Thread: [M] Fallen Sky
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Default   #16   Tiva Tiva is offline
Lynx Rufus
Ari waved her hands around "We are on an island if it made it close enough to the surface chances are that it is in the middle of the ocean over 100 feet down." She was lying through her teeth but oh well, the less people guessed the better. It seemed like the Nero was lying too though, because the size a star needed to be to get to earth was huge, and for it to be findable after impact was even larger. He was just trying to interest her to loosen her up, and it wasn't working that much..
"John and Jane Doe is what you call unidentified bodies, but if you know their name but can not call them by it is is Smith, they are Smiths. I know their names but I get pass through them every couple of weeks so I don't bother to develop an attachment or call them by name. It is easier this way, since I am digging up their ancestors and years latter someone may be digging them up out of this same ground." She turned and started walking towards their cooler grabbing out two bottles of water. She set them on the table and pulled a tiny bottle out of her pocket squirting it into the water and sealing it before shaking up the water and turning it purple. "Water good enough for you? Because it is basically all we have."
She tilted her head up and looked at the sky noticing a black dot hovering near the site... now that was odd.
Old Posted 04-24-2012, 04:50 PM Reply With Quote