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Default   #4   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Arabella frowned with Wisp immediately searching for a taller person when at this point she most certainly should have recognized her voice. They'd been (unfortunately, again, from Arabella's point of view) paired together on countless missions—more than likely because Arabella would ensure that the job could get done without massive amounts of destruction following in their wake. “Hm? Parasite? No. I have a new Daughter and already she is showing more promise than the last few to join our ranks combined. I am thankful that I was the one paired with her.” Kastivi was beaming. These were things that she had never heard, and certainly wouldn't have guessed with her master's severity in virtually all things. Arabella paid no mind to the spoke of apprentice, however, and kept speaking, “It is true that this world is tailored to more human races, but I have my own methods of reaching the typically unaccessable.” This last sentence was uttered with a bit of a frown and inherited a snort from her apprentice. Had they been alone, Kastivi would have received the worst of glares, but as it was, Arabella paid her no mind.

Instead, her eyes shifted up to Wisp's tall apprentice and she gave him a snort of her own, “No. No you do not. I will tell you they died slow and miserable deaths, however.” Kastivi clapped a hand over her mouth with Christoval's response. She couldn't imagine speaking like that to Arabella. She'd learned long ago that height made no difference to the halfling and that one did not speak to her with anything less than reverence. “Then you have been living under a rock, knight. The Daughters have earned a very high reputation with the leaders of many great cities and towns, such as this one.”

Kastivi brightened and held out her hand to the knight, “My name is Kastivi. And this is my master, Arabella. She is training me in the ways of the Daughters.” Immediately, she hoped that they would be traveling together, a friendly face seeming that foreign to her. Life with the Daughters was good and all, but it was all rules and regulations. Reputation. Arabella narrowed her eyes, “We will accompany you. Not for your sake, mind you.” She nodded up at Wisp's apprentice, “But for his. Kastivi, come. We have to sign up and I imagine we'll be on our way come day break.”
Old Posted 12-30-2017, 01:20 AM Reply With Quote