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Jaybird 04-06-2024 04:33 PM

So... Baldur's Gate 3, anyone?
So I was curious to see how many of us have played the by now much spoken about Baldur's Gate 3. I am definitely one that has and is playing it and I am loving it. I'm still not done as I am still in the middle of act 3, so NO SPOILERS please!

Have any of you played it, or are you perhaps still playing it just like me?
Feel free to share your thoughts because I'd love to hear them, but please keep it as spoiler free as possible. ^^

Gallagher 04-07-2024 12:55 AM

finished 1 playthrough so far, it was fun but some of the mechanical changes compared to tabletop are very YMMV. some super nice things, some super annoying things.

i did a co-op run with suze! it was very fun. didn't do any of the character romancing though, and act 3 was really rough on my system, so we couldn't explore as thoroughly as we might have liked.

Jaybird 04-08-2024 04:53 PM

Alright. Yeah, I think I experience it as mostly good or okay things. Not a lot of things in the game annoy except maaaaaybe, when it starts a cutscene without having properly loaded crucial stuff in yet. That is a bit of an annoyance to me.

Nice! I am also playing it with some friends right now and it is a blast, mostly because both of them are chaos goblins and shenanigan doers.
Yeah, the romancing is probably a bit hit or miss in my humble opinion. Currently romancing Shadowheart. Hadn't planned on romancing anyone but then things just played out this way because I like to play my character as, well, the character I made her into. x)
Yeah, act 3 is fricking heavy.

Espy 04-20-2024 11:07 PM

Due to Reasons, I'm still in Act 2. But yes, it does like absolutely frying my system.

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