Thread: [M] Fallen Sky
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Default   #4   Tiva Tiva is offline
Lynx Rufus
Pulling up the headphones she silenced the world and took stance, it was a quiet night in the middle of no where land, home base was dead. Not even the crickets, or whatever this place called them, were out on this start night. Releasing the safety she took aim down range and fired a shot waiting to see the flash from the target. When nothing can she fired again and again, still nothing.... this was an exploding target, now where was the explosion?
Taking off her ear covering Ari muttered to herself, "the freaking MP's that are 'protecting' us can't even set up a proper exploding target.... and they are what is suppose to be the first and only defense between us and whatever is out there..." She worked with the recovery project but this island, they hated them, all five of them. Finally getting down range she fiddled with the wiring on the target, the wiring was lose so even if the connector plate hit the flash never came. In the sky a star streaked across heading towards Earth, its trail was low and fast and heading towards some where in the Pacific Ocean.
Standing up Ari shook her head greasy bangs still sticking to her forehead and wishing for a shower, it had been a day or two on site and she couldn't wait to head back to Northern Cali and grab a shower in her friend's apartment and crash. She and the other anthropologist had been island hopping for months every few weeks moving to a different island to go through another pile of unmarked graves to return soldiers home. With every site they switched MP's, no one wanted to be stuck with the two weirdoes for too long.
Leaning against the target facing she looked up noticing the bright light headed towards the island, a fallen star maybe? With in a few seconds she noticed that no it was heading straight towards her, in a ball design with white hot flames licking the sides of it. Sliding her hand back to move away from Ari put pressure on the plate and with a flash of bright light she was knocked back and hit the ground between the force of the explosion and the 'star' hitting the ground not five feet away. With all the white around her her world went black as she passed out.
Old Posted 04-02-2012, 01:56 AM Reply With Quote