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Black Mistress of Purple
The Story

Originally Posted by Obsidian View Post
A jagged bolt of lightning suddenly flashed before my eyes and then my world went black. Why can't I move? What happened? I vaguely saw the blur of some light. I began to slowly move towards it. The light began to increase in size and I thought I was getting closer and closer towards it before I took notice to more of my surrounding. I hadn't made any movement at all. I was still in my car, slumped over the steering wheel.
Originally Posted by Appalachia View Post
I pushed myself up from the steering wheel, despite the protest of pain from my body. I was having trouble remembering exactly what it was that I had been doing. Making my way home? It was hard to make sense of my surroundings in the dark but I could make out the outline of several bare trees and what appeared to be a signpost at the side of the road.

I opened the door of the car and stumbled out, making my way to the post. The ground was wet and the sign was covered in a splash of mud. I wiped the mess away with my shirtsleeve, trying to read the words on the sign.
Originally Posted by ml1201 View Post
After some wiping I'm able to remove most of the mud, revealing the name on the sign. It seems the sign is for Hollow Willow Street, but at least it wasn't Elm Street. I begin searching my pockets for my smartphone, finding none. Shivering a bit since the darkness and eeriness of the area is creeping me out, I wrap my arms around myself and head back to the car. Turning on the light I begin searching for the smartphone in there. If I can find it then I can figure out possibly where I was going and why; that is of course if I actually owned one. But in this day in age not many people didn't.

Finding it under the passenger seat, I smile as I bring it up to look at. Pressing the power button I try to turn it on but nothing happens. Cursing under my breath I try removing and replacing the battery, then flipping it over to try again. In the screen I see something ghastly reflected on it behind me. Is it a trick of the light? I turn around quickly, trying to see what it is, a trick or real?
Originally Posted by AutobotDen View Post
Luckily, or unluckily depending on your viewpoint, there was nothing there. Maybe I was seeing things... Maybe I'd hit my head harder than I'd originally thought. Hopefully someone would notice the accident and stop to investigate. That is, if the weather started to clear up.

Trying one more time to get the phone to turn on, my moment of ecstasy was cut short as I realized I had no signal what so ever. I'd gotten dangerously close to going over my data plan's limits recently, so I'd have to keep that as an absolute last resort. Looking around, I began assessing my surroundings. There was the post with the street name, my car...
Originally Posted by Obsidian View Post
...and trees lining down the dirt road, announcing an old building of sorts. I turned the key in the ignition which only resulted in sounding like an empty machine gun. The next two turns had the same result. I smacked my hands on the steering wheel. Well, I have no choice. I'll have to either walk back where I came from, or go to the nearest building down the road. My eyes shifted to the directly I came from. It seemed like an endless dirt road. I turned towards the opposite direction. I must have been going to that buidling, but why?

I put my cell in my pocket and began the long walk towards the building.
Originally Posted by Appalachia View Post
As I walk toward the building I can’t help but wish I had on warmer clothing. The place looks long since abandoned, no hope of warmth. I keep a steady pace but I can’t keep my eyes from darting from side to side, scanning the trees in search of any danger. I’m sure whatever was behind me earlier was just a trick, but it’s hard not to imagine something horrible coming to get me in a place like this.
As I get closer to the building I can make out more detail. Broken glass, dead lawn, and something black on one of the windows. Moving closer I can see that at one time something had been written here, but the breaks in the glass have carried away pieces and it’s hard to read.

Peering inside I can see a large room, a table scattered with a few papers. I move to the door and push, a little surprised when it swings open.
Originally Posted by Lawtan View Post
The wooden door slammed open against a pale stained wall with a smash, as if there was no resistance whatsoever. A tad surprised, I hovered at the entrance, trying to gauge the interior. The entryway was...rather blank. Glass and papers littered the floor, but the walls held nothing. No bookcases, no racks - an anxiety and peace warred in my heart from the sheer lack.

A scent - clear water with a metallic tinge - wafted into my nose. For what reason would I be at this place? Surely it is abandoned and perhaps even illegal to trespass. However, despite my misgivings, my legs pushed me forwards. Like a marionette on strings, I was pulled into the rotten, empty, building.
Originally Posted by AutobotDen View Post
"H-Hello? Is anyone here?" I called out, voice quavering slightly. "If there's someone here, I'm just looking for a phone to call for help..." Yeah, like there would be a phone in this place... Why had I even come in here, anyway? It wasn't as though there were obvious signs of life.

Another flash of lightning, followed shortly by a sharp crack of thunder, startled me, causing me to flinch and look around for shelter. At least I was out of danger from the coming storm... "Hello? Is someone in here? I kind of crashed my car, and I need to call someone to come get me..."
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Last edited by Obsidian; 11-05-2015 at 08:05 PM.
Old Posted 10-25-2015, 10:07 PM