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Asami 04-30-2012 04:37 PM

[M] nutty posters: ~ open
~Crazy Posters~

A banner and some sort of layout will be needed soon xD
if you want to make them for me please pm me and ill pay ouo

Welcome to Asami's hangouts thread for all the crazy posters on trisphee and everyone else! (: so if you are looking for a nice conversation or just random crazy talks this is the perfect place for you!

Asami 04-30-2012 04:39 PM


1) rolling is encouraged here! Do not hose or glue people who roll or you will be asked to leave
2) you MUST follow all of the TOS rules all the time
3) drama is discouraged. Please take it to Pms (:
4) do NOT spam. Bad spammers bad D<
5) please just follow the rules. U.U
6) be random! Be crazy! Post lots 8D

Asami 04-30-2012 04:39 PM

White list:
people who are regulars

Black list:
bad people ono
None atm

Asami 04-30-2012 04:40 PM

Facts about the posting machine Asami ouo

I joined trisphee December 27th 2011 (:
I reached 10k posts in a little over a month
Asami is a very nice person but can get mean ono
ive been on avatar sites for around 7or more years
I am a girl
I am 19
I love hello Kitty giraffes and unicorns ouo
im addicted to trisphee

Asami 04-30-2012 04:41 PM

Links will live here ouo

Along with banners if I get any xD ;) who wants to make me some banners ouo

Asami 04-30-2012 04:42 PM

Trisphees Top Ten Posters

1) Demonskid
2) Nikko Gallarado
3) Asami
4) littl3chocobo
5) Lucid
6) Lauv Keiko
7) Hyjin
8 ) Batty
9) Espy
10) Rose

Asami 04-30-2012 04:43 PM

Reserved for later use (:

Asami 04-30-2012 04:43 PM

And its open ouo
but I still gotta fix up all the posts xD

Dawn 04-30-2012 04:53 PM

-steals the hangouts virginity by rolling around- ACK!! Who put glue on the floor?

Asami 04-30-2012 04:55 PM

Woot welcome
No glue here oh //rolls aboutt

Poggio 04-30-2012 05:06 PM

XD Asami likes hello Kitty? Allow me to direct you to hello kitty hell. It is a site that has a lot of things inspired by hello kitty.

Dawn 04-30-2012 05:09 PM

I have a bit of Hello Kitty items myself but I remember reading about a woman who was way obsessed with Hello Kitty. o.0;

and yesh, Asami can get be mean.. very mean.. -shifty eyes-

oh yea.. Happy Late Birthday.. I'm about to go through Terror/Hell Birthday myself in about two days.. Oh joy.. -my friend is going to pester me non stop about going somewhere to celebrate.-

whitexsuicide 04-30-2012 05:10 PM

Are you sure that is a good idea? We might lose her

Asami 04-30-2012 05:11 PM

Asami has tons of hello Kitty things
I already play sanrio town xD

Sorry I am editing

whitexsuicide 04-30-2012 05:12 PM

No sorries~ Editing is nice lots of updates, but we can still chat! that is a good thing~

I am not that big of a hello kitty fan.. never really was

Dawn 04-30-2012 05:13 PM

Don't think we gonna lose her. XD

A true addict can survive any hell involving their hobbies. It's just like crack, once addicted, always addicted.

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