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Kenai Kenai is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Default 1x1 [Arrikanez & Kenai] An Adroid's Maker   #1  
Given Name: Jecht B. Tuesstol (twes-tawl?)
Species: Android
Specialization: Butler/Servant - Adaptive Programming
Biography: Jecht's activation was recent enough to not receive a formal name beyond Test Subject 01 by his captors, and his creator's enemies. Knowing this he has refused to respond to their naming and has instead responds by Jecht since he has limited knowledge preprogrammed. The android made an anagram of their name for him as a means to defy them. They seek to duplicate his advanced engineering without setting off these supposed failsafes Jecht heard them mention. As more time passes they push the limits of his firewalls and hardware more and more. Jecht, beginning to feel a sense of self-preservation, finally fights back...
Last edited by Kenai; 03-16-2014 at 10:09 PM.
Old Posted 03-16-2014, 10:01 PM Reply With Quote