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sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
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"All of the evidence points to this household, Miss Ward," Simon said, narrowing his eyes slightly. He stayed right where he was, watching her pitiful display. She had to know that he knew. "Yes, your grandmother was much too feeble to even take care of herself prior to your coming here, I'd be willing to bet. I do find it quite interesting at your lack of staff."

It was an interesting waltz that they were dancing, and Simon had to be careful. Before he could make a move, he needed assess the situation and the power level of the vampire. At a minimum, she'd been turned a decade ago, and at maximum? Well, there was no way to tell that just yet. Simon shook his head, producing a badge, "I cannot leave I'm afraid, Miss Ward. You see, I'm an investigator, and if I thought I had my hands full with a murder and a missing person, apparently now I must make that two murders. I am going to need to request you lead me to the body for an inspection, and I will be needing to call the mortician as well to cart the body away and prepare it for burial...unless this isn't a Christian home?"
Old Posted 01-01-2018, 12:27 AM Reply With Quote