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Default   #4   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Zentha, bow in hand, was making her way through the forest, afraid that her stomach (currently seeming to be possessed by some demon from the Underworld) might scare away any potential prey. She was a great shot, but she simply did not want to bother with the hassle of gutting and cleaning something just for a meal when in any other gods forsaken place she'd be making enough gold to feed her and several others for weeks to come.

Now though, the lass was dead broke, and she was hungry. But a few steps into the forest and her growling gut betrayed her and she was greeted by a loud “Who goes there?”

Zen jumped, startled, “Ah! Uhm! No one--” But she stopped midsentence seeing the tree like figure before her. No wonder she missed him. “ one of consequence anyway...” She took several steps back until her back hit a trunk of a tree. “I was just hunting...I can't find a job, you see, and I'm terribly hungry.”
Old Posted 12-23-2017, 12:49 PM Reply With Quote