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Default   #18   TheFabledBiscuit TheFabledBiscuit is offline
Addicted to Trisphee
Anna didn't say a word to the two as she dug through Victors pack, she pulled out the fresh meat he had caught the prior day and paused while making sure it was still good. "This can't be more than 2 days old..." she sat silently for moment eyeing the carefully cut meat portioned into rations for his previous party. She took the meat out placing them on a hot skillet and added her own sides to go with.
She watched Yoruba work keeping out of the woman's way she seemed to not be all words working with the pieces she provided quickly, and even producing some results from the tests she ran.
It would be best in her mind if she just avoided any confrontation with Yoruba at the moment, they seemed to disagree on a variety of things and instead chose to take a seat next to Emily who had not spoken much since arriving.
Max growled at the woman, not too fond of Anna as well, the husky had laid next to Emily since arriving, he had remained quiet for the most part other than the soft whining every now and then.
"How.. - - how long did you know Victor for?" Anna asked not making eye contact after the question. She slid a plate of food towards Emily keeping her attention on Max. "You should eat, this was probably caught the day I ran into you all." Anna brushed her hair out of her eyes as she spoke hoping she could make some sort of peace before venturing out.
Old Posted 06-15-2018, 06:30 PM Reply With Quote