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Default   #10   Gallagher Gallagher is online now
It Won't Stop
Right, so we went shopping for more materials today. For the most part, we got paints, tapes, glow in the dark stuff, wire, etc. for building parts.

What I'm working on is a seraph costume, and I'm currently cutting plates for my wings. I have about half of the largest wings laid out right now, and it will look really hot once it's finished. They're going to be layered in the front and behind separately to better mimic proper anatomy, with solid cardboard and wire in the core to support it all.

Pic linx.

The flight pair will be able to move with how we're building it up, while the other two will be static. My colors are going to be a straight white with some pale tarnished gold detailing, and glow in the dark highlights to add contrast in the dark. Most of the weight for this pair and the lower will be held by reinforced ribbons in the same kind of gold as the paint. We still have to put together a white dress/robe/toga to wear with it all, but I'll be dying my hair a white-blonde, and have picked out a mask to paint.

More pic linx

We're looking for something a bit more jester/plague doctor to combine with this mask to alter the face structure more, but because those are usually just to cheekbones, we picked up the full mask while we were there.

I'm not sure what kind of design I want to paint on them yet, but I'm gathering ideas for it.

Old Posted 10-24-2014, 06:35 PM Reply With Quote