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Default   #26   TheFabledBiscuit TheFabledBiscuit is offline
Addicted to Trisphee
Karla let out a exaggerated gasp once they reached the outside, she looked towards the human who still remained unconscious before turning to the wolf. "I'll leave it to you to bring him to a hospital, I don't think there's anything they can do about his eye, through magic or medicine unfortunately he'll likely remain blind in that eye for the rest of his life." she paced uneasy questioning what she should do, the spirits talked about someone in charge, if it were true then taking action against the MagusCore outright in the open may be a mistake she sighed running her hands through her hair. "Do me a favor, when he wakes, we will all need to talk, how about that pub on the other corner of town? The witches brew? I hear its a popular spot, yet desolate enough that I won't have to worry about having to watch my back for a knife." Karla decided against reporting every detail of the building only revealing that the human was rescued though the spirits remain a problem. A reputable exorcist should be able to take care of that problem so the building would be safe to atleast be occupied for the time being.
"I'm trusting you aren't going to skip town, so I'll see you and him next week lets say? I've got something else I need to take care of at the moment. If anything comes up however just give me a call on my personal line." She brushed her hair aside before handing Oliver her personal card, she glanced at herself in the mirror and groaned, sweaty and covered in wolf fur exactly the opposite what she had in mind. Karla waved to the wolf who had already taken off to get Ryan aid as she turned back towards the station, thankfully the buildings weren't far off, it would only take her a few moments to arrive to see if her beloved red head had decided to show up.
Karla grinned as she spotted Hannabelle from behind, she had decided to show up after all.
"You're having a lovely date is obviously the right answer, atleast until you see the mess of a person I am right now." Karla stepped in front of the witch, admiring the woman once again, she wasn't entirely sure what drew her so strongly to the woman, it was almost the same feeling she had when she acquired powerful artifacts.
"So you showed up after all! I'm so glad, especially after you saw.. err well too much lets put it that way. So is there anything you are craving? Money's not an issue so if nothing else take advantage of this night to spoil yourself to a great dinner."
She tried desperately picking at the hair that still clung to her clothes sighing after a few moments admitting defeat. She glanced back up to the redhead giving a warm shy smile hoping that her appearance or magick would deter her too much.
Old Posted 06-18-2018, 03:35 AM Reply With Quote