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sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
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Before the twins managed to turn A'vi around to lead her out the door, she shot each of them a glance that left each of them bristling and cringing. They were going to get a stern talking to later, and their booze rations might even be reduced which would be the exact opposite of good for the boys. “Ah'll get the chance t'see some o' yer skills later. After yer brandin'. Ye'll get yer chance once yer marked as one of us, to us, an' t' everyone else. Et'll make ye as wanted as anyone who gets t' keep their lives after steppin' foot on the Cry.”

The twins froze and A'vi kept walking, knowing right where it was that they were keeping Marco thereby needing no guidance, each of the boys turning their heads slowly to Tennan. They'd happily forgotten the part of the deal where she'd be needing a brand to even set sail with them. Marco would be needing much the same, but he'd seen absolutely nothing so if he refused they could just toss him overboard, should they choose to let him live. The captain went in first, unlocking the cell door with her Master's key and pursed her lips looking at the sleeping form of the man laid out in the cot. “This es Marco Devana? 'E doesn't look like much, does 'e?” she muttered shaking her head.

“Ah, but Miss A'vi, 'ave ye ever seen the lad shoot? 'e can shoot jes' about anythin', an' can ye imagine what 'e'd be able t'do with explosives an' the like?!” Damon asked stepping in front of Marco and putting his hands out defensively. Roek immediately joined his brother's side.

“E'd still be the runnin' champ if 'e wasn't wanted t'the 'ells an' back on Ariacan!”

“What's 'e wanted for?” A'vi asked simply, looking to the boys for explanation, already peeved enough that they'd brought him, let alone another on board. It wasn't like them to be making friends so easily, however, so she was forced to believe that they were up to something as per usual. And, as per usual, the captain was ready to let them get away with it.

“Wh-where am I?” came a groggy voice, drawing the eyes of all in the room. Marco Devana was waking up.

His eye found A'vi first, his heart beating faster. Was that...No, it couldn't be. A'vi Rayt was dead...Why would he be dreaming of her now? He'd heard about her in passing, seen the wanted posters like anyone else, but those posters had long been removed under the supposition of her death. It was rumoured everywhere. Survivors from attacks led by the Cry were few enough and far between, but none of them ever saw the infamous captain's daughter. Supposedly, it was her death that led to the Cry's sudden burst of aggression. No one got past the Cry unless the Captain wanted them that way by means of spreading the warning. “You can't be her, can you? Not really...”

“Ah suggest ye keep yer mouth shut, boy. We're aboard the 'Angman's Cry, an' yer wanted t'be part o' the crew by recommendations from some o' the crew. So what say you?” A'vi said, getting in his face.

Marco blinked, his right eye, as per usual, not being of any assistance. This was definitely her. He could see the scar on her cheek, just like the posters. He could see the possibilities. None of them good. Absolutely none of them. “D-do I have a choice?”

“Well,” Damon said chiming in, a smarmy grin on his face, “We could turn ye in?”

Marco groaned, “I'll join...”

The twins gave each other a high-five.


“Q-Qian...Bao,” the small girl said in response. Her body was still shaking as a trembling hand worked to operate the buckle necessary to “buckle up.” Squeaking, she drew her knees up to her chest, interlacing her fingers around her legs. “Thank you for saving me,” she managed before the announcement that forced the girl to cover her ears.

“I...I should h-hide b-before they catch you...”
Old Posted 01-16-2018, 01:35 AM Reply With Quote