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Default   #90   Tiva Tiva is offline
Lynx Rufus
Originally Posted by Ultima View Post
Could users have a vote as to what old DIs we could re-release with different colors? I'd love to see DIs in colors I never use be re-released with different ones. Maybe it even could be a 4th DI and do one every month or something? I dunno XD

I've mentioned this idea before, but I think it was in the staff forum... I dunno how users would feel about it.

Edit: Or maybe vote for "continuations" for old DIs. Like, keep the same theme and make more poses to go along with the original, but it's a new DI? Hey, I'm just throwing ideas around that would give users some say. -nod-
Ulti I have said and backed this idea so much, it is a good idea for when our pixelists are too busy to do the DI's but while they can we just need to bear with them because the recolors of the DI's would still take time, and some one would get upset that the color that they wanted didn't get picked.
It is a win lose situation, but finding a list of DI's that people like and often use that can be recolored while still keeping to the Theme of the DI (EX: Seabreeze Caress(do a Rename to match the new color), Dancing Flames, Victorian Vestments) vs ones that they like but can't be recolored (Guardian Plate, Rainbow Rave, Looming Nightmare) would still be helpful.
Also the other problem is that the type of DI (Aurum or Rune) from the original must match the remakes price, and if people would purchase a recolors DI for Runes.
Old Posted 07-08-2013, 02:13 PM Reply With Quote