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Default   #24   TheFabledBiscuit TheFabledBiscuit is offline
Addicted to Trisphee
"Hunting you? Why didn't you just set a trap and take him out yourself?" Anna asked before clasping a hand over her mouth, she didn't mean to put Emily on the spot, instead speaking without thinking first as usual. "I mean... I'm sorry... I'm sure there's a good reason it wasn't possible..."
Anna's face flushed with guilt as she desperately tried to think of a way to change the subject though her mind couldn't seem to grasp at anything but the man who shot Victor.
"Was he always so... insane? He had men with him, why would anyone travel with somebody so... unstable." she tapped her chin in wonder before shaking her head standing to her feet.
"If we're going to overstock there are only two places I can think of that will be overflowing with fresh fish, as well as bag us a large kill."
Anna opened the door and pointed in off to a small path not far from her cabin for Emily to follow. "That'll be the path we take, made it myself, You going to be alright by yourself?" She watched Yoruba return to her work wondering if there was even a point to asking, she was more than likely thrilled Anna wouldn't be bothering her any longer today.
The dead leaves crunched under her feet as she followed Emily, she fell silent unsure of what to ask the woman, the husky stayed at her side though one could easily tell it was still in distraught over Victor. The cold air made her shiver as she rubbed her hands together trying to regain feeling into them as they made their way to a decent sized river.
"If we can makeshift some sorta net, an hour or two in the water should catch us plenty of food, we can also try to take out a doe if you'd like. A little variety could be nice."
Old Posted 06-21-2018, 07:01 AM Reply With Quote