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PurpleBox PurpleBox is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
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In the dark once the flashlight had been turned off they would be able to make out vague silhouettes, big men that could do a lot of damage on their own. The slightly muffled voices that echoes gave the impression that the men were also wearing masks.

“Boss wants the last of what’s left, pills, the liquid stuff you need the needles for...the cloth they use for wraps….all of it, fan out…. but don’t go to far…. Josh scouted here…. got bit by a big mother fucker, ever cutting off the rotting leg didn’t help. Bang.” One muffled voice echoed down the halls.

A few of the men nodded but one just crossed his arms. “Josh could have been lying about what one of the infected fuckers bit him, always spinning a yarn that one.” This man walked off in a direction, like the others, but he would go deeper into the hospital. He passed the hall that Taka and Aren where in, he stopped, turned his own flashlight on, a crappy shoulder one that was orange, faded with time.

The light bounced off the walls, he noticed the groves carved into the floor and hummed to himself, he however did not notice one of the derelict doors shutting just on the other side of those groves.

Ducking into empty rooms as one hears approaching footsteps can be risky, this time it paid off for the duo hunting for medicine to save a certain ginger man.
Tristan didn’t know if what his brother had was infectious...he continued to change the wet cloths for his brothers fever, and between that he was pressing himself up against Ian’s slim chest, gaining comfort from the heated body. For a moment Tristan was reliving a faded memory of clinging to this same chest, it had just been smaller, during a bitter winter. Before they had come to this city, they had been on their own after the small town their mother had died in had fallen, Ian had only told Tristan that the people didn’t get along, had different ideas about how to do things…

Now Tristan wonders if the city was headed down the same path. He may be young but he overheard many of the citizens talking about how they didn’t like the military and how they dealt with things...and he remembered how people in their old district had started to follow his brother’s old partner… well the abled body ones any way.

Underneath him Ian began to groan and pant in pain, this had Tristan begin to hum a old song, one that their mother had sung to Ian and Tristan to help them sleep, and Ian had continued to do so for Tristan after their mother had died.

Mavrik’s men had left the building, thankfully, yet they were still close by, waiting in the next building over that doubled as a motel of sorts for people ‘visiting’ from other districts of the city. They knew that if they returned without something to hand over to Mavrik they’d be shot questions… though the shorter man still wondered just why their Boss was so obsessed with the ginger twat.

Sure the freckled fuck had been one of the best smugglers of the gang, up there is power next to the boss, he’d made sure everyone got a cut, even if it meant giving up his own...he’d been weak, caring about others like that….and then there was his rarely seen little brat brother….no one really knew what he looked like… only Mavrik did and all he ever described the brat as was, ‘pale and clingy’. The pair had heard stories about how the Ginger Twat would leave the boss in the middle of something steamy if his walkie talkie went off and his brother wanted him home for whatever reason.

To these men, and Maverik, as well as most of the gang, this was a weakness.
There were five men in total that had broken into the hospital along side Aren and Taka, they were surprisingly easy to sneak around, it didn’t take long for the pair to find the map of the hospital painted in fading paint on the wall, the medicine that Ian would need would be stored in a lower room, in the den of the beast, one that they’d heard take out one of these men already when he’d barely walked into its territory and tried to fight it.

The big infected roar was definating, it made any nearby glass shake with the force of it, as it moved small puffs of spores escaped its mouth, and small growths of fungal pods on its hulking back. This thing would be a deadly fight… if only they could burn it out….with the rain outside, and falling into the hospital from caved in roofs and the like, it would be a hard fight. Thankfully it seemed that the beast of focused on the group of men, stalking them down with it’s lumbering heavy steps.
Old Posted 11-10-2018, 12:59 PM Reply With Quote