Thread: [M] Fallen Sky
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Alpha Alpha is offline
Dragon of Ice
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He mumbled under his breath as he tracked his target through the crowded marketplace, weaving and feigning interest in different goods these small merchants offered. He hated these assignments, even though he had developed patience from his years as a sniper. All of a sudden his target noticed him and stared to walk faster. Theron then cursed under his breath and moved faster to the corner that he had turned around. When he finally rounded it, he noticed that there was no one in sight. Cursing violently, he pulled out one of his G18s and started down the alley. "Damnit, where could this tricky SOB have gone?" Out of nowhere he got this instinct that he was laying down behind a piece of scrap that seemed so low to the ground that there shouldn't be an way he could fit under it.

He pried the piece up and found who he was looking for, and he seemed scared right out of his mind. It was hard to imagine that he would be of any use to the Agency, and it was even harder to picture him being able to make some futuristic piece of tech that had great destructive force. Oh well, it was not his place to question only to follow orders. He pulled the man up and realized how thin he had gotten since he had been on the run, and promptly put some cuffs on him. Finishing this, he held up his wrist to his mouth and opened up a link to Command. "Command, this is Agent X, I need an extraction for myself and Target Theta." He almost chuckled and struggled to keep a straight face; despite his military training, he still laughed at the titles or nicknames they gave our for their agents and for the targets they were to pursue. "When can you grab us, and where do I need to hole up?" "Agent X, standby," Command replied. Static issued in his earpiece for a little while, then out of nowhere, "We are sending an evac for Target Theta, and an additional airship is being sent for you. You have new orders that will be given to you en route." Great....this day was getting better and better by the moment.

After an hour of waiting Theta's evac arrived at the nearest pick up location, and Theron had to wait even longer. Out of nowhere he heard a minor engine noise, and then a dust cloud kicked up. Then a streamlined ship like none other he'd seen appeared from thin air and he was beckoned in. Oh...this was getting even more interesting by the second. He ran towards the ship and got in with the door sealing behind him.
I'm only a man with a candle to guide me
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me
A monster, a monster

Den of Two Dragons

The Bunker

Feel free to stop by and post!

I've turned into a monster
A monster, a monster
And it keeps getting stronger
Last edited by Alpha; 04-02-2012 at 01:36 PM.
Old Posted 04-02-2012, 01:30 PM Reply With Quote