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Default   #2   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
I had a great art teacher in my middle and high school years till he moved to another state </3 The next teacher I found out said Anime is not a art style. She only saw real and abstract as true forms of art. even though I tried to explain anime was very much so a style of art and that art is a means of expressing ones self. We'll just say I did very poorly in her class.

My personal view is like i stated above, art is a way to express ones self. Not everyone is good at art but that does not mean that another should shoot down someone just because they do not understand the style or motive behind the work.

Really I think college level art needs to be expanded a little. It should cover more then just realism and sometimes when they teach realism they take it a bit too far. Sure it is important to know real life and how to draw it to properly draw figures... but at the same time it should merely be a stepping stone to discovering your true potential and style.

I once read somewhere you should know basic anatomy first before you try to distort it to form your own style. Personally I think this is a very true statement. Then if someone disapproves of your work you can easily show them you know how to draw their style... just you enjoy yours better :) Personally I wouldn't think too much on someone talking down about my work, if you enjoy what you do then by all means continue doing it.
Old Posted 04-28-2012, 06:14 PM Reply With Quote