly he broke and shut down after I showed up, He was fine with me killing him there and then, with that kind of guilt eating away at him and the shitty memories he had of that place, I really think now Seattle was the LAST place he would ever have wanted to be. Victor would never would have considered bringing another person with him back there, not after his family was murdered and especially not after what happened between us." She choked on her own words taking a moment to regain composure of herself wiping a tear from her eye. She gave Yoruba a stern look before pointing a finger towards Emily who still seemed to mourn her brothers life. "You don't have to have liked Victor, but we shouldn't spew bullshit nonsense to transform his persona into that of a despicable human being when he was anything but. Especially with a person who genuinely cared about him here."
She let out a sigh, wiping the tears that had formed in her eyes again at her outburst. She held out a hand to Emily offering to help her to her feet before changing the subject to more pressing matters at hand.
She shook her head almost immediately at Yoruba's offer her tone returned more neutral any anger filling her dissipating as her mind raced. "No, flamethrowers would be a mistake. They may have a weakness to fire out East, however out here that doesn't seem to be the case. They seem to actually find pleasure in it, I've seen blazing firepits being soaked up by the wraiths as if they were sponges, Its why so many colonies are empty out here. They were overrun and slaughtered. However, do you think you could put together something that can be used to cause a distraction, like a flashbang? Hell, it doesn't even need to flash just make enough noise to disorient anything that may corner us or lure away?"Anna pulled off a sheet covering a desk full of metal parts and military scrap, hoping Yoruba would be able to do something with it. "Pain in the ass coming by military grade shit, I hope you can do find something useful to do with all this."

sylvanSpider 06-11-2018 09:18 PM

“I shouldn't speak bad about Victor,” Yoruba repeated under her breath, exasperated. “And tell me, Anna, why not? Why can't I talk about him? You know, the word 'ass' is indicative of stupidity, which I am not nor am I showing any sign of it. On your end, however, I see a lot of hypocrisy, mind changings, and an inability to stick to one story. When you say we you really mean you. You were the one that suggested this nonsense and you are the one backpeddaling again on things you just said. How does that make any sense?” Yoruba was fierce and regardless of how cool-headed Anna appeared to be, her words said anything but and Yoruba was quick to point that out. Emily hated to agree, so she kept silent. The flip flopping on virtually every topic was not a good omen so she pressed her lips together and bowed her head.

“I didn't like Victor,” Yoruba added, quick to agree with the one true statement the woman had said, “But I will say that I could trust the man, bad and shitty decisions and all. That's one step above you, Anna.” Yoruba cracked her knuckles and then her neck as if she was bracing for some sort of battle. “That being said if we are actually going to work together, against my better judgment, I can get us flashbangs fire crackers, you name it I just need --” She trailed off when Anna pointed to the pile of stuff, “I might be able to work with this, but we'll need time. First, I need to make things that will actually work, then I'll need to replicate them twice more if they are reusable and if they aren't, I'll have to stock us up with plenty. Let's hope you can change my mind about you before we go in.”

TheFabledBiscuit 06-12-2018 01:27 AM

Anna nodded in agreement for once since they arrived in the cabin. "Sure, I can with a lot of what you said. I'm the one who suggested any of this nonsense, I'm just saying if you don't like the ideas I came up with then place them on me, and not Victor. We don't know what I said was really his intention, and since he's dead, we never will. That's all."
She shrugged not even remotely bothered by Yoruba's comment. She pulled out a drawer next to the parts littered in tools before heading towards the front door. "That's fine, I don't particularly like you either, and I don't expect the feeling to change between us any time soon."
Anna closed the door softly letting it latch before heading into the woods, she sang songs softly to herself while she made her way to another shack a mile further into the forest than the place she called home.
The woman dug through the supplies she held there, medicine of many types, first aid and a new set of clothes.
She heated some water to wash herself in before getting slipping on some shorts, the cold weather never bothered her much and they were easier to maneuver in if she needed to.
"Well.. looks like its going to happen after all." she muttered to herself watching her reflection in the water basin, she stretched her arms out not entirely too excited to return to her new guests taking a longer, more scenic route instead before announcing her return.
"If you're hungry I've got fresh meat in a cooler, already seasoned just cook it up and help yourself, and if you don't mind I prefer not to be bothered anymore until you're feel we're ready to make our move into Denver, I'll be in my own room resting up until then"

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