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SUBJECT: Justice?
AUTHOR: Rock [DLN-001], Thomas X. Light
DATE: June 29, 20XX
FORMAT: Video (multiple streams)

A pair of videos opens up to play back a video call between Mega Man on the left and Dr. Light on the right.

"It's been two weeks since the last Robot Master attack!" Mega Man looks frustrated. "Why aren't we doing anything?"

Dr. Light sighs deeply. "We ARE doing something. Dr. Wily is a very intelligent, very crafty man. You already know that. So when he tries to hide... it's very hard to find him. I started searching as soon as I got your report back from fighting Metal Man, and every time you fought a Robot Master I was able to refine the search parameters."

"In that case that means you've been searching for over six weeks! Why haven't you found him yet? Why is this so hard?"

"He's being careful. He's not broadcasting anything unless he has to. So the only information I have is what you were able to intercept while fighting. I'm using those to try to visually locate his fortress in satellite imagery. It shouldn't be too much longer now, in fact. I've already ruled out 85% of the planet."

The super fighting robot scowls in an irritated glower. "Right, I know... Why is this so hard for ME?"

Dr. Light's expression softens, patient and paternal. "Oh, Rock... I understand. I really do. You're frustrated because there's something that you feel is important and you can't do anything about it."

"Why did you program me that way, then, Dr. Light?" Mega Man's irritated glare is starting to soften with sadness.

"I didn't."

Mega Man blinks, surprised. "What? Then... Dr. Wily did?"

Light shakes his head. "No, Rock. The two of us built your body. Albert made some of the important breakthroughs that made Robot Master AI work, and that includes yours, but I wrote your personality program. I built you to be caring and compassionate, to be helpful, to value human life, and to value justice. But that feeling you're feeling right now?" He pauses for effect. "That's all you, son. I didn't put that there."

"I don't understand..."

"Neither do I." The old scientist chuckles a little. "You're one-of-a-kind, Rock. Even in the short time since you were first activated, you've grown in ways I never imagined. Do you remember last year, how surprised I was when you volunteered to become Mega Man?"

"Yes, I remember..."

"That was a choice you made on your own. It was my first indication that there was more to you than just another robot AI. And instead of being proud of myself for creating a robot that could do that... I'm proud of you, son."

"I'll... do my best to live up to that."

"I'm sure you will, Rock. Just... please be careful. I don't want to lose you."

SUBJECT: Coordinates of Dr. Wily's Base
AUTHOR: Thomas X. Light
DATE: July 1, 20XX
FORMAT: Plain Text with attachments

Mega Man,

I've found the location of Dr. Wily's base. The coordinates are attached to this message. As usual, Dr. Wily has a teleportation interdiction around the fortress, so you will need to teleport in a short distance away and approach on foot. Do not attempt to use Item-2 to fly into the base, because it has aggressive anti-air defenses. Item-1 and Item-3 should be safe to use during your approach. You will need to rely on your own discretion to determine if your items will be safe to use once inside.

Dr. Light

SUBJECT: Re: Security Footage - Front Entrance
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: July 2, 20XX

"WHAT?!" Dr. Wily shrieks in disbelief. "That... argh! First they FIND my laboratory. Then DLN-001 gets past my perimeter defenses. But now THIS? How can it use the Atomic Fire without melting down?!"

There's a sound of rapid typing, a sound of a stack of papers being scattered, and a sound of something heavy being thrown across the room.

"All systems to red alert! Full lethality! Extend the floor spikes!" A klaxon starts to blare, and then comes the unmistakeable sound of Wily's saucer powering up. "Open the tunnel to my bunker!"
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 12-09-2017, 02:21 AM Reply With Quote