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Creativity - 20/30
Theme - 30/40
Flow - 22/30


While it is out of the box with color choice and some item choices not all of them helped your cause here.
The wings/tail/halos while all would be a nice touch on a normal avi take away from the over all "Reaper" feel.
As it gives it a more unbalanced feel.
(unbalanced as in good/evil)
Reapers in my mind don't have a side they would be pure neutral.
Another issue I had was that it is top heavy.
The legs feel bare compared to the chest.


Creativity - 26/30
Theme - 38/40
Flow - 28/30


I love this avi.
Its not a "Reaper".
AND I was happy it wasn't.
There are a couple of different ways I could write it up in my head as fitting the theme.
The corrupt soul the angel is trying to lead to heaven,
the reaper with a soul to take to the other side,
or even a human filled with sorrow over the loss of someone close to him..
there were even a couple more.

Honestly you lost points on the theme side because of the halo, but kept points on the flow side because you had it.
Over all.
One of my favorites from this round.


Creativity- 15/30
Theme - 10/40
Flow - 28/30


I don't really see the theme at all.
I gave you points because I think you were going for a reaper...
but I really don't see it.

Which is why I also gave you half of the creative points.
Some people see things I don't and I respect that.
There were two problems I saw with flow.
Between the eyes and the belt area there is no black making it feel bottom heavy, and there is no teal on the head making it blend with your background.


Creativity - 25/30
Theme - 39/40
Flow - 25/30


Right out of the gate I SEE Reaper.
I don't have to take a guess at what you were going for.
I love the colors and the style you went for.
A couple things I did have issues with: Theme-wise was the cards.
Not sure why they are there.
Flow-wise its top heavy.
The legs are bare compare to other places on the avi.
I would have liked to see something there.
Maybe the tribe leg tattoos under the companion belt to bring in some white to break up the black.
Overall lovely entry.


Creatvity - 28/30
Theme - 30/40
Flow - 27/30


I love the avi and for the most part it fit the theme... but
I did have some issues with the horns/tail and the feet.
(the hands sorta look like gloves even though I know they aren't)
These elements don't make it feel like a reaper.
Everything else I was happy with.
The style the colors.
It was very out of the box.
AND I want to congratulate you on using a FREE STARTER ITEM in your entry.
It fits and works with what you have.
Its impressive.


Creativity - 15/30
Theme - 10/40
Flow - 20/30


As with some of the other avis I don't see Nox in the entry.
I think I know what you were trying to go for, but its just not there for me.
Also while I like the background that the effect that it has with the companion it may have not been the way to go for this.
The colors don't match up on your avi.
Which may have been avoided if you went a different way with the avi.
Its also middle heavy.
The feet are basically bare and the head is as well.
Everything in centered at the middle.
For all of these reasons I scored you the way I did.

Pogs -

Creativity - 30/30
Theme - 30/40
Flow - 30/30


I stared at your avi for a long long time trying to find anything I could say about it that I didn't like.
Truthfully there was one thing that threw it off and that was the scythe.
Not a needed item, but thats what would have tipped your theme to the prefect score.
I love the creativity of this avi.
So out of the norm in color and style.
Truly beautiful.

Galla -

Creativity - 20/30
Theme - 25/40
Flow- 25/30
Total: 70


Gallabby you're a HOT MESS. lol
Reaper meets mask ball.
I would have liked to see red and the yellow in the avi more, BUT I know what you were going for.
The corrupt /pure souls flying towards the reaper.
I would have done something similar so thats not where you lost points.

While I love your styles and you have such a unique touch when I look at it all I see is face.
The clothes blend into one ball of white/black.
And I wish you had used a scythe.
All of these things contributed to your score.

Sadrain -

Creativity - 15/30
Theme - 10/40
Flow - 29/30


Lovely avi.
Colors are great. but....
I don't see the theme.
Maybe if you had used the jacket souls
(the purple butterflies)
it would have helped it more.
The balance is great except for one place.
The shoulders are bare and it throws it off a little.
Not much.
Just a little.
There are little things I love about this avi.
The masks.
The way they are both layered.
The way you got the 'corset' strings from the layering.
It was a great use of the items.


Creativity - 30/30
Theme - 38/40
Flow - 29/30


I don't even know where to start.
The concept is amazing.
I love it. My favorite of all the avis.
The staff is even close enough to a scythe shape that it makes me think reaper.
Lovely item choices.
The theme points you lost were from the feet, because even with it being out of the box I can't wrap my head around them.
And the flow points were from the gold not being even on your avi.
BUT the effect it has right now is still so amazing that if it had gold evenly it might have taken away from it.
I love how the horns on the head actually blend to the point where it looks like its just part of the hood, and the smoke with the way it lines up to the moon.
It almost looks like it wraps around the moon.
Even if it was by chance it was a great effect!
Congratulations on an avi well done.


Creativity - 20/30
Theme - 20/40
Flow - 25/30


You got Corrupt spirit down.
The color choices were out of the box and not a bad choice even if I don't really like those colors myself.
You used items that are not often used so thats a good thing.
Overall the background add to theme but not to the avi.
The hair throws off the balance you had going for you.
Its not a bad avi, but not the best either.


Creativity - 25/30
Theme - 25/30
Flow - 18/30


I like the design but the avi made me think "Spirit" more then reaper.
Which WOULD fit the theme, but then you gave it a scythe and threw me off...
without the scythe it would have scored higher.
Because it would have made me think corrupt soul taking spirit form with a big bad ghoul trying to overtake it...
or something like that.
(I have a whole scene in my head)
Overall good concept, but the weapon was a misstep.


Creativity - 15/30
Theme - 10/40
Flow - 25/30


I don't see the theme.
I see Angelic Princess.
I like the avi.

But... the red is out of place.
The theme isn't there.
I think I see what you were trying to do... but I'm not sure.
A scythe might have helped, but I'd still take of points for the wings.
Since they are "angelic" and when I think of reapers I think "neutral"


1) Uma - 97
2) Xun 92
3) Pogs - 90
4) Espy 89
5) Qyoo - 85
6) Nexxy 72
7) Galla - 70
8) Pinkie - 68
9) Kaguya - 65
10) Sadrain - 54
11) Choco 53
12) Reyo - 50
13) Kali - 45

Don't feel bad if you fell below the rest!
There are two rounds left to judge!
There's also a surprise for everyone that took part!
After the rest of the rounds are done I'll let you know what that is



Creativity 10/30
Theme 39/40
Flow 20/30

Comments: Makes me think "ninja" and I like that.
The fan threw me off. Which is why its a 39 instead of a 40.
You lost points on flow because it seems middle heavy. Theres no silver at the top. To much at the bottom. Creativity points are also lost because it didn't seem very out of the box.


Creativity 20/30
Theme 40/40
Flow 25/30

Comments: Love it. Good use of the ears and the ninja theme.
I thought it needed more pink and brown to balance the black, but over all it looked well.
The shoes seem off. I like what you did with the background.
Overall lovely ninja even if it did seem kinda typical.


Creativity 30/30 For your Baseless ninja
Theme 40/40
Flow 30/30
TOTAL: 100

Comments: Baby... I don't even know what to say. Baseless. 11 colors completely balanced into something beyond beautiful. There isn't even a weapon but that didn't matter. The perfection is far from that which words can express. Lovely, Baby. Lovely


Creativity 30/30
Theme 20/40
Flow 20/30

Comments: looks more "super-hero" then ninja. BUT I like where it was heading. Color choices were amazing. I wish there was more blue, but I love it. You did well in this round as you did in the last. I just wish it had a more ninja-y feel.


Creativity 30/30
Theme 25/40
Flow 20/30

Comments: I love the idea behind the avi. The flow is all over, Chest heavy. Colors are not matching. BUT like I said, the idea behind the avi is good. That is why you score is as well as it is.


Creativity 30/30
Theme 25/40
Flow 25/30

Comments: While I liked this avi. It didn't scream ninja. And it had some flow issues. Some colors out of balance. The purples and violets was an interesting choice. I wish there was something to make it look more ninja. Some more white/silver on the other side, and that darkest black on the bottom of the avi somewhere.


Creativity 25/30
Theme 20/40
Flow 23/30

Comments: While I love where this was going it doesn't look completed. Its also bottom heavy. Barely any blue on the top. I wish there was a weapon. (dagger or sword)
It was a GREAT start, but just not finished enough to get the best marks.


Creativity 30/30
Theme 30/40
Flow 28/30

Comments: This was out of the box and brilliant. Some of the color don't match but thats more of the time of the items then the wrong colors. It has an assassin's creed feel to it. It was a nice flavor to this round of the contest.


Creativity 20/30
Theme 40/40
Flow 26/30

Comments: One of my favorites. Don't let the score confuse you. It looks like a ninja. Just doesn't have that out of box feel. red/black seem like common colors for this one. I wish there was a little more white to go with it. I did really enjoy this entry though.


Creativity 20/30
Theme 20/40
Flow 15/30

Comments: I like the the background you made. The colors are an interesting choice. Wish there was more red to go with it. The balance is off. I like the concept of it, but it doesn't have the completed feel that I'd like it to have. And it doesn't really make me think ninja.


Creativity 30/30
Theme 30/40
Flow 30/30

Comments: I love the colors. Even if they are not "good ninja colors" by some peoples' views, but a good ninja can be a good ninja no matter what they wear. lol
The balance is unbelievable. I love the over all feel of this avi. Truly amazing.

1st: Galla (100)
2nd: Pinkie (90)
3rd: Sadrain (88)
4th: Kali (86)
5th: Choco (85)
6th: Qyoo (80)
7th: Pogs (75)
8th: Uma (70)
9th: Reyo (69)
10th: Xun (68)
11th: Kaguya (55)



Creativity 28/30
Theme 35/40
Flow 25/30

Comments; I like the way this was going. "moon princess" feel to it and such. The Weapon, was unneeded and took away from the theme. Its middle heavy. To much on the chest nothing on the top or bottom really. The face is royal looking, but not overly painted up and pretty. Nicely done.


Creativity 25/30
Theme 30/40
Flow 20/30

Comments: Colors were amazing. The face is what ruined it for me. The background added to it nicely. It does scream out something royal. A "fall" gathering of sorts. Overall with a different face it would have scored better.


Creativity 30/30
Theme 20/40
Flow 28/30

Comments: Undead meets Princess. I do sorta see it but not really. I love the colors and the flow of the avi. It just doesn't SCREAM royal like some of the other do. Don't think bad of me Gallabby <3


Creativity 30/30
Theme 40/40
Flow 30/30
TOTAL: 100

Comments: One of my TOP FAVORITES of all the rounds. It captures the theme. The items are layered well. Use of old and new items in harmony. I love this avi completely. The face fits it perfectly. The cloak and armor pieces. Fabulously done!


Creativity 20/30
Theme 30/40
Flow 0/30

Comments: I have to admit you stumped me on some of the items you use, and that rarely happens. I know what you were going for. The full skirt/blouse setup, but it didn't work out well. The flow was nonexistent. There is not balance to this avi. Yes it is still a good avi BUT not what I was looking for. I'm very sorry.


Creativity 15/30
Theme 20/40
Flow 10/30

Comments: its top heavy. The special blue that you brought down to the feet was well placed but you don't balance the avi enough to get a higher "flow" score. It reminds me of sadrains' moon princess. (But because they were not posted I'm sure you didn't see it) Thank you for trying.


Creativity 25/30
Theme 30/40
Flow 25/30

Comments: I love the flow of this avi. I love everything but the face. The colors were nice It wasn't overly complex. I don't really have anything to say about it. The face is the only issue i had with it and thats the reason any of your scores went down.


Creativity 30/30
Theme 35/40
Flow 28/30

Comments: I like the colors and the out of box feel. The wings threw me off a little bit but overall lovely avi pinkie. Well balanced. Very well managed.


Creativity 28/30
Theme 20/40
Flow 10/30

Comments: Not one of your better ones in my opinion pogs. I think I know what you were going for but the unbalanced nature of it really killed it for me. I like the crown. It is the one thing I like the most. Everything else I don't really like... I do see where you were going. I'm sorry it didn't turn out well in my eyes.


Creativity 30/30
Theme 35/40
Flow 28/30

Comments: I loved this avi. An Autumn look suited for a royal travel to a far off land. I loved it even if it was a little off balanced. I'm not sure how you could have fixed that without ruining the feel that you had going.

1- Xun (100)
2- Qyoo & Pinkie (93)
3- sadrain (88)
4- Reyo (80)
5- Galla (78)
6- Uma (75)
7- Pogs (58)
8- Kaguya (50)
9- Sugar (45)
Last edited by Mizeria; 12-16-2012 at 06:20 AM.
Old Posted 11-19-2012, 03:14 AM