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Default   #20   Espy Espy is offline
Sain stopped abruptly, mid-step, as an overwhelming wave of energy hit him, then instinctively unsheathed the sword and whirled around as he heard footsteps running up.

Lance's punch shoved the flat of the blade into his chest and sent the swordsman flying. He hit a tree with a rather nasty crunch, the glass bottles full of various drinks and potions shattering into pieces behind his back. Trying and failing to prop himself upright with Stormfraught, Sain dropped to both knees, wincing in pain as the glass shards dug into his back with every wheezing breath.

Then he actually looked up.

What...what is this?

The red glow that surrounded the foxkin reminded Sain of the Taint, but it was less eerie, less alluring, than the greedy grasp of darkness that had almost swallowed him whole on that fateful day.

I didn't know he could punch this hard. Are all foxkin like this...?
Old Posted 07-02-2013, 12:50 PM Reply With Quote