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Default   #28   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Josef laughed, “How could I forget? We almost killed each other. And ah...I almost killed Ashi. Pretty embarrassing now that I look back at it.” Funny how much things had changed since then. The two he was at one point aiming a gun to were now his best friends, one of which was a vampire, there was actually a surface. Yeah, a lot had changed.

“Yes, yes booze I think is the best idea. But then, we need to look for Val. See if we can get anything out of surviving that fucking hive,” Josef said smirking, opening the door for his friend. “Shall we?”
Ashi, on the other hand, was completely calm. Neutral, even. It was out of character, but she felt completely confident that they had everything under control. Then, after witnessing the power of Drishe, she knew that they could do anything. And Drishe was her side. She gasped as her feet lifted from the ground until she realized that Drishe was actually entering protective measures.

“Mmm, no. I mean, not really. Sure, humans know about us now, but we are still stronger than them. Our prospects are better against humans than vampires like Elizabeth anyway. I mean, if you think about it,” she smiled at Drishe through squinted eyes because of the sand. “If things get too bad, we'll just leave. They can't actually hold us here, can they?”

She watched as Drishe disappeared into her own world for a little while and came back, wondering what she'd just experienced on her own, and she was glad when her feet touched the ground. “We'll be okay, right?”

“Not likely.” Ashi blinked and looked around. The voice came from beside them and Ashi looked over. Sure enough, there was a hole in the wall and Ashi could make out a profile from a face undoubtedly belonging to one of the others they either suspected or was here for experimental reasons. But, she didn't look sick when Ashi crouched down to look, “Drishe if you would. For reasons. Hey, so uh...apparently you're in quarantine too?”

The face turned to look through the hole, but the hole was small enough that one could only see a pair of green eyes, “Kind of. Technically, I'm safe. I'm not one of the ones that went feral. My body reacted differently. Their reasoning for keeping me here is the simple fact that I have it.” The voice gave a bitter laugh and Ashi blinked, looking back up to Drishe to see if they should keep the conversation going.
Old Posted 11-26-2017, 06:29 PM Reply With Quote