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Default   #36   Nari Nari is offline
The Artsy One
The world was a dark, cold, lifeless place. All around, people went about their day to day lives with little abandon. The hairspray fog of the 80s clung to cracked faux-leather jackets and ballerina skirts, and the large hair was starting to flatten. There seemed little hope for this lifeless husk of a world, when out of the shadows, and on the horizon, a glimmer of hope, there stood an ambitious child, clutching a crayon, and holding it to the sky. From that crayon, color seeped back into the world. Beauiful, life-filled color it was, and the world once more rejoiced in the glory of art, and the smell of paper, and the music of lead being dragged across paper in swoops and swirls. It carried the world through the techno-colored 90s to the glorious new millenium. Now, 26 years later, she dare not give up, or the world may fall back into the despair of that hairspray-fogged 80s slump.
Last edited by Nari; 12-03-2015 at 02:09 AM.
Old Posted 12-03-2015, 02:07 AM Reply With Quote