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The only Prof. of Fizzyology


Hello all this will be my first offical entry in my diary :3

For my first entry, I wanted to post one of my favourite stories that I've written.

This story is based off of a dream that I once had. Well...I guess nightmare would be more appropriate.

There was never a proper title for this.

Enjoy and please tell me what you think :3


"Clara! Slow down!" I huffed as I was being dragged by my giddy older sister. As usual, she had talked me into letting her drag me off to one of her weird hangouts, this time a type of costume dance club, the few lights flashed and glittered in random directions with the pulsing beat that rang throughout the whole building, people dancing erratically in such close proximity with one another that a claustrophobic person would die from the lack of a space bubble. What's worse was that not only had she gotten me to come with her to this "Gothic" style box of sweaty bodies and smoke, she had actually convinced me into dressing up myself. Oh the things I did for my sister's enjoyment.

So here I was being dragged to a hallway of the club, full clad in a fake blood splattered nurse's uniform, ripped stockings, and, awkward enough as it was for a 21 year old male to be wearing such an outfit, a pair of leather stilettos were tightly attached to my feet, making it even harder to keep up with my crazy sister.

She giggled as she and I walked into a large back room, blindingly white that stung the eyes as we entered from the sheer contrast from the dark main room to this whitewashed one.

"But you're outfit isn't complete yet silly!" She practically squealed and jumped for joy as she pulled me through the bustling room.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned her exasperatedly, blushing furiously as I heard several cat calls and whistles from a group of people who were busy starting at my backside. I looked around in attempt to ignore my ever growing fan club behind me, finally noticing what was going on in the room.

There were several mirrors all along the walls, lined with chairs and counters that were littered with various hair care and makeup products, several people were applying makeup and/or styling others hair. I gulped and tempted to pry my arm from her grasp for the millionth time tonight.

"You've GOT to be kidding me, right? Makeup?!"

She simply held on tighter, my hand going numb thanks to lack of blood circulating, and led me to the back of the room, where an...interestingly dressed man was dusting off the chair in the corner.

Let's stop a moment and look at how he's dressed shall we? I mean he made me feel a bit better about my outrageous outfit! The man's hair was two toned; black with yellow highlights only at the long spiky tips, and two...pigtails(?) sprouted from the back bound in what looked like white tape, making them curve and defy gravity rather than hang straight. He was wearing a deep purple tank top that barely stretched past his chest, his abs and navel completly exposed, a long purple skirt hung dangerously low around his hips, but that wasn't the worst of it, there was a long slit on the side of the skirt that went all the way back up to his hips, making it unbearably obvious that he was currently going commando, along with purple knee high stocking and brown shoes. The brown shoes were the only thing that actually looked normal.

I swear I've seen a character like him a video game maybe? I don't know but that outfit certainly isn't something for the public.

He looked up from his absent minded cleaning as my sister and I, unwillingly might I add, headed closer. He flashed a smile at my sister and spoke, his deep voice almost growling as he waved once.

"Clara, came back I see. And with a friend." He smiled, looking as if he was holding back a laugh as he looked me up and down. I felt my face heating up as I looked away. Why, WHY did I ever agree to wear whatever my sister picked out tonight?!

"MMhm! This is my younger brother, the one I told you about remember?" Clara smiled and finally let go of my hand but practically forced me into the chair.

"His outfit isn't quite complete yet, don't you think?"

"Clara..." I nearly whined, seriously not happy with the way those two were exchanging glances at each other, me, and then back to each other again.

The man agreed with my sister, apparently they both thought it fun to practically torture me. Clara's phone randomly started screeching some custom made sound that was supposed to be a song. She opened it, apparently reading a text message of some sort and giggled again, snapping it shut.

"A friend's waiting for me at the front door, so I'll just leave you to your job Alex. See you later, Rai!" She waved, and before I could protest she skipped out of the room. I sighed, my head was beginning to hurt. What had I gotten myself into this time.

The man who I assumed was named Alex laughed at my expression before pulling up another chair and sitting in front of me, tray of different coloured face paint and various utensils in one hand.

"If you're her brother I would have figured you'd be smart enough when to tell her no." He teased, obviously amused at my expense as he grabbed a nearby rubber band and tied up my long hair to keep out of the way. I sighed again, giving up trying to come up with a way out of this.

"Unfortunately, I just can't say no to her. Besides, she may be a bit off her rocker but she's still a great sister."

Alex seemed to stop moving for a moment but then went right back to fiddling with the paints, so I shrugged it off without a thought.

"Sounds like you two are close, huh?" He asked with a small smile as he applied a white base on me, I'm guessing to make me look paler since my sister had decided to make me go with the 'zombie nurse' look. I looked away, absentmindedly watching the people behind me through the mirror.

"Not really...We actually didn't get along much until after I started high school. It's not like we fought or anything, she just pretty much ignored me or just wasn't around back then.Though once I started high school and she moved out of the house, she suddenly started talking with me. I guess it'd be because of our parents, they were always saying something negative to her..." I trailed off, half wondering why I was even talking about this to a stranger.

Oddly enough he looked a little...upset about something, but I kept quiet due to both not knowing what to say and the fact that he was applying some black paint around my mouth, making it look like stitches. My face felt strangely warm where the brush touched my skin.

"You didn't question her about the sudden change of heart?" He asked randomly as he mixed more colours together.

"Of course not." I said, my speech seemed to be slowing down, and my eyelids were getting heavy, I felt light headed as I struggled to keep my speech understandable.

"We may not have talked often before but I still loved my sister so when she started talking to me, I wanted to catch up on the missed times...I was so happy when she and I started talking agai-" My vision began to dim, I could barely keep my head up. With my last waking moment I looked up at Alex's face...was his expression...pity?

"Alex?" I asked before passing out.

Kudos to those who figure out where Alex's Costume comes from :3

Well, this post is long enough I think lol. So leave me a comment if you please :3

ALSO: For awhile I'll probably be posting a new one everyday or try to at least, because I want to record my fav. works of art here.

Till Next time,

Prof. Fizzy

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Member since Nov. 4th 2010
Last edited by Fizzyology; 11-11-2010 at 01:34 PM.
Old Posted 11-08-2010, 04:19 PM Reply With Quote