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Two Fish
Her smile was precious. He almost felt guilty for having seen it. For surely, he did not deserve it. He merely nodded, and smiled in return. His too, quite genuine a response as he did not expect to have one as genuine as hers. "There is endless fish in this sea." He said as he cast a line. They were in the middle of the red sea now. There were all sorts of fish on Xitchal, from the raging Lunatic (comparable to Earth's anglerfish only in shallower water), to the Fae (like miniature mermaids that bite).

"Gunslinger is... Well, Gunslinger's - " Before he could finish his sentence his rod was yanked and he stood up to reel in the perpetrator. The sound of his line being reeled in made him grin from cheek to cheek. "The Gunslinger's a sort of casino planet. It's got games, clubs, people from every solar system in the district, and best of all, every man for himself." He groaned at the last part, struggling to pull in his catch. And just when Ilan thought he had it, the sucker got away. He plopped back down to the planks of wood forming seats.

"That was a big one." He tried to reassure his masculinity as he looked over his fishless hook, then laughed. "There are other people here. They're probably at the temples in town center. That's more of a hot spot than fishing." He glanced over at Qi. "Not that I mind being alone with you. We'll be alone for a long time anyways, might as well get to know each other." Deeply, intensely. He heard his mind continue that sentence. Ilan wanted to know all of Qi's dark tunnels and pathways merging in her mind.

"Honestly, I just stopped at Guang Da because it was the nearest fill up station." He shrugged, laughing a little nervously. "I've heard good things about it. Mainly from older natives who escaped before the Yingya really took over. What are they like - the Yingya?"

> > > > > >

"FUCK that hurts!" Tennan yelped as the mechanic fiddled with her mask. A sort of screwdriver was lodged into a tiny opening near the dent in her head.

"I'm bein' as gentle as a butterfly, dear - bare with me!" Sweat rolled down his face as he tried to pry open the biomechanical appendage.

"Arrghhhh! Have you ever worked with Dasyrian before?" And just like that pop! The mechanic was revealed a mass of fleshy fat that sat where a human's eyes would. It almost looked like clear gelatin. If one looked close enough you might see a brain. This was the most exposed Tennan had been perhaps ever. She started to rethink her decision to let a stranger fix her.

"Never." Was all he said, in awe and disgust when looking down at her. She couldn't see him, but she could feel every fold in his face turn as he looked at her.

"Don't scowl at me! Just beat out that dent, and fast!" She panted, desperate to have her fleshy underbelly protected again.

"Lucky fer you, I'ma mean blacksmith. He grunted, turning to a table which had an array of smashing tools. He mulled over his options and landed on a nice, heavy mallet. With which he slammed the backside of her face piece repeatedly. Each whack sent sharp stings through Tennan's goopy forehead. She gritted her teeth, hoping for it to end soon. She had to wonder how her friend Marco was doing.

-- -- -- --

2 Hours Later

Finally, it was time to eat. Tennan was delicate now, and basically nonverbal. She kept her head low, still sensitive to every sound in the room. Her body was frail, and so was her mind. She was useless. Useless. Useless. Oh how she hated being rejuvenated. Oh how desperately she wanted revenge.
Old Posted 06-05-2018, 02:28 AM Reply With Quote