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EclipseTatrigami 06-20-2018 11:18 AM

Thots And Prayers: A Normal Town
A fresh cup of ice coffee was in Bale's hands he had added creme earlier and just finished stirring it taking a gulp Bale felt his voice healing from his 'events' last night. His Dark Artichoke eyes had looked over to his sketch-book and he smiled. And mentally gave himself a 'Way To Go' High Five. Bale had been researching these eldritch crystals. He had a couple friends that practiced crystal magic and they told him about their strange dreams.

Bale was looking through his illustrations and notes he had taken down the name and shade of the crystal and had written down what he had felt their energy was unlike the original crystals his friends could buy at a witchcraft (even a clothing) store...It all soon became. Horrifying these new crystals had looked exactly the same as the original crystals the town had shipped, the only difference was their energy. Bale had read his most recent note. Again.

Getting up from his kitchen table Bale had chucked his cup into the sink and took out his wallet from his left leg pocket. Counting his money and cards he had enough for a crystal and a snack. It was time he experienced these One of these Strange Rocks for himself and do more than, record their energy. Bale made his way to a clothing store witchcraft items were much cheaper in these quote on quote normal shops.

A mirror in the store showed Bale his reflection. Milk Chocolate hair, dark artichoke round eyes, his fit physique, and brown skin, and his clothing: a white and green V-neck and light red skinny jeans. Bale had been looking good despite his uncombed yet washed hair, he had been testing people's reactions to his messy haircut to see if he'd be sexier in their eyes or ugly. Coming out of his thoughts Bale had began looking for the eldritch crystals, when he had found a swirly blue and grey one he liked. Bale had spoken too a cashier.
"I would like to by this and a bottle of peach tea, and a Left Twix." Said Bale as he waited around he had nothing planned today and could use someone new to talk to.
"Would you like a paper or plastic bag?" Bale was asked by a pretty male Dwaf Cashier.
"Paper." HE answered happily and looked away while his items were put in a paper small bag.

sylvanSpider 06-20-2018 05:15 PM

Anuli Mazzi was nothing if not perseverant. She was an artist, and she was determined to make it – even landing herself a fully funded scholarship to attend the city's college. She was a freshman, and now only needed a job for living expenses, but, that was the problem. She didn't have a job yet. She'd managed to make ends meet by selling some of her paintings and working on some less than desirable commissions from forum boards she'd seen on the Internet, but hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, and she was making it.

Today was business casual, she wore a nice pair of flats, a pencil skirt, and a suit jacket. The flats needed to be comfortable because today she was going job hunting. Her make up she found was almost perfect and she nodded in the mirror. The problem wasn't her make up...or her clothes. Those were professional looking, her make up, actually satisfactory today. Soft, full lips and large chocolate eyes sitting above a narrow nose that widened at the end. She was pretty, at least, pretty enough to get by with few sideways glances. The problem was her hair. If it was straight, it would have been down her back and maybe she could have actually done something with it, but as it stood, well, it stood on end, kinky curls bringing her hair up into a near afro that she could only thank her ancestors for. As much as she loved her natural hair, on this day of all days, it stood in the way. There was still prejudice to overcome, and she needed this job.

So, she opted to pull it back into a ponytail, reining in the fluff to a ball that flounced above her shoulders. She nodded to the mirror deciding that this was the best it was ever going to get and she donned the last object of her outfit – a small crystal glinting in the morning's sunlight. It granted luck, supposedly, but she'd heard about specific crystals' power, and she wanted to give it a shot. She kissed the crystal, giving it its proper place dangling from her neck and went to the first place she would apply to – a small convenience store. She'd seen a “HELP WANTED” sign in their window the day before and figured her chances would be even higher there.

She stepped into line behind a man in a white and green v-neck with bright red skinny jeans, clutching her application in her arms. When it was her turn, she stepped forward, thrusting the application into the cashier's arms, “I'm...I'm looking for a job? If you'll have me.”

EclipseTatrigami 06-20-2018 11:06 PM his heaad to the left Bale had seen the woman applying for a job, his left hand reached into the store bag to held with his right and he stepped aside, then began to wonder the store. Having come to the sweets Isle Bale could barely see the woman and the store cashier. This fact didn't stop him from what he was about to do, he looked to the flavoured person shaped candies and focused on the packs shaped like mouths & brains.

IT was time to cast a spell! Bale had pressed the crystal against his pointer and pinky fingers, and held it by his thumb. As the crystal was said in lore and witch history to aid in manifestation Bale had only needed to visulize her getting the Interview and the application being pushed up in their ranks/lists.(?) Bale has imagined the candy mouth and the mouth of the Cashier and had thought that he was speaking. And in short time Bale was beggining to hear him.

"Let me get my manager."

The spell wasn't over yet Bale had been stopped by a silent buzzing from the crystal. This proved his friends right and disproved his skepticism. Bale had felt it reaching up to his left shoulder and he had only continued the spell with knowing how troublesome it is to get a job while being a different race, and the other factors of job hunting. He then focus on the brain fashioned candy, and thought of a grey scale OC base for the boss of the Dwarf to fill. And Imagined him taking her application, reading it, and calling her.

"Treat or treat, smell my feet. Give me something sugoi to Itaakimas" He had a special chant to get him out of his witch mindset, and saw children of various races mixed with ethnicities staring at him, half-heartedly blushing Bale had leaned forward and picked a tube of powered candy. He didn't stare back at the kids. Then just walked around until he found a Cashier he wanted to give his money to. Bale had opened his peach tea on the way to the Elfish Cashier and dangled the bill in front of her, as his sipped away. Bale then stepped closer, the buzzing happened again, this time exact to a cell's vibration.

sylvanSpider 06-21-2018 04:43 PM

Anuli stepped aside, thankful that there weren't any customers behind her. His going to get the manager wasn't going to keep anyone but her waiting. She looked around while the cashier disappeared through a set of doors and saw that the artichoke eyed boy didn't leave yet. He lingered for some reason, but he didn't appear as though he was planning on stealing anything. Though, if he was and she caught him, she'd have a straight shot to the position. The job market wasn't exactly the greatest with all of the college kids (herself included) back in town with most of them taking up the jobs that required little to no experience.

Then she saw the crystal in his hands. It seemed he was casting a spell, and she'd seen enough to know that not all the crystals in this town were shams. Some of them worked, and this boy probably had one that worked. But what kind of spell could he have been casting? He could have been casting virtually any kind of spell, especially because she didn't know what kind of crystal he had. It could have been one aiding her, or ensuring that she didn't get the job. But, Anuli was not the type for confrontation, so she shifted her weight from leg to the other, and clearing her throat said, “Is that a crystal? What kind do you have? I got one to try it out; it's supposed to grant luck.”

[[Dearie, sorry this is so short. I figured if they were going to enter conversation it would be best to keep it short to allow for more back and forth! Also, if it's alright with you, I'm not gonna include a picture every time just because the picture I chose is so huge and it would become annoying fast. xD]]

EclipseTatrigami 06-23-2018 04:48 PM

[Ahw, that's all cool. I'll leave my picture out, becuase Bale looks so different from the anime guy. Short post with me have always been cool, excluding one liners. Shorties are still something to work with! ahah! \,,/]

[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Just as he was heading to the next cashier Bale had heard a female voice talking to him. He turned on his heels and raised his hand the crystal was in."What, oh this? IT's a-its' a." Mentally swearing Bale had ignored the small colourful index cards that explained what the crystals were and important for now; their names. He used his right hand to fish out his sketchbook and flipped through the pages with one hand, which was difficult on it's own. Bale's eyes were darting right to left as he sscanned for the correct page.

"Oh, it's a Lapis Lazuli. Interested in metaphysics?" If Bale, had a fedora he'd tip it just then. He closed the sketchbook and then held it by the top left corner with his middle and index fingers. He didn't smile, that gesture just wasn't his thing. "Have a look, my homies are experiences spooky events with their own crsytals. Carnelian, White Agate, Apatite, Adventurine, and Tiger's Eye and Moonstone. ahhaha, and I have no idea what they mean. They've asked me to use my physic sense of feeling, and after I leave here. I'll be letting them know all within this sketchbook, after my own entry of course."

Breathing in and out after speaking Bale for some reason he had felt more Charismatic, and the buzzing was back. Bale pocketed the crystal into his left back leg's pocket. He wisely dicided that a buzzing rock would be had for his front pockets...A little to close to his fleshy crystals. Mentally, everything to happen to him was written down.

sylvanSpider 06-25-2018 02:31 AM

{{Yeah, I thought the description didn't match the image at all! I was wondering. xD Mine looks pretty much as seen there, and yeah, I don't do one liners unless it's that type of rp. But, haha, I haven't been in that type of rp for years now.}}

Anuli nodded when he held out the crystal. That was indeed what she was asking about, but he seemed to be struggling with words. Either a.) he didn't know the name of the crystal, or b.) he was being secretive about the spell he was casting. She placed her hand on her hip, one foot cocked out as she waited for him to flip through his sketchbook, wondering what the heck he was doing.

"Metaphysics? Like the philosophy as coined by Aristotle largely revolving around questions about existence?" Anuli asked, raising her eyebrow. With how little she knew about crystals, it was likely that they just took the name the late great philosopher had used. She was aware of his philosophies, but was also well aware of those that vehemently disagreed with his teachings, and in some instances, she found herself agreeing. Philosophy was too subjective for her taste, moreso than English or the other humanities, but she understood it.

"Spooky events?" she asked, repeating his terminology, "Spooky like what?"

EclipseTatrigami 06-26-2018 07:08 AM

Tucking the sketchbook under his left armpit Bale had next pocked the crystal away. Her posture made him frown for a little while. She was onto him about the spell, and by looking at her Bale could tell she didn't know what exactly the spell was. He quickly smiled at Aristole's name as he remembered some of his life but had forgotten as time flew by, his smile showed this; it was a sad one.

"Yeah, that`s exactly what I'm talking about!"Said Bale before he looked at the candy box in his left hand, he was going to pay for it after talking with her. Bale had ddrunk more of his tea as talking made him thristy. He sighed before speaking again. "Strange Dreams, pets attacking them, sightening of cryptoids, shadow figures, and stalkers." He tld her honestly and still not talking about the spell. Bale didn't want to get into a conversation about it.

(( Quaint. And I have stayed away from one-liners for a long time. I used to help people write more than one-line.))

sylvanSpider 06-29-2018 04:40 PM

Anuli was no slouch when it came to figuring out someone's motives, but this boy she couldn't quite seem to figure out. His facial expressions seemed to change frequently, but the sad smile was one that she was able to recognize. She'd seen it when her mother told her she wouldn't be able to get her a present for her birthday year after year, or that she wouldn't be able to help pay for college. It was never something she faulted her for - money was hard to come by, and the current legislation certainly did little to help the poor. No, her mother was strong and did what she could for her daughter and for the most part, Anuli was happy. It was true that she had to work harder than most, but that was the way of the game when one wasn't born into money. It was a game she was willing to play - and one that she was going to win by any means necessary.

"I'm sorry, but I guess I just don't see how metaphysics has anything to do with crystals," she scratched her head. Metaphysics, at least in text books and theory, were nothing more than philosophical conjectures. "You think the crystals have something to do with this? Why don't they just get rid of them?"

EclipseTatrigami 07-01-2018 09:40 AM

`Was she reading me just now? Damn.'

Bale had felt that he was being...Decoded he had a habit of seeming sketchy to others when he had just met them. They hadalways assumed he was a bad guy or at the very worst a gang member that wanted to trick and hurt them. When in all honestly Bale was just unable to use normality at all. Other than dressing normal Bale had no idea how to make himself less threatening in their eyes.

He sighed mentally. "Look, I don't know anything abut metaphysics. The topics never got me hooked, and I honestly think that they're still selling the crystals because of how much money they make. Not sure where compassion lies with big business.' Explained Bale as he swigged the remainder of his tea.

sylvanSpider 07-01-2018 04:16 PM

Anuli could see that she was making the boy uncomfortable, which was never her intention. The habit of trying to figure others out started when she was little, and it was something her mother told her to never let go of. It was always better to prepare yourself by recognizing a shitty person than not. Most, however, didn't recognize the process like this boy seemed to. So, she cleared her throat, and holding her hand out to shake, she offered a smile and said, "Name's Anuli. I'm new to town - I'm signed up for classes this next semester at the college. What's your name?"

"Compassion?" Anuli asked, raising an eyebrow, "In big business? You won't find any there. Big business is all about the profit - how much they can make. That's why there's such a huge gap between the wealthy and the poor." Her eyes glanced down momentarily at the pocket he'd just hidden the crystal in before going back up to his eyes, "So what's that crystal supposed to do?" Her tone wasn't accusatory. If anything, it was the opposite, being full of genuine curiosity.

EclipseTatrigami 07-02-2018 01:58 AM

Cracking his finger bones to Bale ment to sweep things under he rug he offered Anuli his hand once he sensed that tensions were cooling down, and shookit. He managed a normal smile this time! "Bale Izagawa. Best of luck with the college it can be a pain in the ass. And welcometo town, we're one of the first to accept these non-human races...And one of the first to still linger on racism." [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Bale said with a dry laughand under his breath.

Having graduated from one of the collages just last year. Bale was happy wiith hiss results a degree in computers and subjects that he hung on his living room wall. College was tough but worth the pain in the end."Damn, you are right. Anuil." He said just before taking the crystal out again to write noes on it (Bale could sketh it on at home.) He examined it to get it's name correct. "Red Jasper. Motivation, Emotional empowerment, dream pursuing. Yours? If you have one. Oh, and the spell I casted. It was to help you land the job." He whispered the last part.

sylvanSpider 07-05-2018 03:27 PM

Anuli watched as the boy took out the crystal once more to write on it this time? Apparently the crystals had more uses than just spells and stuff. You could write on them too, which made no sense to Anuli, but then, who was she to judge? "I'm in for art. Painting is my passion, but I'm worried that I could have just skipped the whole school thing. It'd amount to the same either way, right? It's not like being educated will help my paintings sell better," she said, hints of regret lingering around the edges of her voice.

"The way it's looking, these dead end jobs are going to be my future," she said with a bitter laugh. She looked back to the crystal now marked up with Bale's notes, "You really would do that for a stranger? Thank you...Now, let's hope it works, yes?"

EclipseTatrigami 07-07-2018 01:40 PM

"Yes. Education and talents are a bit, foggy when put together. I for example master the panio and had failing grades in high and middle school, yet with the panio. I play swellingly, I even have a patreon and youtube channel for my ...Hobby" Said Bale catious if he sounded prideful and conceding. He stared at the cyrstal and place it back in his pocket...The buzzing had stoppped for now, Bale had felt his stomach growl it was time to go home, and quickly looked back at the candies and decided it was smarter to go home and cook something.

Making a scowl Bale had swalloed air "Helping people. Just makes sense. With reminds me a a close companion of my, Lyra. One time last week he bought me gas for the car with his own money. Generous guy." Waving a 'see you later' Bale had walked to the exit he was familiar with.

Location: Outside a convient store.

sylvanSpider 07-08-2018 01:53 PM

Anuli nodded along, listening as he spoke. So he was an artist of a different sort. Music is, after all, another form of art, and one that often aided Anuli in her efforts as a painter. Her favorite to listen to was a pianist by the name of Philip Wesley. No lyrics necessary, the keys of the piano would tell all the story she needed to put her visions to canvas. “I've heard of Patreon, but I never really got on it. Money was never really there. The piano though, is one of my favorite instruments.”

“I'm...sorry, but I don't recognize the name,” Anuli murmured. Generosity was a good thing, but she lacked the context that he had. She bowed slightly, thanking him for his kindness and returned the “see you later” wave, waiting for the manager to return with the verdict. If she didn't land the job, she'd know the crystals didn't work. If she did, then further experimentation was required.

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