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Rinni Rinni is offline
Default Teaching Art in the Classroom   #1  
In high school, I had this amazing art teacher. He challenged us, pushed us to do our best, all while encouraging us to use our own style. He'd require we at least practiced realism, but also helped us develop our own stylized drawings if we asked. He was very open minded, accepting art in all of its forms. He never once belittled me for drawing in anime or cartoons, nor did he look down on my friends neo-Cubist-esque pieces. It was a great three years!

Then I reached college. In which realism was the only art taken seriously, by teachers and students alike. That's all that was really taught, and the only place one's own style could really be used was in the graphic design classes. It made me sad...I really can't connect with the other art students or even show them what I do, because they don't see it as art.

I'm not saying learning realism isn't important. But, when you teach that anything other than realism is wrong, that's when I start to question things. That is why I didn't major in studio art, even though I love drawing and painting. Because, while I can work in realism, it offers me no joy. My heart isn't in it.

What are your views on the teaching of art? Should it be free-form teaching, or strictly-structured? Is there a right way for it to be taught, and if so, why? What are your experiences in this area?

Old Posted 04-22-2012, 03:29 AM Reply With Quote