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whitexsuicide 05-09-2012 09:01 PM

Foxy and Sui's OCC (please do not post)

We will be posting are characters up here and chatting about plot ideas, other then that no one else should be posting, but feel free to read i guess...

Role Plays:

whitexsuicide 05-09-2012 09:05 PM

Whitexsuicide's Characters

Main Characters:

Name: Amelia Marie Diederich
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Bio: Amelia grew up in a rich family with her Aunt, Uncle, and cousin. She had always been with her aunt and uncle for her parents had left her with them at a very young age. All she has left of them is a picture of the three of them, together, when she was about 2 years old. Amelia had been diagnosed with depression at age 15 and has been dealing with it without medication ever since.
She tries her hardest in school but has troubles keeping up her grades for she just doesn't have the motivation in her to do good. Until she was in an AP physics class. She loved the physics herself, but still had the trouble giving it 100% on it. She then decided to do some extra credit with her teacher after classes, to maybe motivate herself a bit more.

Side Characters:

Name: Professor Jennie Mich Kellen
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Subject: AP Physics

foxotanashi 05-09-2012 09:06 PM

foxotanashi's Characters:


Name: Donnie Richardson

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Bio: Donnie has always been a smart kid even through grade school. His father died when he was 7, though, and it took a toll on him at first. His grades went down for a while and he just didn't care anymore. His mother, Joyce, always tried to be there for him. High school arrived and he finally realized that he could still make it in life and that he shouldn't be moping around and being a 'bad boy' and angry all the time. That was when he began to get good grades again and actually have friends. Even his home life was better and his mother happier. Due to some of the slacking he done in school, though, he had a few troubles during college. His main class that he was having troubles with steadily was an AP (Advance Placement) Physics class. Thus on some of his free time Donnie has to go after class for tutoring and helping out to keep up his grade to pass.



whitexsuicide 05-09-2012 09:07 PM

Sites I have Used For the thread: ( a bit hard to follow) (not in the right country, but it should help a bit)

foxotanashi 05-09-2012 09:08 PM

Maybe just a little in the future? That way our RP has the setting for the technology needed to create the portal, but not a huge difference from the present.

whitexsuicide 05-09-2012 09:09 PM

Got it~ I just wanted a bit of a plot in the first post of the roleplay... I'll post it in here once i am done making it~

whitexsuicide 05-09-2012 09:13 PM

here is the new thread for our roleplay~~

now off to watch one more epi of my anime and then i will make a character~~

Have you made up your mind if it is going to be M/m m/f f/f yet? And you can post first if you want~~ i might be a while cuz i'm watching anime~

foxotanashi 05-09-2012 09:23 PM

Doesn't matter to me xD We can just make our character sheets and go from there. It could be whatever lol.

Hey, I never really use OOC threads. So when we make our character sheets/info, I just put it up there ^, and then we just start right off posting the actual RP in the other thread?

whitexsuicide 05-09-2012 09:39 PM

yepp yep! this is just so we can talk about our roleplay, so we don't have to do it through pms or anything like that. Or have it get lost in other threads~

foxotanashi 05-09-2012 09:48 PM

Okay ^.^ Well I've decided I will be a guy this time.

whitexsuicide 05-09-2012 09:56 PM

oh really? I was gonna take a look at what pictures i already have saved and use one of those.. most likely a girl, for i just found some cute girl anime pictures as of late (in other words when i was looking for a pic for Varius~)

foxotanashi 05-09-2012 09:58 PM

Well today I just saw a nice picture for a male character.

whitexsuicide 05-09-2012 09:59 PM

than that worked out nicely didn't it~ and it's not final that i am going to be a girl btw i just have more girl pics right now >w< and i am going to be too lazy to look for more

what age range? you said college right... 18-24 sound good?

foxotanashi 05-09-2012 10:03 PM

Yeah. Are characters are in college. I started a layoutish thing for my character up there. He's 21.

whitexsuicide 05-09-2012 10:13 PM

sexy and i love him already~~~ >w< i will be getting my character ready but first one more epi while i eat my dinner~ then we can start if you want!

foxotanashi 05-09-2012 10:16 PM

Okay, I finished mine <3 Who will be playing the teacher for the short time at the beginning?

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