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PurpleBox PurpleBox is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
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Frost nodded and used her magic to tag the heart as on hold, and lifted it towards the counter with the same magic. She blinked when Crystaline asked her if Cyclone was single. "I wouldn't know if he's watching you.... though knowing him he totally is. Very shy that Cyclone Kick." She smiled before continuing. "He's single as far as I know." She finished. She excused herself when another customer got her attention by tapping her shoulder.

Frost waved goodbye to her fellow artist unicorn and the day moved on, by dinner time she was ready to close the shop, her face hurt from smiling so much, now she knew how her cousin had felt all those years of forced smile. Though Frost's weren't forced, she just wasnt used to smiling so much.

Her auntie and uncle had gone once this had calmed down, Operetta wanted to go out to some fancy restaurant for dinner, and Clarence wasn't one to say no to his wife, more so when she's actually behaved herself today with not mocking any of the none 'elite' ponies. Frost's shop wasnt in the fanciest of area's but it woudl do her well to have it there.

"I'm about to fall asleep, I don't know how sales ponies do this every day... I have a hard enough time with the few customers I make potions for..." DD said with a sigh rubbing the sides of her face, she seamed more relaxed now that her mother was gone. Frost's parents and brothers had where up in Frost's apartment, Rumble had be loud close to the end and the vibrations had knocked the small food table off it's self, and had drenched the two colts in punch.

Now Frost was just waiting for Crystaline to come pick up the heart she'd put on hold. Cyclone was flexing his wings, a nervous habit of many a Pegasus.
Old Posted 11-24-2017, 07:43 PM Reply With Quote