Thread: Vampiric Kiss
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Default   #2   Rozen Rozen is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
Faye couldn't sleep, she always had trouble sleeping at night so when she heard movement, she wondered if that was one of her parents. Grabbing her teddy bear that she carried everywhere, it was rather a mess, the eyes was missing, it was stained with an array of different colors from where, no one would know. There was even stuffing coming out of it as it began to rip but never once did she ask to get a new teddy. Soon after she heard one set of footsteps, she heard another. As she got to the living room, she watched as the man drain the life out of her father. he didn't know what to make of them who who had blood on his face and who had so obviously murdered her parents. She clutched the teddy bear tighter as she slowly walked up to him. Most would feel fear, but not the little girl. She didn't know what she felt but it wasn't fear.

Looking at her dead parents, she felt like she was in a daze. She couldn't understand exactly what was going on, everything was feeling like some sort of dream, nothing felt real to her. Reaching up to the man, she showed him her teddy. "Here. You need him more."Faye told the stranger fully expecting him to take her teddy. She loved it, was practically inseparable with it. The stranger seemed rather lonely and she didn't think anyone should be alone.

Old Posted 01-19-2016, 07:21 PM Reply With Quote