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Poggio Poggio is offline
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Default Hotdogs (Pogs and honbons ) Rated M   #1  
Dude to Crysandras closing this thread is being moved here.
The following post are the rps history:

Outside of a local cafe a young boy, roughly about the age of eighteen, sat by himself with a book in hand. On the table was a chilled cup of coffee, clearly neglected by the boy, as he was so engrossed in his book. Every so often he could be seen shifting to brush his hair away from his face, or pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose to keep them from falling as he read. And, he remained there for a long while, only occasionally sipping at the now ruined coffee. Not that he particularly liked the robust blend of flavors, but he continued to sip away at the cup anyways so as not to waste it. As time passed the light of the day started to gain a golden glow, and as a result bathed everything in its path in a glow that turned it all the same lovely shade. The only color of the boy that did not change was the naturally deep brown color of his eyes, which continued to easily glide along the aged pages of his book. Eventually the cup grew empty, and he decided that it was time for him to leave the small cafe, travel somewhere else where he could read his book in peace. The boy left the cup on the table, and with the book still open, poised to be read as he walked, he left down the street.

His shivered, his caffeine fix was not enough with out a grande espresso double foam and once he counted up all the miscellaneous coins in his satchel he found he had enough for the treat. Running through the side walk crowds, he dropped a wooden board in front of him jumping on it and navigating through the crowds. Every so often he used his foot to propel himself forward. He bobbed and weaved swimming through the bodies till he smelled his destination before he saw it. A quick glance told him he had just enough time before closing to make it. Once again he speed up closing the distance, not to the double doors but instead colliding into book reader. Awkwardly he was unable to stop himself from pressing the air out of the other. “sorry sorry sorry

The man had been entirely unaware of the oncoming collision, seeing as how his nose was halfway buried in his book. And needless to say the impact that sent the both to the ground was more than shocking. As he fell, his glasses had slipped off of his face, clattering to the pavement beneath him, and his book tumbled just out of reach. With a heavy huff he winced, his breath being easily knocked away simply by the man standing up. A frown formed on his face as he reached forward to grab his glasses, slipping them on before he made any notion of standing from the pavement. And his frown deepened evermore when the body who had rammed him down to the pavement. "It's alright..." He muttered out, nearly inaudible as he made his way to his feet. With a quick brush of his clothes, ridding them of the dust and dirt from the fall, the boy bent down to retrieve his book, making a quick check to ensure that it had not been damaged with it's brief battle against the pavement.

He didn't hear the man speak, but watch him slip from underneath his body. Hazel eyes searched around for what the man was looking for and gathered it up for himself before he had a chance to retrieve it. He looked at the book twisting it until it was in the right direction before slowly rising from the ground himself. He spun away taking the book with him flipping through a few pages. “Dude!

As he saw the book being plucked from the ground just before he could take it for himself he straightened he turning in time to see the man who he'd just ran into ran into spinning away with his book in hand. He narrowed his eyes at the male as he strode forward, holding a hand out for his book. "Would you please give me my bo-" He was cut short as the stranger began to speak about some man named Fabio. Turning his head to his side, Kavi turned his head to the side, confused by the other already. "Who the hell is Fabio?" He asked, his voice full of bewilderment and confusion. Though, his confusion was soon replaced with frustration and embarrassment as the stranger gathered the attention of passerbys. Kavi mentally gave a sigh of relief that his darkened skin made it near impossible to see his face from the attention the man had gathered for the both of them. Rolling his eyes he stepped closer to the immature stranger, his hand still held out. "That is not even in the book, now give me my book back." He demanded of the man, wanting nothing more than to retrieve his book and leave.

The man at least said please, that meant he had some manners, but upon further inspection he realized he didn't care. The question threw him off guard. How in the hell did this person not know who Fabio was. .

As the stranger explained the man named Fabio, Kavi began to feel oddly wary of the man. He was entirely unsure of why he seemed so determined to enlighten him about Fabio. However, he remained silent as the stranger looked in his bag, eventually dragging out a book. With the book forced into his hands, he looked it over briefly before turning his attention back towards the stranger. "I really don't think that reading this book will save my life." He said as he crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for a reply. However, as he got none and watched as the man stuffed his book into the bag before taking off. Gritting his teeth, Kavi debated running after the man, but eventually came to the decision not to. With a huff, and the book with Fabio in hand, he continued on his way home. He guess he had some reading he needed to get done.

A week in his life was uneventful. He spent most of it reading books, skate boarding and listening to his mother swoon over her child about to embark on his college excursion. She continuously reminded him about things like Frats, and parties and women. She made sure he was well aware that she was not ready to be a grandmother. The day before he was to move into his dorm, they held a big party for him. When he reached the small space he was surprised to see that some one else had already calm to the better half of the room. He dumped his things on his bed maneuvering through the limited walk space, at least he had a window.

The last seven days before he was supposed to head off to college were surprisingly uneventful. Everything proceeded as it usually did, aside from the extra bit of packing, the boy carried on. And in the time before he had to leave, he did take time out of his not-so-busy schedule to read the book given to him by the stranger. Even so, the further he read, he decided, the less he liked the book. However, he continued to read for the sake of finishing another book. Before long it was finished, and Kavi pushed it from his mind as he finished up the last of his packing, his thoughts becoming geared towards leaving for college. Leaving home had been of no issue, since he was not the first to have left home for college. However, he took it better that way, not being one who commonly enjoyed attention. And once Kavi had arrived at the school, he was already happy to finally be away from his usually busy home. It took no time at all to unpack his things into the room, claiming one half for himself. As much as the boy longed to remain in his room, taking advantage of the free space and time before his roommate arrived, he left the room, wishing farewell to his parents for the time being. Even so it took very little time and before long he was already trudging back up the stairs to the dorm room, hoping that his roommate had not yet arrived.

He did not see the other enter the room before him. Instead he boisterously dogged another hug and kiss from his parental units. He inadvertently knocked the heavy door into the body he didn't see, and continued to not see until he was standing in the door way. The ass looked familiar but he could not decide from where he knew it. He walked over to his roommate and offered a hand. “Hay dude, sorry about that didn't realize you were goggling the ceiling.

He had been entirely unsuspecting to the fact that his roommate had been about to open the door, which would end up knocking him over. As the feet stepped in front of him, Kavi looked up at the offered hand before his eyes turned to look at the man who had spoken. However, at the sight of the stranger standing before him, his face turned to a frown. Declining the hand, Kavi stood up on his own, lightly brushing out the wrinkles in his clothes as he stood up fully. "Fancy meeting you here." Kavi said in a dull voice as he turned his head to look at the stranger for the second time.

He pulled his hand back as if he had been burnt and stared at the other. The comment triggered no memory from him. He narrowed his eyes and inspected the others face trying to gather if he'd met the boy before. "Of course you are meeting me here... we are roommates." Once again he held out his hand to the other. "My name is Fabio." He tried again with a smile hoping the boy would not be so angry.

He pondered over the fact that the stranger he'd met a week ago might actually be his roommate. What were the chances of that? Inspecting the offered hand, Kavi finally took it into his own, giving the man a proper handshake before retracting his hand. When the other offered his name, he gave him an incredulous look before crossing his arms over his chest. "No really, what is your real name?"

The boys reaction made him laugh. "Yes it is dude, Fabio Rizzo, its on my birth certificate I promise. " He shook his head and turned to jump on his bed, swinging his feet as they dangled off the side. Idly he pushed a stray strand of hair from his freckled face. "And you Mr? Who am I living with for the next year?" He still had not gotten a name from the boy.

He was surprised and still disbelieving that his roommate was actually named Fabio. However, he kept any further disbelief to himself. "Kavi Chopra." He said as he strode over to his own bed, pulling his bag on top before proceeding to dig through it. Eventually, he came across what he was looking for, and once he had a hold of the thin book, he tossed it over onto the bed beside his roommate. "Before I forget, there is your book."

Fabio's mouth was trying to form the boys name when he tossed the book. He watched it bounce on his bed before picking it up and inspecting it. He started recalling the day a week earlier when he had meet Kavi and laughed. "Had I known you we were going to be roomies I would have given you a million of them. My moms a total fan. She would read them to me at bed time." He tapped the book against his hand remembering that he still had the boys on scifi novel to finish. "Did you like it?"

He shrugged at the question, not entirely sure what his conclusion of the book was. "It was alright, though those books are not my cup of tea. I'll stick to my science fiction, thank you." The boy lifted his hag back to the ground, sliding it under his bed before he sat down, turning his attention to his new roommate. "And what did you think about the book you took from me?" He asked as removed his glasses, setting them onto the bed beside him before lightly rubbing his eyes. Today was turning out longer than originally thought.

“Not your cup of tea? I suppose I shall give you another flavor...

As the boy recollected what had happened in the book, Kavi felt his face shift into a look of anger and annoyance. Picking up the book that promptly landed on his mattress, he flung it at the other, hitting him square on the back."You threw away me book? Why the hell would you do that?" He asked as he watched the book land on the floor with a satisfied thump. "It wasn't your book to throw away." He complained as he crossed his arms firmly over his chest.

Fabio hissed a little as the paper back hit him. He turned picking up and caressing it as if it were a baby, and hugged it to his chest. “No it wasn't, look dude I'm sorry but our house is littered in books, since we didn't know where it came from when I finished it I tossed it.

His eyes followed the book as the other carried it from the floor to place it on his bed once again. Rolling his eyes, Kavi sat back on his bed, crossing his legs as he pried his eyes away from the book to glance back up at the man who had placed the book back to him. "Still not very nice of you to throw it out, even if you did not know who the book belonged to." Reaching to the bed beside him, the boy picked his glasses back up, sliding them back onto his face as Fabio questioned him. "First year, yourself?" he asked, looking at the no longer blurry figure.

“We thought it was ours bro, picked up by mistake or delivered to our house as a joke

He didn't even bother addressing the book issue any further, knowing that the more he continued to ponder over it, the more upset he'd be. As he noticed Fabio going off in search of something, he took the book into his hands, looking at it carelessly before turning to lay down on his bed. Flipping through the pages, he skimmed through paperback until he finally turned to the first page. However, he was deterred from reading the suggested book when his roommate spoke again. "Not entirely sure," He started, setting the book beside him on the bed, "perhaps a doctor, or maybe something having to do with numbers. How about Fabio?"

The boy raised his arm and flexed it "Can't you tell?" He shook his head at the joke he was making before getting serious. He felt strange confessing to the other. "I would like to be a teacher, preferably elementary school." A grin crossed his face, finally shrugging. "I think kids are cute." He turned back to tending to his computer.

He nodded at the other, he could already see that his roommate had the personality and sheer attitude that would work well with children. "Yeah, they're cute, but they are annoying after awhile. At least to me." Kavi said with a shrug, picking the book back up from the bed, hardly interested in their topic of children.

He turned to say something but saw the other was already looking over the book again. "You must not be a people dude at all." He said shaking his head. Secretly he decided to make it his mission to change that about the boy. He put on his head phones and started to surf the web, checking all of his tabs he kept on his friends.

After an hour or so of being emerged in his digital world, Fabio turned to the other. "Wanna grab some grub?" he asked.

Rolling his eyes at Fabio's comment, he said nothing to contradict his assumption. Countless times he'd been told that, and before long he began to realize just how true it really was. As the other had turned to his computer, Kavi turned all of his attention to the book, he had nothing better to do.

His attention had only half been focused on the book, due to the lack of interest he held in the story, and he was easily pulled away when Fabio spoke to him. "Sounds fine to me." He said simply, bookmarking his page as he tossed it onto the bed as he sat up, reaching under the bed for his shoes.

Fabio jumped up after the boy, grabbing his jacket as he went towards the door. He paused to pick up the book inspecting it briefly to make sure the other did not damage it by folding its corners on the page. When he was satisfied he joined the other outside the door. “Where do you want to eat?

Kavi shrugged as he slipped on his own jacket, tugging on the sleeves as he started down the hall. "It hardly makes a difference to me, as long as there is a meatless option on the menu." Noticing that his glasses were dirty, the boy pulled them off of his face, quickly cleaning them off before sliding them back on.

Being the last one out of the room, Fabio took responsibility for locking the door. He could not help but jitter with excitement. "c'mo!" He called to his roommate, cleaning glasses could wait until they were happily fed. When he wasn't moving fast enough, Fabio merely pushed him along impatiently. "I saw a pub while I was out with my mums it looks like a nice place to have dinner, I kinda want to beat the drunkards... so move your ass" He said.

"Jeez, why don't you try slowing down." Kavi suggested, trying to fight against the boy's pushing, while still walking forward. "We'll get there far before the drunks do, and even if we're not the first there we'll get a fine table."However, he noticed that his attempts at slowing his roommate were failing, so he simply went along with the forced pushing. However, while he may not have protested physically, he was still able to complain. "Could you at least stop pushing me? I can keep up better if you wouldn't do that."

He relaxed his grip at the others continuous protest, no longer pushing but instead he was congo-ing behind the other. His hips swayed to an unknown jungle rhythm as he walked. "You complain... Alot man. You need to learn how to play it fast and loose." He said wiggling one of his legs as it stepped forward. "How else are you going to get a girl."

He rolled his eyes at the other, walking forward as he tried to ignore the dance-like movements of Fabio. "I have had no problem with being the way I am now," He started, folding his arms over his chest as he continued on. "Besides, there is more to life than women and having fun. And what are you doing now? Dancing as we walk?" He said, no longer being able to hold back questioning the other on his choice of movement.

“Don't question it, just let the...

He couldn't help but feel a small bit of satisfaction when the other quit dancing, but did not say more on the matter."It is not so much as getting out as choosing to participate in certain actions." Kavi commented as he gave Fabio a reasoning look before continuing on. "And on my days off I, personally, enjoy reading, or doing something rather low-key. Not one for parties or 'boarding' as you like to call it."

"Boring" The other said in a exaggerated dramatic tone. "Geeze there is more to life then books you know." As much as he loved to read even he got out more then this fellow. He shook his head digging his hands into his pocket. There must be more to this man then reading. "You don't have any hobbies outside of reading?"

Thinking for a moment, Kavi gave a small shrug. "Reading is the primary one, I don't do sports, I don't tend to play video games and the like." He waved a hand as if to get possible ideas moving in his mind. "I guess drawing? Not really a hobby though, if you ask me." Folding his arms over his chest, he turned to look at his roommate. "Should I assume you have a slew of hobbies with the way your asking about mine?"
Last edited by Poggio; 02-28-2013 at 11:53 PM.
Old Posted 02-28-2013, 11:51 PM Reply With Quote